
The Peer Advantage by Bula Network – Grow Great Daily Brief Special Episode – October 20, 2018

Give me about 18 minutes and I’ll explain The Peer Advantage by Bula Network and why you may want to enroll.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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What Chaos Do You Create? – Grow Great Daily Brief #86 – October 19, 2018

What Chaos Do You Create? – Grow Great Daily Brief #86 – October 19, 2018

This week an Inc. article about how Jeff Bezos will often forward a customer complaint to an appropriate department head with a single keystroke added to the end of it. A question mark. 


That’s it. One keystroke. But it’s a keystroke from The Man. 

The article points out how when these leaders get such an email they’ll drop everything. Professionally. Personally. The mad scramble begins to think through a solution to prevent that complaint from happening again. Bezos is fanatical about customer experience and has created the most customer friendly company in the world. His question mark tactic positively reinforces how serious he is about it. That propels the leadership team to maintain the focus on the customers, not the competitors. It could easily be argued that’s how Amazon buries competitors. All of them.

As the article points out, there may be some big downsides to the question mark, too. Professional pursuits to amplify customer experience may be shoved to a back burner to remedy the concerns of The Man. Personal pursuits (life/work balance) get crushed in the wake of the team’s fear-driven efforts to make The Man happy. 

I have no insights about these, or any other inner workings, at Amazon. Or how Jeff Bezos leads and manages. Remember, we lead people. We manage the work. 

This article cites an interview with an Amazon executive per Business Insider. Bezos has opening confessed that he does this, by the way. That’s not up for dispute. I don’t even think the response of the executives is up for much debate. I’m rather certain they scramble like roaches when the light is turned on. What may be up for some debate is the positive and negative impact it has when The Man (now we’re going to talk about YOU, not Jeff Bezos) causes chaos.

What’s the intent?

Look at your tactics and strategies. Think about the things that are fanatically important to you. For Bezos, it’s the customer experience. What is it for you? 

Knowing yourself is a major component of managing the chaos you create – whether you intend to or not. Here’s a test. If I spent some time with you and your leadership team I’d find out in short order what you really care about. You’d tell me whatever you wanted. Maybe you’d front something to make yourself look good. Maybe not. But you’d tell me the things that you care about, the things that keep you awake at night and the things you wish a superhero could come to solve for you. Your leadership team – perhaps your entire company – might tell me something completely different because in too many cases The Man’s talk and behavior aren’t congruent. That is, too many business owners say one thing, and do something different. 

“Our customers are number one,” say many entrepreneurs. But then they wrangle about the smallest details that involve doing the right thing by the customer because there are dollars attached. They may rant about how much money they’re losing if they do the right thing. Thus proving to the company that customers aren’t number one, money is! So it goes inside many, many companies. Talk is cheap. Show me how your company behaves and I’ll quickly show you what matters most. 

Bezos is serious about customer experience. His intention may be to create chaos congruent with his fanatism. 

Don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth. 

What you preach must match what you do. And what you insist be done.

A big part of my work with top-level leaders is on being congruent. Saying what we mean. Meaning what we say. It’s vital to effective leadership because employees grow increasingly anxious and unhappy because of it. 

Would it shock you to learn that many companies are led by somebody the team can’t quite figure out? “I wonder what they mean,” is a question I’ve heard for the past decade in helping leadership teams improve effectiveness. The Man (or Woman) has an executive meeting. They communicate in such a way that creates chaos among the troops – often unintended. And because of their leadership style nobody in the room speaks up to get clarity. The meeting ends and people are left wondering, “What did she mean by that?” 

The leadership team then scrambles individually, separately and collectively to figure it out. Working, working, working. But not quite sure if they’re working on what they should. 

That scenario happens every single day in too many companies. Partly because lip service doesn’t accurately mirror actual service. We say one thing and do something else. 

