The Peer Advantage For Small Business Owners

Exclusively For Only 8 Business Owners – Accepting Applications Now

Who You Surround Yourself With Matters

Designed for ambitious SMB owners intent on growing their businesses and their lives by surrounding themselves with other like-minded SMB owners. Now forming the charter group, accepting applications for just 8 spots. The group will be no larger than seven.

Are you willing to invest 6 hours a month to improving yourself and your business?

All the details are below, but you can circumvent that by clicking that APPLY NOW button below. Complete the short application. That will only spark a phone call or Zoom session where we can discuss this opportunity for you to grow your business, your leadership, and your life.

This is about hitting the trifecta of business building:

  1. Getting new customers
  2. Serving existing customers better
  3. Not going crazy in the process


So whether you’re running a company, a business, or a household, you can’t know everything you need to know to be successful — no one can. We need the advice and feedback of people we trust.”
Keith Ferrazzi, Who’s Got Your Back

Create Your Best Future

Every day – many times each day – business owners face pressing issues. Some of them are opportunities. Many are challenges. Each must be faced with confidence, but that’s hard when you’re not quite sure what to do, or how to do it…and there’s nobody you can talk with about it. It’s private stuff. Secret. Not the kind of thing you want to go broadcasting. But deep inside you wish you could run it by somebody who has your best interest at heart. Somebody you could trust to help you.

Let’s get something straight: the concept of reaching out to others for support isn’t about changing who you are. It’s about enlisting the help and advice of others to help you become who you can be. This kind of peer-to-peer support and feedback is the often unacknowledged key behind the achievements of so many of the high-performing people I come in contact with every day. I’m convinced it’s the secret behind each one of us achieving our full potential in our careers, our businesses, and our personal lives.”
                                                                             Keith Ferrazzi, Who’s Got Your Back

Putting pressure on the truth changes everything.

You’ve got baggage that needs to be challenged with the truth. You could dump it on your family or friends, but it wouldn’t benefit you…or them. But your mental health – and your decision-making – are enhanced and dramatically improved by talking with people in a safe environment. That’s what you’ll find in the Bula Network – a safe, supportive environment where business owners can get the support they need, and where they can offer their support to other business owners.

As a small business owner you wrestle with a variety of real-life problems:

  • Cash flow
  • Sales slumps
  • Not enough hours in the day
  • Not enough competent people to help
  • Decreasing profit margins
  • Increasing costs
  • Too many unhappy customers
  • Family dynamics
  • Broken systems or non-existent processes
  • Uninspired employees

Frustration is too frequently a daily emotion.  Loneliness. Fear. Dread. They’re all contributors to helping us sometimes feel like we’re going crazy…all in the quest to own, operate, and grow our own business.


A group of trusted advisors, peers who understand where we’re coming from is the answer. You’re tempted to join the masses who think these relationships happen naturally, but they don’t. That’s why Bula Network exists – to help small business owners forge intimate, confidential relationships with other small business owners dedicated to helping each other achieve more. Your growth and accomplishment are largely determined by the people in your life. Bula Network puts you in the right room with the right people.

The peer advantage isn’t singular. It’s many advantages all rolled up.

  1. Bula Network will help you identify what achievement, accomplishment, and success really mean for you.
  2. Bula Network will help you figure out the most strategic path and plan possible to achieve what you most want.
  3. Bula Network will help you spot and identify what you need to stop doing so you can climb higher. Forward progress is enhanced when we can figure out what’s holding us back.
  4. Bula Network will surround you with people committed to ensure you embrace (and maintain) the change necessary to transform your life.
  5. Bula Network will give you the opportunity to grow in your own life by helping others grow in theirs.

Speed + Convenience = Saving Time x Making More Money


You don’t feel like you’ve got enough time. You can also feel like you don’t have enough revenue, profits, or qualified people. Chase, chase, chase!

Here’s an answer. Not just any answer, but a great answer! One that will accelerate your growth while saving you massive amounts of time. An answer that will compress the time you need to solve your issues and seize your opportunities.

Right now you’re angry about something. It may be something nobody knows about. Something that you’re secretly stewing about. I want to know what it is.

