
An Audio Book Summary: The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership by John C. Maxwell

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell (#3 The Law Of Process)

An Audio Book Summary: The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership by John C. Maxwell #5016 - GROW GREAT

First published in September 1998, The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership by John C. Maxwell put Maxwell at the forefront of leadership experts.

The book contains a variety of exercises that will help you not only plant the ideas firmly into your life, but they’ll help you improve your awareness and identify your needs. You’ll likely want to listen to each chapter more than once so you can fully grasp each law.

The Peer Advantage is all about leadership. The courage, conviction and drive to improve fuels the peer advantage. Leadership and personal growth aren’t for the faint of heart. The paradox is that vulnerability – the kind of vulnerability required to join a group of your peers so you can grow and transform your life – is the major requirement for anybody who will take full use of the peer advantage.

The pain of going it alone is an unnecessary pain. There is a better way – a more courageous path to higher success. Surround yourself with other business owners who want the same things you want – growth, improvement, transformation and success. They’ll lift you up and serve you. You’ll do the same for them.

If you’re interested in joining a small, intimate group of just 7 business owners from around the United States who come together via a video conferencing platform, then click here for details.

Now dive into this audio summary and get busy growing your leadership. Enjoy learning and performing each law –


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The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell (#3 The Law Of Process) Read More »

An Audio Book Summary: The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership by John C. Maxwell

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell (#2 The Law Of Influence)

An Audio Book Summary: The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership by John C. Maxwell #5016 - GROW GREATFirst published in September 1998, The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership by John C. Maxwell put Maxwell at the forefront of leadership experts.

The book contains a variety of exercises that will help you not only plant the ideas firmly into your life, but they’ll help you improve your awareness and identify your needs. You’ll likely want to listen to each chapter more than once so you can fully grasp each law.

The Peer Advantage is all about leadership. The courage, conviction and drive to improve fuels the peer advantage. Leadership and personal growth aren’t for the faint of heart. The paradox is that vulnerability – the kind of vulnerability required to join a group of your peers so you can grow and transform your life – is the major requirement for anybody who will take full use of the peer advantage.

The pain of going it alone is an unnecessary pain. There is a better way – a more courageous path to higher success. Surround yourself with other business owners who want the same things you want – growth, improvement, transformation and success. They’ll lift you up and serve you. You’ll do the same for them.

If you’re interested in joining a small, intimate group of just 7 business owners from around the United States who come together via a video conferencing platform, then click here for details.

Now dive into this audio summary and get busy growing your leadership. Enjoy learning and performing each law –

2. The Law of Influence: The True Measure of Leadership Is Influence

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The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell (#2 The Law Of Influence) Read More »

An Audio Book Summary: The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership by John C. Maxwell

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell (#1 The Law Of the Lid)

An Audio Book Summary: The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership by John C. Maxwell #5016 - GROW GREATFirst published in September 1998, The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership by John C. Maxwell put Maxwell at the forefront of leadership experts.

After my audio summary of The Power of Peers by Leon Shapiro and Leo Bottary I got requests to provide a summary of this book. I’m doing this in short episodes – one episode per law. Today we begin this series and I’ll be releasing these episodes more frequently than weekly. You can look a new episode every day starting today.

The book contains a variety of exercises that will help you not only plant the ideas firmly into your life, but they’ll help you improve your awareness and identify your needs. You’ll likely want to listen to each chapter more than once so you can fully grasp each law.

The Peer Advantage is all about leadership. The courage, conviction and drive to improve fuels the peer advantage. Leadership and personal growth aren’t for the faint of heart. The paradox is that vulnerability – the kind of vulnerability required to join a group of your peers so you can grow and transform your life – is the major requirement for anybody who will take full use of the peer advantage.

The pain of going it alone is an unnecessary pain. There is a better way – a more courageous path to higher success. Surround yourself with other business owners who want the same things you want – growth, improvement, transformation and success. They’ll lift you up and serve you. You’ll do the same for them.

