
Instant Improvements: Operational Efficiencies – Grow Great Daily Brief #162 – March 1, 2019

Instant Improvements: Operational Efficiencies – Grow Great Daily Brief #162 – March 1, 2019

Two months down, ten to go. If you’re like me, you feel like 2019 is a rocket ride…going super fast.

Speaking of fast, instant is about as fast as you can get. Small business owners lean into their core strength – being nimble. It’s why so many giants have been disrupted by little guys who could move blindingly fast compared to the lumbering aircraft carrier speed of some gigantic competitor.

But instant? Well, that’s way beyond being nimble and highly maneuverable. Seems kinda ridiculous. But it’s not. Let me tell you a quick story to prove the point, then we’ll review the lessons we can all learn from it.

Gibson Brands, Inc., the world’s most iconic guitar brand, appointed their new leader – James “JC” Curleigh – as president and chief executive officer effective last November. JC joined Gibson from Levi Strauss & Co., where he served as president of Levi’s brand. Gibson also appointed a new Chief Merchant Officer, a new Chief Financial Officer, and a brand new c-level position, Chief Production Officer.

It’s important to understand the context behind these massive changes at the top. This Gawker article can tell you more, but the previous CEO had a terrible reputation and guitar players worldwide complained of the quality of the instruments. This 117-year-old company lost its way. Leadership let them – and their customers – down.

Enter JC and the new leadership team who took over the day the company emerged from bankruptcy. Right about now you’re thinking – well, of course things happened quickly. They had to. And you’d be right. But just because things need to happen quickly does not mean they do happen quickly. Look in the mirror at your company before you start throwing rocks at Gibson. 😉

JC immediately began to rally the troops first by listening. Who better to ask, “What’s wrong? What needs to be fixed? How do you suggest we fix this?” than the guy or gal at the top? That’s right. There is nobody better! Sadly, too few do it. Too few think of it as the noble work it truly is – to walk the factory floor (or whatever floors exist in their company) and engage in real conversations with the folks who do the work.

The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) show was fast approaching. January 24, 2019 was the opening date and Gibson staffers wanted to be there. That’s not even 90 days away from day 1 for this new leadership team, who was walking through a minefield of quality control issues and brand reputation erosion. JC told the team to prepare a plan for showcasing the new Gibson at NAMM. Within 4 days the team had improved products, ready to showcase, and had a full plan to blow the lid off the show. Now that the show is over, it was a grand success by nearly all accounts.

What happened in those 4 days and the 12 weeks or so prior to NAMM? JC and the team worked their tails off. That’s what happened. But first, JC asked questions and listened.

He made 3 fundamental improvements instantly that set Gibson on course to reclaim prior days of glory. First, the CEO learned that partners – the sellers of Gibson guitars – discovered quality control snafus by reporting that when they closely examined the products, the flaws were obvious. Why didn’t Gibson notice? Turns out when the CEO is curious enough to find out, he does. Gibson products were being built in a variety of places. Each factory floor had different lighting. None of it apparently good enough to produce the highest quality products. Immediately, new factory lighting – uniform lighting the same in every location – was installed.

“How hard was that?” you ask. So hard that it took the humility and curiosity of a great leader to ask. Then listen.

Next, the CEO discovered that each instrument was being handled about 74 times. That is, there were 74 opportunities for errors, mistakes, flaws to be introduced to each instrument. Why are we handling each instrument so many times…and then checking quality only at the end of the line? Good question, Chief.

Thus began more “what if” questions. What if we drastically reduce the number of touches? What if we make each person responsible for handing a PERFECT instrument to the next person?

Answer: It’ll make a quantum leap improvement in quality. So that’s what they did. They cut the number of steps, or touches, in half. They put accountability in place up and down the line. Each person was responsible for passing along a PERFECT instrument. Quality was dramatically improved…instantly.

Third, the CEO figured out that the company needed to wage a war on dust. The fit and finish is everything when you’re a premier brand. Gibson had lost their fit and finish advantage years earlier. It was time to get it back. The company had a history of building world-class instruments with world-class fit and finish. They simply needed to build the products according to templates that had been created years ago.

Manufacturing handmade instruments produce a lot of crap in the air. That crap impacts the fit and finish. The CEO led the charge to reduce or eliminate dust in the air so the instruments would emerge at the end of the line in the most pristine finish possible. It worked.

