Episode 163 – Don’t Live One Way In Your Head And A Different Way In Real Life

balanceSomething must give.

It’s less of this so we can grab more of that.

It’s saying “no” so we can say “yes.”

Choices, choices, choices.

Many choices aren’t easy. Instead, they’re confusing, conflicting and agonizing. People chase balance, but there’s no such thing. Work, life, pleasure, faith, conviction, philosophy, family, friends. It’s all a big mashup of everything that makes us who and what we are.

It’s about more than fictional balance. It’s…

Time To Embrace Congruency

Today’s show is about regret, risk, opportunity, but most of all – it’s about being congruent. Don’t live your life one way in your head and a different way in real life. It’s high time to make the two come together. Stop fantasizing about what might be. Take a chance and try to make it reality.

So what if it doesn’t pan out exactly like it does in your dreams. It might be better. It might not. Either way, you’ll be better for the effort. You’ll also be spared the agony of wondering what might have been.

It’s time to venture out to create a better – a different – future. It’s time to make it real.


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