It also happens because communication is unclear. As entrepreneurs, we live in our heads and are speed freaks. Moving fast. Sometimes furiously. Sometimes it leads us to unclear communication that makes sense in our head, but not to our team. It’s compounded depending on how we lead. Our style and personality have an impact. If we’re hard-charging and rather intimidating to our crew, they may avoid any confrontation, including one necessary so they can know what we most want. 

Leveraging chaos for good.

I’m not going to get into a debate about whether Amazon executives have their work/life balance disturbed by the Bezos question mark. Life isn’t perfect. Neither is leadership. Amazon’s success speaks for itself and there’s no evidence that Jeff Bezos isn’t a man of integrity and honesty. I’m not prone to judge him or anybody else. I just observe knowing that my observations are very incomplete. And I’m sure he’s ruffled many feathers because achievement does that. At scale. Accomplish more, more feathers get ruffled. 

I don’t think chaos is evil or bad. I think it just needs to be congruent. Consistent with your values and goals. 

The Bezos question mark reinforces what he preaches. Whatever chaos that may create inside Amazon is likely a price Bezos is willing to pay. It’s more than an Inc. article. It’s Amazon culture!

Context always matters! The question mark works for Bezos because it scales. We’re talking about a company with 2017 revenues of about $178B. We’re not operating businesses that large so our chaos looks very different. Should you employ the same tactic? Probably not…because you don’t have the same scale. That means you can take a much more personal, communicative approach. You can more fully explain what your concerns are, what you’re thinking and what you want to be done. 

Amazon does about 35 transactions every second, averaging $34 million daily. Those 35 transactions every second average $1084. That’s unprecedented scale. So before we throw rocks at the tactic of the Bezos question mark I think we’re better served at understanding the chaos it causes and the results it gets so we can learn. So we can figure some things out to help us grow our leadership and our enterprises. 

Growth isn’t always comfortable. It’s often chaotic and filled with making sphincters pucker. It’s not about being a jerk. Or being ill-tempered. It’s about making sure we keep our organization on point, focused on what matters most. As entrepreneurs, we get to decide that for ourselves and our organizations. It’s the value we bring to the world when we make our dreams come alive. 

So I’m going to encourage you to create chaos. Just make sure it’s chaos that’s congruent with your true values and purpose.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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What Chaos Do You Create? – Grow Great Daily Brief #86 – October 19, 2018 Read More »

Don't Compare Somebody's Past To The Future You Hope For - Grow Great Daily Brief #85 – October 18, 2018

Don’t Compare Somebody’s Past To The Future You Hope For – Grow Great Daily Brief #85 – October 18, 2018

Don't Compare Somebody's Past To The Future You Hope For - Grow Great Daily Brief #85 – October 18, 2018

Yesterday we asked the question: “Do You Really Have To Find Somebody Who Has Already Done What You Want To Do?” The answer is, “No.” 

Today, let’s talk about the temptation to compare somebody’s past accomplishment with what we hope to accomplish in our future. Hint: it’s not likely the best way to spend our time or energy.

Here’s how it goes. We want to accomplish something we’ve never accomplished before. We see somebody else – maybe a whole lot of somebodies – who have done it. So far, so good.

The problem isn’t the observation or the attempts to learn. The problem is comparing their achievement – the final result – with the required work we’ll have to put in to accomplish the same thing. Or something similar. 

It’s the difference in looking at the finished product versus the raw materials required to build it. Or the difference in the world-class performance versus the years of toiling it took to be able to perform at that level. 

I get it. All of us do. 

We want a better future. That’s as it should be. People need hope, purpose, responsibility, and achievement (even the quest for achievement makes a positive difference). 

What we don’t always want is the toll required. We’d like to get in the express lanes toward our fondest dreams without paying the price required. 

Part of this phenomenon is driving me to make some small adjustments in this podcast. I’m going to start including, as much as possible, that hard stuff. The gap between knowing and not knowing. The gap between failure and success. The gap between where we’re at and where we want to be. It’s in that gap where we spend our lives, but so few people talk about it. Instead, we’ve been fooled into thinking we have to focus on the goal. I’ve contributed as much as the next guy or gal to the storyline of keeping your eyes fixed on the horizon where your big goal can be seen. It has some value, but it’s not where I believe the most value is found. 