Three BIG improvements. Three BIG improvements that happened almost immediately because the person at the top – the CEO – started involving the people who do the work. It so happens that the people wanted to build great instruments. And they knew how. They needed a leader who understood the human potential and who believed in it. By nearly all accounts, Gibson found a CEO who “gets it.”

Step 1 – Act fast.

Yesterday is over. Gibson entered bankruptcy because the company had nearly impossible debt, bad products, incompetent leadership and a reputation that was going more south quickly. When the patient is near death, you have to act fast. I think we should all accept the challenge to act that way even if the patient (our company) isn’t near death. It can serve us well to behave with greater urgency as though our corporate life depended on it.

Step 2 – Do not figure it out by yourself.

Leverage the people who know. Be curious. Be humble enough to ask. JC came from Levi’s, not Fender. I constantly push companies to veer outside the norms for key hires. Not simply to be contrarian, but to amplify the curiosity and humility that can lead to dramatic growth. An experienced guitar maker CEO may have come into Gibson thinking she had all the answers. JC entered knowing he didn’t. There are BIG advantages to CEO naivete. Be willing to be humble, curious and naive so you can solicit the help you need.

Go to the source. The people who do the work likely have some of the best ideas and solutions. See them as the valuable resource they are. Ask them questions. Listen to their answers. Ask them more questions. Collaborate so together you can come up with better answers than you thought were even possible.

Step 3 – Do it.

All three of these decisions were implemented quickly. Why not? Don’t think they were simple, easy solutions, but they were all quickly implemented. That’s because the CEO was decisive. But another major component was because the people helped provide the solutions. That gave them strong ownership in making these happen. The team wanted to show off at NAMM. They arrived first each day and were the last to leave each night of the week-long show.

The “can do” spirit has to happen throughout the company. Great leaders know how to make everybody feel like their work matters. Because it does.

As we end a week but begin a new month I’ll leave you with a question to ask about your leadership and your company: Do you get it?

Do you enjoy this podcast? Am I providing you any value at all? If you’re a small business owner in the U.S. then I have a small favor to ask. Go check out ThePeerAdvantage.com. I’m working to form a small 7-member mastermind group of small business owners from around America to get together regularly online so we can help each other grow our business and our leadership. This isn’t a networking group. It’s not an advice-giving group either…at least not the way most groups work where people tell you what you should do. It’s a group designed to provide you with a safe space where you can speak in confidence and full honesty while we share our experiences and know how to help each other. Visit The Peer Advantage dot com and you can learn all the details. I’d love to speak with you about it.

Have a great weekend and let’s make March as strong as a stiff March wind.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!


Instant Improvements: Operational Efficiencies – Grow Great Daily Brief #162 – March 1, 2019 Read More »

Saving Steps: Operational Efficiencies – Grow Great Daily Brief #161 – February 28, 2019

I’m an operator. I’ve never shied away from that title. A VP of a supplier first called me that when I was about 23. He meant it as a compliment. And I took it that way.

It’s not as sexy as being called an “entrepreneur,” but I think it’s more indicative of the work. The work of operating an enterprise.

Not everybody can look at an organization and see it operationally. To each his own. I look at all the people, the moving parts and the systems and naturally begin to think of ways things can be improved. That’s why I’m so intolerant of pathetic customer service where companies like DIRECTV make customers jump through every hoop possible to make things as difficult as possible.

Greasing the wheels to make things work better – more efficiently and effectively – is good business. I don’t care what business you’re in.

Ray Kroc purchased the hamburger stand from the McDonald boys and figured out how to make a pattern, a template for efficiency. McDonald’s growth mushroomed unlike anything before, in large part, because Kroc figured out operational efficiencies and how they could help each store replicate food quality and service with predictable success. When you start focusing on how many steps it is from the front counter to french fry machine, then you’re concentrating on operational efficiencies.

They claim 10,000 daily steps is good for our health. That’s roughly 5 miles. In business, we’re constantly trying to reduce our steps. If our current process involves 5 steps, how can we reduce it to 4? Or 3? Eliminating a step saves time, money and effort.

Saving steps also reduces friction. Friction is the resistance that can ruin business success. How difficult are we making it on our clients? How difficult are we making it on ourselves?

