Episode 109 – Coaching, Bar Codes, Tornadoes And Being Thankful

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We have great respect for severe weather here in Tornado Alley.

Today is 11.11.11. Too bad I couldn’t have set it up so today’s episode would be number 111. I obviously should work on my long-term strategy better.

Let’s talk about coaching and providing meaningful help to others. Trusted advisor isn’t just some marketing malarky, it’s real-world relationship building.

I’m also going to share with you the first BulaNetwork production. Well, it’s the first real production of this new media company I’m now running.

I’ll end today’s show with two T’s – tornadoes and thanksgiving!

Some links to things mentioned in today’s show:

The Dan Patrick Show
David Meerman Scott’s post about coaching
Steve Farber
Tommy Spaulding
Bar Code Radio, the first real Bula Network production
Text Expander, a great keystroke short cut Mac program
Google Analytics and other tracking resources
• What do you think of the new tagline, A New Media Company Operated By A Business Builder?
Storm Chasers, the TV show
Reed Timmer, an extreme meteorologist based in Norman, Oklahoma
Reed’s Tweets are often very informative
• I hope whatever dark clouds exist in your life have a silver lining

I know I didn’t get around to discussing 2012 projections and planning. We’ll do that in an upcoming show. Many business people have inquired about what process might be most helpful. I decided that really needs to be a single episode fully devoted to those ideas. Look for that episode to come down the stream in the next few weeks! In the meantime, do you have a process you find especially useful? I’d love to hear about it.

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Thanks for listening,


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Special Episode – My Business Is Killing Me And I Dread Monday Morning

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I’m talking him off the ledge. He owns his own business. A business he started over 10 years ago. A business he now hates.

Well, he doesn’t hate the business, but he hates going to work. Every Sunday evening he begins dreading Monday morning.

“I don’t want to do this any more. I just want to pull the covers over my head and stay in bed.”

The toll is high. His family bickers constantly. His health isn’t terrific. He’s drinking a tad more than before. He can’t remember the last time he exercised. Or went to the doctor for a checkup.

He tells me this isn’t what he bargained for. I tell him, “This is exactly the life you bargained for.” Silence.

I thought he hung up on me, but he was just sitting quietly in stunned disbelief that life had gotten so out of control.

I sat quietly knowing he’s not alone. Saddened by the fact that I’m encountering too many small business owners who feel owned by their business instead of the other way around.

Jeffrey A. Landers wrote this book, “The Home Office From Hell Cure: Transform Your Underperforming, Time-Sucking Homebased Business Into A Runaway Success.”

Home offices can be from hell, but so can other offices. Small, medium and large businesses can be just as demon possessed as a homebased business. They need a cure. And like any other ailment, there’s not a single prescription because the illnesses are varied.

Don’t let your small business kill you. Or over-run your life. Today, I’d like to give you just a few simple, but powerful ideas to consider.

Hint: These powerful ideas have everything to do with YOU, not your business. It starts with YOU.

Would you do me a favor? Subscribe to the podcast. Thanks!

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Episode 108 – Go Small, But Go!

Photo Courtesy of Indraneel Rakshit on Flickr

The proverb is true. The journey of 1000 miles does begin with a single step.

The first step is often tough though. You consider everything that can go wrong. You question yourself about every little detail of the journey.

“What if I screw up?”

“What if it doesn’t work out?”

“What if I blow it?”

I have another question, “What if you never start – even small?” You’ll never get any further along than where you are right now. Look around. Get comfortable…because you’re not going anywhere if you’re not willing to go small. Warning: getting too comfortable just looking at the current view will kill any chance you’ve got to get to that mountain peak in the distance!

Go! Move. Take some meaningful action right now!

I don’t know if you’ll ever get where you’re headed, but I know for a certainty that you’ll never get there by sitting still.

Go now. Go small. Figure it out as you go. Keep your eyes open and enjoy the scenery along the way, too.

As Spock would say, “Live long and prosper!”

P.S. My wallpaper photo isn’t the one used in this post, but I really like this one. Visit Indraneel’s Flickr page.

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