If you’re interested in joining a small, intimate group of just 7 business owners from around the United States who come together via a video conferencing platform, then click here for details.

Now dive into this audio summary and get busy growing your leadership. Enjoy learning and performing the first law –

1. The Law of the Lid: Leadership Ability Determines A Person’s Level Of Effectiveness

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The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell (#1 The Law Of the Lid) Read More »

What YOU Should Expect To Gain From The Peer Advantage #5015

For the last month or so I’ve been asked one question more than any other, “What’s this pivot you’re doing…and why?” I had already spent time in serious reflection and contemplation. Self-awareness, empathy and intuition are my three core super powers. Jokingly I’ll tell people (but it’s entirely true), “I don’t have many so I have to leverage the few I’ve got.” I knew why I was going to go full bore in this direction of helping small business owners learn, grow and accelerate their growth, professionally and personally.

Permit a few stories that will provide you some context of how I got here…without going back too far.

I’m sitting across from a CEO of multi-million dollar company. He’s just laid on me a major issue that confronts him. It’s a big deal. In fact, it’s a very big deal. I ask him what his CFO thinks. “I’ve not told him yet,” he says. “Why?” I ask.

Over the course of the next 30 minutes he talks, but doesn’t say anything. I just listen, growing increasingly more aware of how afraid he is to divulge this issue – which is as much an opportunity as it is a problem – to anybody. “But you’ve just told me,” I say. That doesn’t seem to get me anywhere. The only thing I know is that he’s determined to go it alone. At least for now. And during these really crucial times. He’s a CEO who knows many people. He’s surrounded by lots of people. But he’s alone.

I think of how common this is because I’ve seen this before. A lot.

I’m visiting with two divisional presidents. They’re telling me how they’re often frustrated by the CEO, who just naturally embraces ambiguity. Rarely do they get clear directives or marching orders. If they don’t ask a number of clarifying questions – which they confess they don’t always do – then they’re left as confused as George Costanza. When I sit down with the CEO he’s frustrated because people don’t seem to easily grasp his directives. The lack of candid conversations is hurting him and his direct reports.

If you go back and listen to the episodes I did summarizing the book, THE POWER OF PEERS, you’ll discover numerous advantages of THE PEER ADVANTAGE. We could consider many of the specifics – like so many mentioned in the book – but what you should expect to gain from the peer advantage depends largely on what you put into it. And it will depend on what you need. Let’s consider some generally valuable things you should expect. These are the two fundamental focus points at Bula Network.


I admit this term can mean different things. Let me explain what I mean by telling you what I don’t mean. I don’t mean networking. It’s not merely meeting somebody and learning a bit about them.

Connection is about realizing you’re with people who can relate to you, people you can relate to, people who care enough about you to help you and people you care enough about to help.


We don’t always want to collaborate. Sometimes we want to go it alone. Other times we realize we need what somebody else can contribute.

The peer advantage provides a mechanism and environment where business owners can choose collaboration. Or not. What that means is that you can expect to get whatever you want. Do you want others to share their experience? Do you want to ask them what they think of your situation? Do you want their suggestions? You can expect collaboration that perfectly suits your desire at this moment in time. And it can change. What you want right now won’t likely be what you want in a month or two. Ongoing peer advantage provides you the opportunity to get what you want, when you want it.

Now What?

As I work to assemble two charter groups of 7 small business owners from around America I’m going to give you exposure to at least one group meeting. Here’s the deal. The peer advantage is such an extraordinary experience that very few business owners have ever had it. Fewer than 1% of CEOs according to the book THE POWER OF PEERS take advantage of it. That rarity is driving me to give a few of you the opportunity to participate in at least one meeting so you can see it LIVE. There’s no hoops. No hurdles. Just one way to do it. Connect with me at Linkedin and send me a note telling me you’d like the experience. It’s a free sample because no matter what you decide, I want you to at least give the peer advantage an opportunity in your life. Whether it takes shape in your life with me involved or not, I want you to find it somewhere because it will change your life and your business.