I’m sure DIRECTV and ATT (their owner) are intentional in their client experience. It pays. Well, they think it does because they’re only measuring things, it seems, in dollars and cents. Complex pricing structures, unable to be understood by any paying customer, benefit them. It’s a shell game they enjoy playing with customers to squeeze all the profits they can. But the friction has a cost. A cost the folks at the top aren’t looking at. Client happiness!

Google them and you’ll see blistering reviews. I’ve been a customer for over 20 years and I’ve never had a phone call last under an hour. Friction is intentional because they’re betting on a lack of breakage. Namely, they’re betting (and they’re right) that most folks won’t notice bill creep and if they do, they won’t complain about it. The dollars drop to their bottom line and they’re happy, even though customers aren’t. Operational inefficiencies at the level of a multi-billion dollar enterprise can pay off handsomely.

You can’t likely pull that off with your $10 million a year company. It would bog you down in execution and billing. Which is why people are leaving DIRECTV in droves and opting for streaming – even the newer DIRECTV NOW service, which has more straight forward pricing and no contracts. Simple is more cost effective and makes customers happier.

Adding steps adds costs. Reducing steps reduces costs.

First, save steps for your customers.

Save them time and hassle. They’ll love you for it.

We can all tell when a company is putting customers first. We feel it. It permeates their intentions and every aspect of their operation. Companies that put us first stand out and apart from the rest.

Be one of those companies. Demonstrate how much you love your customers by focusing on your operational efficiencies. Sure, you’ll save money, but if you’ll put the energy toward making your customers happier, that’s where the real money and profits are.

What are you making hard for customers? Why?

Do you make it hard for customers to get refunds? Why? You’re not going to make them happier by giving them more hoops to jump through. If they’re unhappy, do you assume, “Well, they’re already unhappy so what do we care?”

You care because an unhappy customer is a perfect target for happiness conversion. Give me an unhappy client and I promise I can make their experience so terrific they’ll become an advocate. It’s one of the most highly underutilized customer opportunities. Always has been.

Do you make it hard for customers to buy from you? Is the paperwork so complex and daunting that it requires minutes instead of seconds? Why? Friction kills. Get rid of it everywhere you can.

Make yourself easier to do business with. Buying. Complaining. Returning. Getting a refund. Closely examine every area where customers touch your company. Challenge yourself to make every one of those interactions smoother. MUCH smoother.

Next, save steps for your organization.

These likely impact customers, but maybe not. They do impact employee happiness and frustration. That alone makes them worth tackling.

Your best resource are the front line people. Ask them how things can be streamlined. They’ve got good ideas. Listen to them.

Jeff Bezos tells the story of the early days of Amazon when he and a buddy, presumably employee number 2, were packing boxes to ship. They were on their hands and knees. Bezos tells his buddy, “We need knee pads.” The buddy, being the brighter of the two at the time, responded, “We need packing tables.” They bought a couple of cheap packing tables that thus Amazon’s first operational efficiency was set in motion. Now they could stand upright while packing boxes. THAT is operational efficiency.

Many of these will be smack your forehead kind of things. You’re not looking at them right now so you don’t see it. When you start looking with clearer vision and when you start listening to the people who do the work, some solutions will become blindingly obvious.

We can all be prone to step over quarters to pick up pennies. Saving steps will help you become more proficient at picking up quarters and dollar bills. I’ve never seen an organization where operational efficiencies couldn’t be drastically improved – and quickly. It’s one of the fastest paths to greater happiness, lowered frustrations and higher profits.

Why don’t we give it more attention? I don’t know. Maybe because it’s not sexy. Maybe because we don’t believe it’s true (that’s my suspicions based on how many times leaders have challenged me that the savings is just so nominal it’s not worth the effort). But it IS true. It’s always true.

Your company has money laying around in the form of wasted processes, idiotic workflows and systems that once made sense (but haven’t made sense in a very long time).

Put in your 10,000 daily steps for your own fitness and health. Work daily to keep reducing the steps inside your company for the fitness and health of your business.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!


Saving Steps: Operational Efficiencies – Grow Great Daily Brief #161 – February 28, 2019 Read More »

It's Not Who You Know, Or Who Knows You. It's Who You Know Who Knows Who You Need To Know! – Grow Great Daily Brief #160 – February 27, 2019

It’s Not Who You Know, Or Who Knows You. It’s Who You Know Who Knows Who You Need To Know! – Grow Great Daily Brief #160 – February 27, 2019

Do you hate networking? I do. Always have.