Right now you’ve got some issue that is heavily pressing on you. Maybe nobody knows about it. I want to know what it is.

Business owners, particularly small business owners, are special people. We operate in a world much flatter than bigger enterprises. It’s less about our revenue. More about that flatness of our organization. It’s about how close we are to the actual work.

The small business owner is the #1. That proverbial buck stops with us. Always.

Unlike other leaders in the business world, the small business owner can’t point the finger at somebody else or look to somebody else for the answer. Instead, we’re the ones being looked at. Other people – employees, suppliers, vendors, partners, customers – are always looking to us to solve the problem, to seize the opportunity…to make things better!

It can be lonely. A grind. Exhilarating, but daunting.

Some people are ideally suited for that zero to 60 area where an idea goes from launch to reality. But gravity’s pull is still quite strong at 60. Startups can struggle to escape failure’s gravitational pull. Most don’t make it, but those who do can find the next stage less thrilling and more challenging.

Building a sustainable, predictably successful business is not easy work. The slog takes a heavy toll on the owner. Many pay a high price professionally and personally. We do it willingly, mostly with enthusiasm because we’re devoted to our idea, our business. We endure the burden of leadership knowing that many people are relying on us to make the business more successful. Many dreams and aspirations hang in the balance based on the strength and resolve of the small business owner. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Improvement. Growth. They’re not goals. They’re a process. It comes naturally to me because deep down I’m an operator. So are you. All small business owners are operators. We know that our business is a process, it’s how we spend our days that really matters. Sometimes we don’t get to spend our days doing what we feel best at. Or where we think we can really make the biggest impact.


The Five Factors of Peer Advantage*

*According to the book, The Power Of Peers by Leon Shapiro and Leo Bottary
(Year Of The Peer Podcast with Leo Bottary – Leo shares why he started his podcast here. It’s proof of how the power of peers can elevate our accomplishments and our performance.)

We’re pursuing all 5 factors of peer advantage as we organize the groups of Bula Network.

Select The Right Peers

  • A peer group is smarter than any one individual.
  • Leaders benefit from insightful questions and the impartial advice of their peers.
  • People prefer to implement their own solutions, rather than be told what to do and how to do it.
  • Success is the most effective means of driving positive behavior changes.
  • Leaders, regardless of industry sector, share common aspirations and challenges.
  • Leaders benefit from learning about industry practices not common to their own business.
  • Peer accountability is a powerful force.

Create A Safe Environment

  • Being vulnerable is liberating.
  • When you can share anything, knowing you won’t be judged, it’s a powerful force to help you grow.
  • A healthy respect for confidentiality is mandatory. What happens in a group, stays in the group. It’s not negotiable.
  • Vulnerability is seen as a strength, not a weakness.
  • Creativity and change are fueled by our willingness to be open.

Utilize A Smart Guide

  • True smart guides lead with the hand of a servant.
  • They listen, ask good questions, build camaraderie, consider themselves as coaches rather than consultants and wear their passion for the role on their sleeve.
  • The smart guide is part of the group and every member of the group has their back.
  • They reinforce group norms, create an atmosphere of learning and have fun – all at the same time.

Foster Valuable Interaction

  • Confidentiality is key. That safe environment fosters more open interactions.
  • Skilled, repeated interactions create close bonds among group members who share in the joys of repeated successes.
  • The use of a highly strategic and structured approach fosters more skilled discussions.
  • It involves properly framing the issue, asking questions informed by experience, and leveraging the power of a collection of successful business owners.
  • It provides an unparalleled opportunity for personal and professional development of every member.

Be Accountable

  • Accountability is where peer advantage comes to life.
  • It’s where the outcomes and takeaways each business owner realizes manifest themselves both personally and professionally.
  • It’s the whole point — to grow. To improve. To be more effective.
  • The difference between peer influence and peer advantage is that peer influence is an individual pursuit while peer advantage is a group endeavor powered by greater selectivity, targeted strategies for achieving goals, and structured engagement that inspires lasting results.

The Details. Nothing Hidden. 

It’s not complicated. Fact is, it’s quite simple. That’s why it’s powerful. 