Just go to ConnectWithRandy.com and that’ll take you straight to my Linkedin profile where you can let me know if you’d like a free invitation.

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What YOU Should Expect To Gain From The Peer Advantage #5015 Read More »

A Chapter-By-Chapter Audio Summary Of THE POWER OF PEERS (Interview with co-author Leo Bottary) #5014

A Chapter-By-Chapter Audio Summary Of THE POWER OF PEERS (Interview with co-author Leo Bottary) #5014

Today, we wrap up this series of our chapter-by-chapter audio summary of the book THE POWER OF PEERS with a conversation recorded with co-author Leo Bottary. The interview was recorded using a video conferencing platform and the video is available at YouTube (or obviously here below).

Leo Bottary on THE PEER ADVANTAGE podcastIn the conversation we talk to Leo to get a sense of who he is and how he came to be interested in peer advantage. We also discuss some insights he’s gained over the last 18 months or so since the book was published. Leo also tells us a bit about the new book he’s working on, due to be published in the Spring of 2018. It’s a conversation that I hope brings you some insights on why you may want to consider embracing the peer advantage into your life and your business.

The interview starts at about 2:30 minutes into the show and it ends around the 40 minute mark.

At Leo’s new podcast – YEAR OF THE PEER – we’ve encountered some terrific guests from varied backgrounds and fields of accomplishment. In each case, we’ve found our guests at that podcast to be gracious and giving. None of them silo’d themselves toward success. They each encountered mentors and guides along the way. Your success – and mine and everybody else’s – is going to largely depend on the people we allow into our lives. Some of those entrances will happen organically. Some, by way of sheer serendipity. But to think that our lives are left to mere random chance is delusional at worst, naive at best.

Leo’s podcast tagline is, “Who you surround yourself with matters.” The noun is YOU. The verb is surround. It’s purposeful. Intentional. We live in one of the greatest eras ever. We can quickly and easily find and connect with people who we think may be able to help us – and people we may be able to help. It’s our fault if we don’t seize those opportunities. I’ll go you one better – it’s our fault if we don’t create those opportunities because they’re all around us.

As Leo and I talked you likely got a sense of how our humanity is at the crux of the peer advantage. That’s because it’s true. Leo is no more defined solely as a co-author of a book, THE POWER OF PEERS, as he’s only defined as the host of a podcast, YEAR OF THE PEER. He’s a husband. A father. Now, a grandfather. Those are just 3 roles that he and I share. We’re both Baby Boomers. Yet we’re as different in many ways because he was born in one part of the country, me in another. Our careers paths are nothing alike. But in spite of whatever differences may separate us, we choose to surround ourselves with people that include each other because there’s mutual benefits as we’ve discovered our own peer advantage.

It was a very intentional, purposeful connection. Leo didn’t know me at all. Except for his name on the front of the book, I didn’t know him at all. It may seem to you as a bold step, but to me it was so non-threatening that I had no reservations in reaching out to him about helping him create his own podcast. I only share that to inspire you to not wait. Don’t delay in reaching out to people you think may be able to join your pursuits. And people who have a pursuit you may find worth joining – like I did with Leo.

It wasn’t about me. It was about the pursuit of finding out more and being part of this movement. The Peer Advantage.

Leo popped on my radar as I saw him appear on a few shows where the interviews were available online. I looked and couldn’t find any platform where Leo was the host. He was always the guest. I saw an opportunity that he may or may not have ever seen. I’ve been podcasting and participating in new media for many years. I had something to offer him, something that wasn’t beyond his capabilities to learn, but something I could do where he wouldn’t have to learn it. He just needed to get to know me so we could develop some mutual trust.