I’m the guy who happily admits that if faced with two doors from which to choose – one that leads to a room with 300 very interesting people (all strangers) with whom I can spend 3 hours and the other that leads to a room with 6 random people (also strangers) with whom I can spend 3 hours – I’m inside door number 2 before you can finish the proposition. It seems infinitely more fun for me to really get to know 6 people than to go on a network fishing expedition hoping I can somehow run into a person – or a small collection of people – who will go deep enough that I can really understand them.

But that’s me.

I hate small talk. I hate shallow conversation. I hate pleasantries.

I love getting to know people, including their back story and what they hope will be their future story. It feels human and right to me.

Study after study have proven that people tend to feel dirty about “networking.” It feels icky.

I’ve read plenty of networking books. 100% of them were a waste of my time. While I’m highly motivated to grow – which necessarily means, to change in ways that benefit my life – I’m completely disinterested in trying to be somebody or something I’m not. Or trying to be something or somebody I don’t want to be. Namely, “that guy.” You know what I’m talking about?

It’s why I don’t get out much. 😉 Except with smaller, more intimate groups where I know the conversation can be about more than – “this is who I am and what I do and what I have to sell.”

It’s also why I started reading David Burkus’ book published last year, “Friend of a Friend . . .: Understanding the Hidden Networks That Can Transform Your Life and Your Career.” 

I’ve been intending to read it since it came out last May, but I’m just now getting around to it. Mostly because I know how badly I need to grow in this area of my life. Besides, I’ve been a fan of David’s writing since I read “The Myths of Creativity” in 2013. Since then I’ve sort of followed his work at HBR and his own website. It doesn’t hurt that he got his Master’s Degree at OU (I didn’t attend OU, but I’m a lifelong Sooner football fan). 😉

The premise of the book, which I haven’t yet completed (but you can expect a more full report in the future), is that it’s not just who you know that counts. Or who knows you. Networking is deeper than that. It’s who you know who knows who you need to know. Or who you should know. In other words, it’s the strength, depth and proximity of the people you’re connected to with regard to the other people they know who may benefit from being directly connected with you.

Six degrees of separation is explained by What Is? like this…

Six degrees of separation is the theory that any person on the planet can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries.

That theory began in 1929. I’m not a scientist so I have no idea how true it may be, but I understand the premise. If you know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody and you dive deeply enough to go 6 deep, then you’ll reach the target person. For the fun of it you could see if you’re 6 degrees away from some famous person. Pick anybody. If you were able to reverse engineer it, you should be able – according to the theory – to track it back no more than 5 people to yourself. Here’s the interesting part, and why it matters to me. It starts with you knowing the one right person who knows the right person…and so forth.

David’s book begins with a similar notion. That that you’re a certain number of connections away from any particular target person, but that your life will be enhanced – and your success will be positively influenced – by not thinking of more, but by thinking of how people are connected.

This was rather instinctive for me because I learned as a teenager selling stereo equipment how powerful a referral was. As an entrepreneur, you do, too. Today we all know the power of social proof, as well. But that existed long before the Internet.

During road trips my father would know – just as every father of the era knew – if you wanted to stop for a meal along a stretch of never before traveled highway – you stopped at the diner with the most cars in front. Wherever the crowd was, that’s likely the place with the best food for the right price. Social proof was measured by the number of cars parked around the joint.

Today, David’s book, Friend of a Friend, has a 5-star Amazon rating with 72 reviews. Decent social proof about how 72 people feel about the book. I don’t know any of those people. Well, to be fair, I didn’t scroll through every one of them so I may know somebody, but that’s not the point. Not with Amazon reviews. Or really any other reviews. We just assume more is better and if it’s 5 stars, then it must be good. It’s like a car count around a diner in the 1960’s.

But we all understand the real power is in the power of a personal connection. Back to the referral reference – it’s powerful when somebody we know and trust refers us to somebody we don’t know. We can instantly go from not knowing somebody to trusting them, even before we’ve been formally introduced, because of our connection with the person vouching for them.