Rather, the most value I’ve learned is found in that no man’s land between not knowing and knowing. I also have learned why it’s so hard. 

You can’t unlearn what you’ve already learned. Even with the concentrated effort, it’s hard to go back and remember the experience before you learned it. I know I learned my ABC’s and basic math. I rationally know there was a time in my life when I didn’t know any of that, but I can’t remember life then. In the last decade, I’ve learned a ton of things I didn’t know before, but it’s virtually impossible for me to go back and put myself in a mental state where I can fully remember life before that knowledge. 

Then there’s the magic of remembering it the way we want versus the way it really was. Kinda like our parents walking uphill in the snow, both ways, to school. We can amplify the difficulty. Or minimize the timing, chance or serendipity. We can remember how vital our role was, while we minimize the role anybody else may have played. 

Ecclesiastes 9:11 “I returned and saw under the sun that— The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all.”

It’s true, but we don’t like to acknowledge that when we’re looking at our success. We’ll happily admit how true it is when we’re looking at somebody else’s success though. “Boy, were they lucky!” Or, “Boy, did he have great timing!”

You know why I fixate on the phrase “you’ll figure it out”? Because you will. You have to. Others can help (that’s my professional mission…to evangelize that notion and to help entrepreneurs surround themselves with people who will help). But you have to find your own path and understand that close examination or the cursory examination of somebody else’s finish line isn’t going to necessary show you the best path to take as you leave your own starting line. 

Use it for inspiration. Use it to help spark your own process to figure it out. Just don’t waste time trying to dissect it in hopes you can replicate it. You can’t. You’re not them. You’re YOU.

Your path may look similar. It may not look like it even belongs in the same universe. That doesn’t matter. Don’t be conned into thinking it does. 

Somebody else’s’ creation isn’t your own. Envy and jealousy aren’t positive paths to an improved future. You’ll never grow as great as you can by obsessing on somebody else’s accomplishment. 

Instead, devote yourself to putting in the work to figure out what you can best accomplish. Figure out why you want what you want. Get really clear about it. Then set about to spend whatever time is necessary between where you are right now and where you want to be. And here’s the real hard part. You don’t know how long that gap is going to last. It could be months. It’s more likely going to be years. Depending on how you’re defining “where you want to be.” Short-term and long-term are relative things. 

Life has been defined as the dash that appears on grave markers. The dash between the date of birth and the date of death. Think of that dash as the gap between where you currently are and where you most want to be. It’s where living happens. It’s where you question, test, try, fail, fail some more, then fail some more, achieve a little success, make a million adjustments and persist for however long you’re willing…until you give up or until you’re able to plant your flag or run your victory lap. 

Let’s aim for the lap. I’m with you. You’ll figure it out.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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Don’t Compare Somebody’s Past To The Future You Hope For – Grow Great Daily Brief #85 – October 18, 2018 Read More »

Do You Really Have To Find Somebody Who Has Already Done What You Want To Do? – Grow Great Daily Brief #84 – October 17, 2018

Do You Really Have To Find Somebody Who Has Already Done What You Want To Do? – Grow Great Daily Brief #84 – October 17, 2018

Do You Really Have To Find Somebody Who Has Already Done What You Want To Do? – Grow Great Daily Brief #84 – October 17, 2018

Common (but foolish) wisdom says, “Find somebody who has already done what you want to do to help you.” It’s likely the result of a human trait we’ve all got. Laziness. We want a shortcut. To copycat somebody else so we don’t have to put in the work. Why machete our way through the jungle if we can walk right behind somebody else who is doing all the hard work? It sounds smart. And easy. Which is why it’s such an attractive thought. 

Arrogance sets in. I see it pretty regularly in social media when somebody blasts somebody simply based on some perceived success level. It’s the same wisdom that gives greater credence to what a Bentley owner might say about something versus a Honda owner. The presupposition is the Bentley owner is smarter and has better answers. Maybe. Maybe not.