There are the first two elements of peer advantage contained in the book: 1) select the right people (I selected Leo and he selected me in return when he said “yes”) and 2) create a safe environment (Leo had to develop trust in me and I in him; we did and you can see the results for yourself over at YEAR OF THE PEER podcast). Trust came more easily because I began my conversation with Leo by telling him upfront what I expected from this relationship. Better yet, I told him what I didn’t expect. Money, glory, fame. Those were not my goals. My goal, I told him, was guilt by association and my desire to be closer to this movement because I so firmly believe in it. The peer advantage is that important to me. So important, I told Leo, that I want to make it my life’s work for whatever time I have left on the planet. It’s my encore career. The stuff I want to do now that I have over 35 years behind me of running and operating businesses.

Leo and I hold each other accountable in this relationship. From finding guests for his podcasts, to communicating with them and following up…all the way up to doing the voiceover work and editing the videos, then posting them in all the right places — I have my part to play in serving Leo and the cause. He shoulders his responsibilities to serve our listeners and viewers by trying his best to bring out the most in valuable conversations with each guest. We debrief our work and help each other try to achieve better results next time, always believing (dare I say knowing) we can do better. Always.

That dissatisfaction of today’s work drives us to make his podcast better. It drives me to make this podcast better. Listeners will judge it, just as every business is judged solely by the market. The world doesn’t care what Leo and I think. The world determines if we provide value or not. It’s up to us to do our best and keep learning. It doesn’t mean the existing work isn’t good. It just means we believe our best work is still in front of us. And there’s two more elements of peer advantage talked about in the book: foster valuable interaction and be accountable.

The only remaining element is a smart guide, a leader who knows how to facilitate so growth can happen. I’d argue that Leo and I have that, too. He’s in charge of YEAR OF THE PEER, but I’m very much a co-pilot. He’s mostly the smart guide in this, but sometimes I need to fill that role. We both recognize and bow appropriately to the duties as circumstances warrant because we know the objective – to do the best work of our lives. And we’re already two fairly accomplished guys who have more history than future. But we both know, understand and feel a sense of responsibility to the message – the truth we preach.

Leo and I will both unhesitatingly tell you we’re still very much a work in progress in figuring things out. Individually and together. But speaking only for myself, I know this – without Leo Bottary being part of the circle of influencers in my life, I’m not where I am today – or with the hope of being where I want to go. THE PEER ADVANTAGE podcast and my intended work of forming two charter groups of 7 small business owners from around the United States would not be possible without my having had the courage to reach out to Leo and his boldness in saying yes.

So I’ll wrap this up by urging you to be brave. Be bold. Courage often looks like humility. And it absolutely looks like vulnerability. It’s a chance because you don’t know the outcome. You know what you hope and expect, but you have no guarantees except one – do nothing and you’ll be losing some of the potential greatest rewards ever.

I wish for you and your business or organization all the best. Thanks for listening and paying attention.

P.S. If you’d like me to send you a link where you can download a zip file of every episode in this series, including today’s show — just give me your email address in that opt-in box at the bottom of this post. I’ll have that FREE gift available by mid-August, 2017.

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A Chapter-By-Chapter Audio Summary Of THE POWER OF PEERS (Interview with co-author Leo Bottary) #5014 Read More »

A Chapter-By-Chapter Audio Summary Of THE POWER OF PEERS (Chapter 11) #5013

We’re at the end. Today is chapter 11, The Power Of Peer Advantage.

Over the last 10 episodes of the podcast we’ve been taking a look – chapter-by-chapter – at the book, THE POWER OF PEERS by Leon Shapiro and Leo Bottary. This final chapter ties it all together and discusses the power we can access when we join forces with others, namely with peers.

The chapter opens with the story of Don Guild, a pharmacist in Southern California who opened a small drugstore with his dad in 1961. Don opened a new store every year until he had 13 locations. In 1969 he joined a CEO peer advisory group where all the members were working to grow their own businesses.