Recently, I got a new roof installed on my house. The young entrepreneur who did the work was somebody I didn’t even know was in that business. It’s a young man in his 30’s who I knew back in his high school days because he played hockey with my son. My son reminded me of Rodney, the roofer – a kid I remember from hockey. Well, I knew Rodney from back in the day and he did a great job on my house. So naturally, I told friends and neighbors about him. Vouched for him. The high school where he and my kids attended is the high school for our neighborhood, too. So that doesn’t hurt. My neighbors don’t have to know Rodney because I know him. By being connected to me, they’re now connected to Rodney if they need a roof repair, a new roof or a host of other things that Rodney does, including fencing. That’s how the world has always worked.

Somewhere along the way we bought into the notion that you have to Always Be Selling. Self-promotion means putting yourself out there to as many people as possible. Wrong. Quantity doesn’t matter nearly as much as quality and context. Me knowing Rodney isn’t beneficial to you if you rent. Or if you don’t live in DFW. Or if you have no need for the professional services Rodney offers. But if you fit the bill, he’s ideally who you need.

Think about the people you may be able to connect. Look around. Is there somebody you know who might benefit from somebody else YOU know, but they don’t know each other. Be a human hub. Be a person willing to connect others for their mutual benefit. It doesn’t feel dirty. It feels really good because you’re helping both of them. And that kids, is the power of a friend of a friend.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!


It’s Not Who You Know, Or Who Knows You. It’s Who You Know Who Knows Who You Need To Know! – Grow Great Daily Brief #160 – February 27, 2019 Read More »

Full Opinion, Half Facts – Grow Great Daily Brief #159 – February 26, 2019

Full Opinion, Half Facts – Grow Great Daily Brief #159 – February 26, 2019

“To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions.”  -Benjamin Franklin

Judgment is easy. Jumping to conclusions. Making assumptions.

Evidence is hard. Curiosity often difficult to satisfy.

When people have a problem with somebody it’s just easier to tell everybody but the person you have a problem with.

Over the weekend I posted this graphic…

But many of us tend to do exactly this.

The absence of facts or context doesn’t often enough prevent us from knee-jerk conclusions. Conclusions we’re convinced are spot on.

Leaders aren’t immune. Sometimes the power goes to our head, squeezes the logic right out of our brains, and causes us to think we’re invincible in our judgments. It’s another reason – a BIG reason – why we need to be more careful about the people who surround us so we can improve our vision, foster deeper curiosity and find more accurate evidence – all the things that can drastically fuel greater growth.

The solution may be counter-intuitive. Be MORE selfish. Think MORE about yourself.

No, not in some “I’m better than you” way, but in a more genuine way.

Are you going through something extraordinarily tough right now? If so, then hold that thought. If you’re not, then think back to a really bad time. A time when life was really knocking you in the dirt and stomping on your guts. A time when your confidence was setting record all-time lows. A time when you had no idea when this trouble would end, or IF it would end. Get that in your mind right now.

It’s a time that’s embarrassing to you, even though it may not be the result of anything you did. Embrace how you felt (or how you may be feeling right now if it’s happening to you right now).

You want to hide, right? You don’t walk to talk to anybody? And if you do, you want to complain or make excuses so you can explain it all away.

Put yourself in that place.

Now, let me walk into your life at that very moment. Let somebody else – perhaps somebody you think would know you well enough to understand your context – walk into your life at this moment. Friends and family who may have known you for a long time, let them walk in on you at this moment.

For the sake of this exercise, let’s assume these people judge you the way you judge people. We’ll assume harsh judgment is easy…because it is. Each of these people are going to think the worst. Mostly because people seem more tempted to think the worst than the best. Today, all eyes are on you and they’re judging your life by this moment. Not your finest hour, but it’s this chapter of your life where people have now opened the book of your life. You know it’s just a single chapter. They don’t.

How are you feeling? Better?

Hardly. You’re thinking how unfair it is. You’re thinking, “This isn’t the total sum of who I am or what I’ve done. It’s completely unfair to judge my whole life based on what I’m going through right now.”

Welcome to the world of full opinions, half facts. And I’m being generous to spot you with half facts. My experience is that people need far fewer facts than half in order to form a full opinion!

Arrogance, pride and hubris. That’s why we do it. Our own arrogance, pride and hubris.

We feel better about ourselves and our lives knowing that you’re going through something we feel currently immune from. Judging you harshly makes us feel superior to you. Better than you. If only for a moment, we’re able to lift our head higher than yours giving us a feeling of greater success.