I’m a hockey fan. I’ve never played the game, but I’ve studied it fanatically for decades. Even done my share of amateur coaching, successfully. The Dallas Stars won the Stanley Cup in 1999 behind a head coach who never played high-level hockey. Ken Hitchcock discovered he had a knack for motivating players when he was growing up playing hockey. That led to a 10-year stint coaching teenage boys in AAA midget hockey in his home country, Canada. He was successful. That led to an opportunity to coach a minor league professional team where his success continued. Then he jumped on board a professional NHL team, the Philadelphia Flyers, as an assistant coach, which led to him taking the helm of the Dallas Stars’ minor league affiliate team in Kalamazoo. That’s where he was when January 1996 rolled around and he was hired to be the head coach of the Dallas Stars. A man who never played in the NHL. He never played professionally. Playing wasn’t his skill, but coaching was. 

In 1999 he and his Dallas Stars lifted Lord Stanley’s Cup for the first (and so far, only time). And the next year, he took them back to the Stanley Cup Finals where they lost to the New Jersey Devils. The Dallas Stars didn’t approach the problem of finding a new head coach by saying, “Let’s find somebody who has already done what we want to do.” Hitch had demonstrated he knew how to coach and get the best out of players and teams. 

There’s a first for everything. 

In order for you to experience your first is it necessary for you to have somebody alongside you who has already been there? Just think about all the terrific accomplishments, like the Dallas Stars experiencing a championship for the first time, that disprove that. In fact, guess who Ken Hitchcock replaced as head coach? A man named Bob Gainey, an NHL Hall of Famer who has 5 Stanley Cups as a player. Plus the one with Dallas when he was their General Manager. But he was never able to take them to a Championship victory. And unlike Hitchcock, Gainey is one of the top 100 NHL players of all time. 

Do you remember when you first started your career…and when you ran into a problem…who you called?

Let me guess. Mom or dad? It’s likely. 

Did you call them because they had seen this problem before and you instantly thought, “This won’t be new to them!” ??

Ridiculous. They likely had no clue what you were talking about unless you entered the same field they were in. You know why you called who you called? 

Because you trusted them and knew they cared about you.

You called them because you knew they’d put their own interests behind yours. They just wanted to help you navigate the issue for your own success, not theirs. It’s what parents do. And trusted friends. 

Too frequently we feel like we’re being completely rational when we set about to find a person to help us – a person who has already accomplished what we want to accomplish. But we give no consideration to the context of them versus us. 

Question: Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla?


You can’t rationalize why you prefer one over the other. It just is what it is. It’s your preference. Is it emotional? Not entirely, it’s also involving your taste buds. 

I live in Texas and cilantro is a big player in Mexican food. I love Mexican food, but I hate cilantro. And it’s more biological than emotional. A small percentage of people taste soap when they eat cilantro. I’m one of them. You could rationalize with me all day long, but I taste what I taste. Soap isn’t quite what I’m going for when I eat Mexican food. Sing to me the virtues of cilantro and I don’t care. 

So it goes with trying to copy what somebody else has done. They’re them. You’re you. You have to figure out YOU. And you don’t have to be selective to lean solely on somebody who has already accomplished what you want to accomplish. 

Yes, there are certain trainings and education that can’t be discounted. Learning math from somebody who doesn’t know it themselves isn’t going to work out very well. For either of you. But we’re usually not talking about specific sciences or facts. People want to make a million bucks so they think finding a millionaire is the path toward accomplishing that. But there are millions of paths toward making a million dollars. Lebron did it. So did David Letterman. They don’t belong in the same conversation so how it going to work out to seek out somebody who has done what you hope to do? 

You are you. Unlike anybody else. Yes, with quite a lot in common with many others, but with enough uniqueness to completely throw off the equation of being able to copy somebody else. 