Don had historically struggled because he was trained as a pharmacist, but he hated being a pharmacist. By 1982 CVS was descending on Southern California. That prompted Don to think it might be time to get out. A year later CVS contacted Don about buying his 13 stores. Then Thrifty Drug called him because they were looking to expand. Both companies wanted to open many stores in the region quickly. Don consulted his CEO group about how to go about selling his business.

In 1984 he prepared an operating statement and a balance sheet so he could present them to the group for review. Based on the number, Don planned to sell his company for about $10 million. One member of the CEO group was running a public company. He and other members of the group reminded Don that his suitors had interest in his company for strategic reasons. His company had a good bottom line, but these companies weren’t looking at his business because of that. It was market position they wanted. The group told Don he should double his asking price.

Don describes the face-to-face meeting with the CEO and COO of Thrifty Drug. They asked him what he wanted for the business. He gave the number his group had encouraged. The CEO reached across the table to shake his hand and tell him they had a deal. In a flash, Don realized his group had helped him get millions more than he’d have gotten without their feedback.

Don deeply trusted his group. That’s why he sought and accepted their advice. He had put his financial welfare into their hands and won. Don experienced the power of peer advantage.

That’s what accountability looked like for Don. Specifically, it looked like $10 million. Accountability isn’t a negative. Don is still a member of his group 47 years later. He’s well into his 80’s, but he primarily lives in Hawaii where he surfs and enjoys life. Each month he flies to Southern California to attend his group meeting and has no plans to quit anytime soon.

What Accounts For The Magic Of Peer Advantage?

Peer advantage isn’t an individual activity. It’s a group thing. It’s possible when you bring great people together who want to pursue excellence. The book has talked about such groups as the Blue Angels, the Navy Seals and the UCONN women’s basketball team. They understand what it means to optimize performance. They chase perfection knowing there’s really no such thing.

CEO peer advisory groups are clear examples of what’s possible when people are committed to accelerating their growth. It means stepping outside their company and industry to see beyond the limits of their own perspective. The Japanese proverb is a fitting reminder of the power and truth: “None of us are as smart as all of us.”

Why go it alone if you don’t have to?

Each of the 5 factors of peer advantage stands on its own. Each is important. There’s no magic in a single factor, or even in a combination of a few of them. They’re an ensemble, working together to create the magic. But the authors reveal there are 2 other ingredients to the magic they discovered while writing the book: the power of the triad, and the people.

Back in chapter 6 they wrote of the power of the triad when they described how the group leader isn’t at the center of the hub, but how the group itself is the power, where the individual member, the leader and the group form this triad.

Experience and spontaneity create extraordinary moments of kindness, wisdom, creative genius and understanding plus a whole lot more. Culture and other things can foster success, but at the end of the day, it’s the individual people and how they perform that makes the difference.

Through all their research the authors discovered that the 5 factors and the strength of the triad created the conditions for success…yet success came down to someone in the group making a play. Somebody asked the right question. Somebody offered a new perspective. Somebody listened with empathy. That’s what happens when you put great players in the right environment. Magic happens and makes peer advantage possible.

What Peer Advantage Feels Like

The chapter goes on to describe what a physical group meeting looks like. Members file into a room around 8am, grab some coffee and begin to exchange pleasantries to catch up with each other. Individual conversations fade as the group settles into place. The leader kicks off the meeting by having everybody take a turn to report on how they feel personally and professionally. Each member is invited to update the group on any developments since their last meeting. This check-in keeps everybody informed, but also serves to help identify issues or opportunities they may want to explore for deeper discussion.

Within the first 20 minutes it’s clear that this isn’t an ordinary get together. It’s a deeper engagement with higher involvement, candor and accountability. Some CEO groups invite speaker that the group finds interesting. Other groups meet for a specific period of time — a half day, a full day. After the check-in they may begin immediately to process issues facing specific members.