But we can do the same thing with ideas, or solutions. We make false assumptions without evidence, believing we’re right, and it drives our decisions. Faulty decisions that aren’t based on enough evidence.

“If only closed minds came with closed mouths.” -anonymous

Enter courage and humility. The two components most needed to overcome the problem. Gratitude and compassion are the other two. Put the four together and you’re going to dramatically improve your life. Love, kindness, and curiosity will soar when you commit yourself to these.

Work on YOU. Stop focusing on everybody else.

You can’t contribute to making a positive difference in the world when it comes to this – or any other challenge – until you first own your life. If more people would determine to do better at judging people and situations with only partial facts or context, then we’d be well on our way to a more civilized, creative and positive existence.

Think of all the improved decisions you could make if you had improved knowledge and context. Think of the potential growth – for yourself and for your organization – you’re leaving on the table. Unrealized growth that isn’t happening because you’ve already made up your mind on half-truths, or no truths.

You once had an idea. A dream. Maybe it was a business idea. Maybe it was a career dream. You craved somebody – or more somebodies – who would believe in you and your dream. You craved encouragement. If you achieved it, it’s likely because somebody was in your life who expressed belief in you, and your idea. Deep belief. It fueled your belief. All it took was one person – brave enough, humble enough, grateful enough, compassionate enough – to not judge you harshly but to show you enough grace to realize they knew only what they knew about you and your dream. But that was enough for them to want what was best for you – and not what was worst!

And there it is. Some of us grew up in a zero-sum era where we were taught that our loss results from somebody else winning. We were not taught that we could all win. Truth is, we can all win. Life is plenty big enough for it.

When we figure out that our success doesn’t hinge on somebody else losing it’ll change everything for us. The world will be better. Life more full. Kindness more prevalent.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!


Full Opinion, Half Facts – Grow Great Daily Brief #159 – February 26, 2019 Read More »

Tell Me Something Good – Grow Great Daily Brief #158 – February 25, 2019

Tell Me Something Good – Grow Great Daily Brief #158 – February 25, 2019

Think about the last time you got some good news. Some REALLY good news.

How did it make you feel?

Did it make the rest of your day even better? Or worse?

I’m betting it made the entire day better. Success breeds success, and all that.

Years ago I’m watching a sales guy attempt to brag about a big sale he’d just made. He’s reliving it moment by moment with the owner of the company. It’s a very good sales and he’s clearly excited about it. He also happens to be among the top tier of salespeople in the organization. This isn’t his first rodeo.

The owner grabs the paperwork from his hands, surveys it carefully and begins to grill the salesperson. “Why did you sell them this?” pointing to an item on the paperwork. “You should have sold them (and he mentions something other than the item they purchased).” Almost line by line he criticizes the sale.

The salesman entered the office walking on air, elevated by his success. He left the office crawling on all fours, wondering why he was even working there. A person excited to share good news was summarily shot down faster than an Oklahoma covey of quail.

Tell Me Something Good was a terrific 1974 funky song performed by Rufus and Chaka Khan, written by Stevie Wonder. But it’s more than a 70’s funk hit. It should be a way of life for your leadership. The previous story is how NOT to do it. Let’s talk about how to do it and how to do it better.

You’re smart. You already know that people crave encouragement. You do. You love it when people encourage you. And I don’t mean that empty “come on, you can do this” kind of encouragement. I mean when somebody spends the time to understand what you’re going through, and they want what’s best for you – and you trust them. You crave encouragement that expresses deep belief in you.

That’s universal. Everybody in your organization has the same craving. They’re all anxious to hear something good. Especially something good that involves them.

Your job? Find it. Then share it. Tell people something good. Get in the habit of focusing on the successes.

“Wait a minute, it’s my job to find what’s wrong and then fix it,” says the business owner. Is that right? Is that your job as an entrepreneur and business owner.

Concentrating on something good doesn’t require turning a blind eye on the things that can be improved, or the things that need to be fixed. I’m asking that you flip the priority around from how you may have been approaching these things inside your organization. We focus quickly on what’s wrong – what’s bad. In the process, we too often neglect the slightest recognition of what’s working, the good. We behave like parents of a kid who brings home all A’s and one C. The C leaps out and we give it all the energy we can. I implore our child to do better. We ask them why they’re struggling with this class. The C is the odd man out among a list of A’s and it gets all our focus and energy. Is that what you’re doing inside your company?