My son is going through some big growth and trying to figure out how to navigate that growth. He’s got many options. A good problem to have. But at the heart of the issue is one question, “What does HE want to do?” It’s got nothing to do with reasoning or rational thinking. It’s got to do with emotions and preferences. We talk about it and I don’t impose on him what he “should” do because I’m not him. We’re uniquely different. And what he may want today…is sure to change over time. As a business owner, he has to decide how he wants to spend his days. What does he want to do? 

I’m only nudging him to go all in on where he’s strongest. Soar with your strengths and all that. Because I know that’s his greatest competitive edge, and I also know what’s what he most loves to do. If he hated it, then that wouldn’t work – any more than me loving cilantro would work (unless I suddenly develop an affinity for the taste of soap). 

Who can best help us?

People who care about our success without getting tangled up in their own success. People who understand us. People who are intent on serving us. People with intentions of never hurting us. That’s why when you started out you called mom or dad. It wasn’t likely because they had seen your problem before. That didn’t matter. What mattered is they were fully invested in you and you knew it. 

It’s the power of others. The power and impact of surrounding ourselves with people who are anxious to help us. And don’t discount the poower of our ability to return the favor. Reciprocity is a big deal. Quite frequently we get more from helping others than they do. You’ve experienced that, too. 

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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Do You Really Have To Find Somebody Who Has Already Done What You Want To Do? – Grow Great Daily Brief #84 – October 17, 2018 Read More »

Ask The Questions You Honestly Want To Know The Answers To – Grow Great Daily Brief #83 – October 16, 2018

Ask The Questions You Honestly Want To Know The Answers To – Grow Great Daily Brief #83 – October 16, 2018

Ask The Questions You Honestly Want To Know The Answers To – Grow Great Daily Brief #83 – October 16, 2018

I’m fascinated that too often people don’t ask. We don’t ask the question that seems obvious to us. We don’t ask for help even though we know we could use it, or we need it. Additionally, that we sometimes – perhaps often – don’t ask questions to feed or satisfy our curiosity or desire to truly know. The motivations behind our behavior are interesting. We can ask questions to show off, to impress others with our prowess (perceived or real). We can ask questions to intimidate. We can ask questions to ridicule. We can ask for help to patronize. On and on it goes. The fuel behind our asking isn’t always honest or sincere. 

This isn’t a philosophic topic. Rather, it’s practical. 

Don’t get hung up on the truth – yes, I believe it’s the truth – that some questions serve different ends. Teachers ask questions to find out how much the student knows (or doesn’t). Parents ask their teenagers questions to put them on the spot, making sure they know we’re watching them to protect them from foolishness. And tons of other end results are part of the question quest. 

But today, I’m focused on how entrepreneurs need to ask questions that we honestly want to know the answers to. Questions intended to satisfy our curiosity or our need to learn. 

Entrepreneurship is largely about figuring it out. It’s what we do. Over time we can sometimes lose our edge though. We can think we’re smarter than we really are. Success…or failure can jade us. That pool of assumptions we make grows increasingly larger over time. And it slows down our question asking skills because we may think we already know the answer. 

One question leaps to the forefront for me continually. It’s a question that is aimed squarely at my innate abilities, my hardwiring. I’m very intuitive. I’m a dot-connector, always trying to make sense of things. Trying to figure things out. Here’s the question that can keep me awake at night.

What if I’m wrong?

I honestly want to know the answer to that. More specifically, I always want to know if I am wrong. Or right. 

“What if I’m wrong?” keeps me on my toes by helping me consider the possibility – too often the probability – of being wrong. I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I am a knife. I give into the reality that my intuition, while reasonably reliable, isn’t fully bulletproof. 

More than that, my “what if I’m wrong?” question forces me to ask other questions in order to find out. That drive, that curiosity, needs satisfaction.

What do you honestly want to know?

Maybe there are lifelong questions like mine. Maybe not. But there are certainly tons of daily questions that need answers. Answers you could be getting if you’d just ask instead of surrendering to assumptions. 