Things start to gel. You can feel it. Taste it. The context is different than usual conversation. When you’re in the middle of the conversation about a member’s issue and the complexity of the issue is becoming increasingly clear, you realize the power of the moment as members attempt to untangle things. It’s quiet when it needs to. Noisy when appropriate. Everybody is in the moment. Members are present, listening and looking. An epiphany is coming and you sense things are about to shift.

Maybe it doesn’t happen in a single instance, but rather in a compounding effect over the course of the conversation. After a period of time – 30 minutes, 45, 60 – the member with the issue has been given time to think. The leader asks, “What have you heard and what’s resonating with you?” And they’ll respond.

Lightbulb moments happen.

The authors cite a book entitled THE THIRD OPINION. The author of that book talks about trust falling into 3 buckets.

  1. We trust people personally because we get to know who they are as a person. We trust friends and colleagues whom we get to know socially.
  2. We trust people for their subject-matter expertise. We trust a pilot we’ve never met to fly us safely to our destination.
  3. We trust people who have our backs, to not have a personal agenda and use something against us. This is structural trust.

It’s easy to see how a CEO peer advisory group incorporates the triad to provide trust on all 3 levels.

The Journey From Peer Influence To Peer Advantage

One purpose of the book, according to the authors, was to introduce the reader to an option for learning and growing personally and professionally. An option that you may not be accessing as a CEO or business owner. Maybe because you didn’t know about it. Maybe because you didn’t think you had enough time to participate. Or maybe because you’re not sure what group to join or how to start your own. Or it could be, you’ve learned about peer groups and concluded they’re not right for you.

Whatever the case, welcome to the majority. Fewer than 1 percent of CEOs participate in a CEO peer advisory group, but the most high performing CEOs who are members of a group say their experience has lifted their organizations and changed their lives. The authors say they wanted to provide a closer look in hopes that the 99 percent might give it a try.

For CEOs, tapping into peer influence can be great for two reasons: the number of people who have sat where you now sit are few and far between plus in spite of your organizational structure certain initiatives will fail. You can tap into peer influence or be a victim of it.

Peer influence impacts all of us. That’s why it can be valuable to understand how people typically engage their peers and for what purpose. We connect with peers in person or online. We connect to review, gather and exchange information and to extend our reach personally and professionally. We’re not necessarily selective when we connect, but we tend to trust the prevailing sentiment of the community.

We network online or in person (at conferences, local business or social events). We tend to be more selective and purposeful here. Connecting and networking are individual efforts and are the most common ways we reach out to peers.

We optimize when we work together in teams to bring a high level of excellence toward achieving a common goal. CEOs and business owners accelerate their business and leadership when they’re members of a peer advisory group working together on an ongoing basis.

The book ends with a brief summary of the 5 factors necessary to create the conditions for peer advantage:

Select the right peers – it involves more than surrounding yourself with the right people…you need to be surrounded by people well suited to share and understand your pursuits.

Create a safe environment – deep conversations about critical intellectual and emotional issues require an environment where it’s safe to share, be vulnerable (judgment free) and where confidentiality is sacred. What happens in the meeting stays in the meeting.

Utilize a smart guide – leaders who learn to serve the groups they lead by acting as an equal part of the group triad.

Foster valuable interaction – a group culture that values safety and confidentiality. Where conversations happen by design, not by accident.

Be accountable – a place where group members don’t tell each other what to do, but where they tell each other what they plan to do. A place where individual members own their own solutions.

Peer advantage is power. The power to change, to manifest your vision, to win and to differentiate you from your competitors. Perhaps the biggest win, the greatest gift of peer advantage, is freedom. Freedom to live and love your life as you choose.

I hope you enjoyed this short series – an audio summary, chapter-by-chapter – of THE POWER OF PEERS. In our next episode we’ll bring on Leo Bottary, co-author of this book to discuss more about him and the power of peer advantage.

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A Chapter-By-Chapter Audio Summary Of THE POWER OF PEERS (Chapter 11) #5013 Read More »

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