Shift your focus. Think differently. Think better.

Try it for a week and let me know how it goes. Starting today, look FIRST for the good news. Find the success. Momentarily, ignore the failure. Ignore the problem. Just for now.

Train yourself to find the good news.

Now, share it. First, go to the people responsible. Do it in front of others. Not in some big, formal fashion. Just do it wherever these people are. Go to them. Don’t call them to your office and do it behind a closed door. Make it spontaneous and on the spot.

“Guys, I was looking at the report this morning and noticed the terrific job you were all doing. Helping that customer put that fire out was impressive and they couldn’t be more pleased. That’s exactly the kind of success we’re aiming for, so I wanted to congratulate you all.”

Be genuinely thankful to them. Show your appreciation. Be specific.

After you’ve told the people most responsible good you can now begin to share the good news with everybody else. How about you now go to the person you hold responsible. Perhaps that team of people who performed at a high level have a manager or team leader. They’re the next logical person to tell.

NOTE: Don’t tell me something good only to tee me up to tell me something bad. Just tell me something good. The something bad can and should be a different conversation. Otherwise, you’ll train me to know that as soon as you finish the good news, the bad news is sure to follow.

I’m not talking about companywide celebrations. I’m talking taking mere seconds out of your day to recognize high performance. Taking the time to tell people something good.

Do that all week long. Make it your priority. I have a prediction. You’ll find people working harder to achieve results that will warrant your recognition. You’ll get more of what you’re rewarding with verbal praise. That encouragement people so crave? You’ll be meeting that need. Finally.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!


Tell Me Something Good – Grow Great Daily Brief #158 – February 25, 2019 Read More »

How’s Your Relationship With The Truth? (Part 2) – Grow Great Daily Brief #157 – February 22, 2019

How’s Your Relationship With The Truth? (Part 2) – Grow Great Daily Brief #157 – February 22, 2019

Communication. Connection. Collaboration. Culture.

These four C’s are a vital part of my work in helping entrepreneurs and leaders. The need is great. Higher human performance in the workplace is stymied by people’s inability or unwillingness to accurately read each other and situations. We used to simply refer to these things as “soft skills,” even though they’re very hard for many people. Today, a more sophisticated term for it is EQ or emotional intelligence. Pick your poison.

If we can’t improve our communication then I don’t know how we can improve our relationship with the truth. It’s too easy to dismiss alternative points of view or opinions that differ from ours. We rather love our assumptions and blind spots. Of course, they aren’t blind at all to us.

Listening is a prerequisite to understanding. First, we must learn to listen with a favorable bias for the truth, which isn’t always absolute. It’s sometimes contextual. That is, I have a truth that is comprised of who I am and the circumstances of my life. Those are unique to me. Yes, you and I may share some common components, but we’re still very different. Not all truths are matters of somebody being right and somebody being wrong. These kinds of truths just “are.”

Our connection fosters our ability to work together and accomplish more than either of us could alone. But first we must understand each other and that’s impossible without effective communication.

You can’t reason with unreasonable people.

Still we often try. I fancy myself to be a fast learner, but I confess that I find myself still trying to help people understand things. Sometimes these people are unreasonable. I’m learning how to better value my time and stop wasting it trying to reason with unreasonable people.

CEOs, entrepreneurs and leaders often lament similar feelings as they work to engage people, convey some important initiative for which they want high engagement — but they find some people wrecking the process. Unreasonable people.

I like to think we can convert people, but maybe not. You have to decide for yourself if the person is worth the effort. Some may be worth it, others not. You know which ones are which. Help those who can be helped. Fire the ones who can’t.

Connection doesn’t look identical to each of us. But it’s obvious when it’s happening and when it’s not. As a leader, you must judge whether people are putting forth the effort to connect or not. My personal decision as a leader is to not tolerate people who won’t work toward connection. Get on board, or get off the boat. I’m not interested in passengers. I want sailors willing to help serve each other. You decide how you most want to roll.

Leaders can get this stuff out of order and find themselves frustrated. For example, the boss gathers a team, throws them in a conference room and then tasks them to work together on a project. An important project.

The problem is there are people on the team who don’t communicate with any regard for the truth, except how they see it. As a result, there’s not any solid connection, but the leader leaps straight to collaboration, then wonders why it doesn’t work as well as he hoped. Cart before the horse syndrome. You have to get communication and connection right. And it’s why this topic took two little episodes to discuss — truth matters.