As business operators don’t we deserve to get the answers when they’re readily available simply by us asking? Working to figure things out would seem to demand we get better – not laxer – at asking questions we honestly want the answers to. 

Know what to ask. Know whom to ask. Know when to ask. 

What is easy. Ask whatever you honestly need to know. Forget about how you look. Forget what others think. The answer you need is more important and valuable than all that.

You know whom to ask. You know the people who likely have the answer – or at least, the people who have an answer. Nothing prohibits you from asking as many people as you’d like. My only word of caution – and the reason I titled today’s show as I did – is to avoid asking in search of the answer you most want. Truth. Honesty. Those are the goals. 

When you should ask is easy. The minute you know what you’d like to find out. Don’t wait. Speed is key. Can you really ask a question you want the honest answer to too soon? No. You can certainly wait too long and until it’s too late though. So take your swings the second you want to. 

Become a question expert!

Curiosity may be innate to some, but it can be cultivated and fostered. Asking questions in search of honest answers is the best way to become better at asking. Practice makes perfect.

Getting the answers is often its own reward. It’s fuel to your curiosity fire. You’ll find that asking in search of an honest answer sparks within you more questions, taking you deeper into knowledge that you’d ever achieve otherwise. Drill down just as deeply as you’d like. It’ll make you a better person, a better entrepreneur and a better leader. 

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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Ask The Questions You Honestly Want To Know The Answers To – Grow Great Daily Brief #83 – October 16, 2018 Read More »

What If You Were Just One Decision Away From Changing Everything? – Grow Great Daily Brief #82 – October 15, 2018

What If You Were Just One Decision Away From Changing Everything? – Grow Great Daily Brief #82 – October 15, 2018

What If You Were Just One Decision Away From Changing Everything? – Grow Great Daily Brief #82 – October 15, 2018

Decisions aren’t created equally. Risk and reward vary. Size and magnitude do, too.

Owning the joint doesn’t mean you make all the decisions. You’ve already learned the value of pushing some decisions off your plate by letting people super close to the work do it. 

Let’s play a quick game. Off the top of your head, what’s one decision you made that paid off BIG TIME. Personal. Professional.

Maybe it was asking that girl out 43 years ago and now you’ve got 5 grandkids and a tribe (family).

Maybe it was befriending a super smart person who became your business partner 10 years ago.

What was it? One decision that changed the trajectory of your life, professionally or personally. Or both.

These decisions don’t happen often, but we don’t need them to. Hopefully, they happen when we most need them. 

You knew the truth to the question the moment you read it or heard me read it. “What if you were just one decision away from changing everything?”

Innovation. Creativity.

Decide today to increase both. It’s a decision that may change everything in your business. 

Commit to curiosity and wonder. What will happen if we do this? What if scenarios are just one way you can decide to more deeply embrace innovation and creativity.

Another is to push the limits of how your business or industry operates. Every business (and industry) operates from assumptions. Assumptions aren’t bad, they’re necessary. But that doesn’t mean you have to fall in love with every single one of them and never test or challenge them. Get a little bit rebellious. Start questioning things you’ve never questioned before. An easy place to start is all the sacred cows in your business or industry. Pick on the things that you and everybody else, assume are just truths that can’t be contested. Start challenging them one by one. All of them. 

Problems or Opportunities?

Decide today to look at your problems in a different way. I’m not denying that you’ve got problems. I just know that if you’re able – and determined – to look at them differently, you may find there are opportunities you can exploit and not just problems you must solve.

Where is the opportunity here – in this problem? What might we be able to do because of this problem that we couldn’t – or wouldn’t – otherwise do? 

Deploy the brainpower of your team to find the opportunities in every problem. That’s right, opportunities. There are likely multiple opportunities. 

Business history is filled with stories of happy accidents that were failures turned into major successes. Post-It Notes by 3M is just one famous example. You likely have heard and read of others. Well, stop reading about them and start creating your own. Just make up your mind – make a decision to search for successes and opportunities in your failures and problems. 

