GROW GREAT Becomes The Peer Advantage Podcast - THE PEER ADVANTAGE PODCAST #5001

The Peer Advantage | Some Myths, Misconceptions & False Notions

Most Small Owners Have No Idea What Peer Advantage Looks & Feels Like

And it’s not their fault.

I’m about to embark on showing you how professional peer advantage works. I’ve invited 3 business people to surround me and help me illustrate. Additionally, they’re going to help me with this pivot, making Bula Network a peer advantage company. Yes, I’m going to continue to do some small business coaching and consulting, but the focal point of the work is going to be to serve two (for now) groups of small business owners from around America.

Today’s video is a preface of what I’m about to show you. I want your questions. Email them to me: RandyCantrell [at] BulaNetwork [dot] com

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The Peer Advantage | Some Myths, Misconceptions & False Notions Read More »