The truths that are absolute, with compelling evidence. And the truths that each individual holds based on their personality and circumstances. Both require more deeply understanding.

How do you make intolerant people tolerant?

You don’t. Well, to be fair, I don’t know how. My choice, as an organizational leader, has always been to give some effort to convert them, and if that fails, to get rid of them.

Empathy is easier for some than others. It’s easy for me so I don’t quickly or harshly judge people who struggle to understand others. I will quickly judge somebody’s unwillingness to give others due consideration though. That’s inexcusable. That’s a person whose relationship to the truth will never be appropriate or proper.

All of this speaks to one fundamental issue that can cripple your business or your organization’s ability to excel – close-mindedness

Your business depends on success in influence and persuasion. I grew up in sales knowing that the adage is often proven true, “Salespeople are often the easiest people to sell.” It may be because salespeople respect the ability to influence and persuade. Great salespeople know the real key is to serve people by providing as much value as possible. Great salespeople make a solid connection with prospects. If they don’t, the prospect never becomes a customer. Sales is a performance-based activity. Communication fosters connection and leads to collaboration when the prospect agrees to become a customer. If you’re in sales, you know when you’re failing.

And great salespeople are terrific listeners. They want to help their customers get what they want. The only way to find out what customers want is to ask, then listen.

Young people entering the workplace will often ask me how they can get ahead or how they can be noticed. In an Instagram world where you can go to the fanciest hotel in town and take a selfie in the lobby, fooling people into thinking you’ve got a room there for a week…authenticity and connection are lost. My answer likely disappoints: help your boss by doing whatever you can to make their life easier. Do everything in your power to serve your boss.

That’s the bottom line to all this talk about our relationship with the truth. It’s about OTHERS. It’s about listening to others. Giving consideration to others. Understanding that your perspective may not be the only valid one. Learning that you may not even have the right dots connected. Allowing that you, and others, have room to grow and improve.

How’s your relationship with the truth? Let me study your relationship with others and I’ll likely be able to give you an honest, accurate answer!

By working on our selfishness we work on ourselves. By serving others, we’re best serving ourselves. It’s not just some fanciful noble notion. Practical. Real-world. Right. Helping others excel lifts us up. It puts us in closer touch with the truth, too.

The logic isn’t tough to follow. When we put in the work to serve others we expand our circle of people willing to help us. People who influence us to achieve more These people also challenge us to see things in ways we wouldn’t otherwise consider.

We gain the benefit of seeing things through our eyes, and the eyes of all these people. We gain the benefit of hearing things through our ears, and the ears of all these people. We learn not only from our experiences but now we learn from the experiences of others.

The power of our lives moves from us (singular) to the power of the collective (us plus all the others we learn to trust). It’s exponentially increased power available only to those brave enough, vulnerable enough and confident enough to give of themselves and to accept the giving of others.

Isn’t it time you put yourself in a better room, a space where you can flourish? Sure it is…if you want to improve your relationship with the truth. And if you really want to grow.

Are you an entrepreneur in the United States? Do you operate a company where you’re close enough to the work that you don’t bristle at being called “an operator?” Then I want to ask if you’re open-minded enough to consider a powerful growth vehicle – a vehicle with an intense focus on communication, connection, collaboration, and culture. It’s a peer advantage group of just 7 entrepreneurs who are willing to come together twice a month to listen, share, learn, understand and grow. Men and women who are open to hearing what others think so they can improve their vision, and hopefully rid themselves of blind spots that can hinder their leadership and their business success.

I’m enrolling entrepreneurs today at BulaNetwork.com/apply. Details are at ThePeerAdvantage.com. Yes, this is a paid for peer advisory group with a high-value proposition. The cost is nominal for the return I know you’ll receive. Check out all the details at ThePeerAdvantage.com, or jump start things and give me a call at (214) 736-4406.

This isn’t networking. It’s about building your business and your leadership within your business. It’s a safe space where we can share ideas, experiences, and issues. Safe. Secure. Confidential. The perfect soil for high growth. I look forward to hearing from you.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!


How’s Your Relationship With The Truth? (Part 2) – Grow Great Daily Brief #157 – February 22, 2019 Read More »

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