Leverage people.

You’ve got work that must be done. I get it. But you’ve got a business filled with individuals who need and want certain things in order to feel great about themselves and their work. Decide today to stop considering what your business needs and make up your mind to scale the power of the individual inside your company. 

Do you advertise or tell the market that your people are part of your competitive advantage? Many companies do. Most of them lie. But let’s assume you do it and you’re telling the truth. I know what you mean by it. You mean that your people are really good at what they do, that you’ve got systems in place to help them deliver consistently to your customers. You’re proud of it and you should be. But you’re losing leverage by failing or neglecting to look at the individuals who make up your organization. 

Here’s why? You’ve got some people who are very unhappy, but you value them. You don’t know they’re unhappy and entertaining other options. They don’t want to be doing what they’re doing and they’re stuck. You’re not seeing it because you’re not thinking about them. You’re only thinking of yourself and how they’re doing the job you need them to do.

But there’s something else happening, too. There are people who have skills and talents you know nothing about because you don’t know what really jazzes them. You’re not leveraging the people who are already part of your team. People who could deliver significantly higher value if you only cooperated with them, and their individual goals and desires. 

Stop living in the past thinking that employers are in charge. Give your people permission to be in charge of their own lives and careers. Because they really are in charge. It’s in your best interest to cooperate and collaborate with them to take full advantage of all their passions, desires and skills. 

Put yourself in a better room.

I don’t mean you move your office to something fancier. Something with a better view of the skyline of your hometown. Or an office with fancier appointments. 

I mean a room – physical or virtual – filled with people who can help you and people whom you can help. 

Purpose and responsibility. Every human being craves and needs these. You have plenty of both. In spades. Because you’re a business owner. A top-level leader. 

Those burdens are advantages of business ownership, entrepreneurship. They’ve also got a downside. There’s no place to hide. Nobody to blame.

You know that. And because you know that…you’ve grown accustomed to the loneliness. It’s just part of it. And I know why you think it. Because it’s largely true. 

There are many things you simply can’t discuss with people inside your company. Or even trusted advisors outside your company. So you go it alone. 

It’s what 99% plus of entrepreneurs and top-level leaders do because they don’t think there’s any other way. But there is. There’s a different decision that can be made. A decision, like these others, that can change everything. 

I’m on a mission to bring this option to light as much as I possibly can. Because I know there’s an epidemic of loneliness and even despair among entrepreneurs today. And much of it can be fixed if we can help spread the word that there’s a remedy. The Peer Advantage by Bula Network is just my small part – just one answer for a select few entrepreneurs to combat it. The quickest way I know to help you understand the power of this one decision is to tell you about a non-profit organization called National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children. Inc.

You do NOT want to be a member of that organization, but if you find yourself the parent of a murdered child there’s likely no better place to be. The moment you enter a meeting there’s an instant connection. Instant empathy from everybody else in the room. Because everybody in the room is just like you. Nobody has to spend time explaining anything. The individual circumstances or situations of everybody’s life is different, but the elephant in the room connects everybody with the abliity to help each other, and to be helped. 

So it is with The Peer Advantage by Bula Network. Everybody is an entrepreneur. Everybody is a business owner. The specifics of their market, their enterprise and all those other details don’t matter so much. That instant connection is summed up in the phrase, “I get it,” because everybody does get it. They understand the loneliness. They understand the responsibility. They know what you’re feeling, how you feel and how badly you want your company to succeed, grow and flourish. 

The details matter in each person serving themselves, others and the group. The collective is the power. A single decision to find increased courage through vulnerability is a decision that can change everything. Fewer than 1% of all entrepreneurs make that choice. You can decide to remain among the herd of entrepreneurs fearful of letting a small, intimate group of other entrepreneurs help them. Or, you can find the courage and humility that is reserved to the business owners who make a single decision that can change everything in their business, and their life. 

If you’re an entrepreneur and you’re interested in learning more, visit ThePeerAdvantage.com.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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