Work With Me

What you are will show in what you do.  -Thomas Edison

Hire Me
Working out makes us stronger and healthier.

Grow Stronger By Working Out

For your career. For your organization. For your team. For all those you serve.

Careers and organizations experience challenges, constraints or roadblocks. They happen to all of us!

You have choices:

a) stick your head in the sand and ignore the situation,

b) dive into the problem alone and muddle your way through as best you can or

c) get the help you need to face the circumstances head on and accelerate your progress saving time, money and sanity!

Think of me as option C. Your best option!

Do you need help you elevate your performance (and the performance of your team)?

Do you need to better develop the people in your organization?

Do you struggle in helping your people achieve higher performance?

Are you finding it difficult to attract and retain high achievers?

Is on-boarding and talent development challenging for you?

Does your culture need some adjustments?

Could your communication benefit from improved clarity?

These are sample constraints common to many leaders and organizations. They’re also samples of the specific problems I solve for clients.

Quantum Leap

It’s time for your career and your organization to take a quantum leap.

I’m a fan of big improvement. It’s hard to rally the troops to bust their backside for a 2% increase. I’m not saying a 2% increase is bad, but it’s not as good as a 10% or 150% increase. My clients tend to be people capable of thinking that major improvements aren’t just possible – but probable.

Part of the quantum leap process involves speed. I’m a speed freak. Mainly because time costs money. As a coach, my success is based entirely on results. You won’t be happy if I can’t help you produce greater results…faster!

Besides, part of the benefit of speed is course correction. Instead of wrangling and wrestling about what to do, it’s often better to devise the best plan possible based on the present data and take action. Leaders normally face daily decisions that won’t risk the entire organization. Fact is, most decisions have very little risk. So why not craft the best strategy possible, take action quickly, then correct the course along the way?

You want to make progress sooner, not later. And you want to make significant improvement, not just something marginal.

It’s a workout with high accountability. Jack Welch, during his days running General Electric called them “workouts.” That’s exactly what they are. They do for us exactly what gym workouts do. They make us stronger, faster and better. The workouts take the form of coaching executives, in which case they’re always individualized. Or, they include as many members of the leadership team as necessary.

This isn’t mundane, avoid-conflict-at-all-costs kind of work. It’s a hybrid coach/consultant work. I don’t sit back barking out advice. And I don’t spend my time holding forth.

It’s exploration. It’s lots of questions. It’s lots of asking and answering critical questions, including “What if” questions. It’s a ton of listening, watching, observing and distilling information.

We work. Together. Most importantly, we make progress. We get things done. We accomplish the things you need to get accomplished.

You MUST be benefited by my work. Otherwise, what’s the point?

I price every engagement based on the project and the desired outcome. The work is personal, individualized and customized to fit the client (and the results we’re chasing).

In-person availability is currently limited, but don’t let that stop you from reaching out to me. I contact everybody personally. 

Just complete the form below and we’ll talk about your situation and how I can help you.

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