THIS IS NOT A NETWORKING OR REFERRAL-BUILDING GROUP. It’s a business-building group comprised of small business owners determined to grow their businesses.

• The Peer Advantage by Bula Network is a paid peer-advisory group opportunity for 8 business owners to collaborate with one another, with me serving as chairman. Eight of us coming together with our collective insights, wisdom, experience, and perspectives.

• It’s a virtual group that will meet on Zoom. Easy, convenient, and reliable.

• We’ll meet twice a month for 90 minutes with a hard start time and a hard stop time. Speed. Convenience. Consistency. That’s 24 times a year for a total of 36 hours – the most important work you’ll ever do!

• Twice a month I’ll meet privately with each member for 90 minutes. Sometimes we need a more private stage where we can investigate options, weigh our choices, and put in the work to figure things out. These Zoom sessions will also provide an opportunity to help each member avoid their personal blind spots, accelerate their own leadership, and figure out if bringing an issue forward to the group might be their very best option.

• Additional learning via live/recorded webinars for members to attend/watch at their convenience. Lifelong learning is a common denominator in every business owner who seizes The Peer Advantage. We’ll help provide learning and insights on the hottest topics among the members. The Peer Advantage will also bring members other resources like book summaries, tip sheets, interviews, and more. These are in addition to our meetings – and these will be available “on-demand,” giving members the convenience needed for busy business owners.

• $2,500 quarterly (that’s right, quarterly – not monthly) There is a one-time enrollment fee of $1,200.* When you sign up you’re making a commitment not only to the group but to yourself. One day of mediocre consulting would cost you a whole lot more!

Happiness Guarantee: The enrollment fee is non-refundable, but your first quarterly subscription of $2,500 is fully refundable within the first 30 days. No hoops to jump through. These 8 charter members will also get 3-Year Price Protection. Your quarterly membership will not increase for at least 3 years, locking in the current charter rate.

• No contract. Just the magic of experiencing personal, professional, and business growth. When you sign up you’re making a commitment to show up and begin making major progress in your business and your life. You’ll begin making major progress in your business and your life. You’re going to want to stay because the value is going to start out high, then SOAR. Failure to show up is on you. The value begins immediately, but the ongoing participation is where the real ROI kicks in. The more time we spend together, collaborating on our challenges/opportunities, the faster we can grow our businesses.

• “By invitation only.” The process isn’t painful or exhaustive, but it is intentional and purposeful. Every small business owner can derive big benefits from The Peer Advantage, but I’m not accepting just anybody or everybody.

The Ideal Candidate For The Peer Advantage

• Business owners only – just 8 very special small business owners to form the first charter group

• People willing to be human – people willing to share their experiences and expertise

• Smart, curious people anxious to learn – this is no place for know-it-alls

• Great listeners, great talkers – you must be willing to share and willing to foster that in others

• Hungry to grow, get unstuck and reach new heights of success/achievement – competitive and anxious to build more a more thriving business

• Fearless of accountability (and hard work) – this isn’t for dreamers; it’s for doers

• Committed to being high-achieving business owners

I’m currently interviewing small business owners to assemble the most effective group possible. Size and revenue considerations are just part of it. Don’t let your smallness or your largeness prevent us from talking, but I don’t want the investment to be burdensome to your business.

Quick Start Summary

You can submit your application in mere minutes. Click the “Apply Now” button at the bottom of this page. We use these details to ensure the quality construction of the group. The information you provide is completely confidential. Completing the application only obligates you to have a phone conversation with me so we can decide if this opportunity is right for you (and for me).

All applications are subject to approval.

Upon receipt of your application, we’ll schedule a phone or Zoom interview.

When your application is approved you’ll pay the enrollment fee plus the first quarterly payment via bank transfer or company check.

We’ll launch the group upon enrollment of the first 4 members. We’ll round out this charter group with no more than 8 members!

Enrollment Fee: $1,200 (non-refundable)

Quarterly Subscription Dues: $2,500*

*You’ll spend more on a monthly car lease. And your car won’t increase in value, help you make better decisions, or propel your growth and transformation. If within the first 30 days you’re unhappy, I’ll refund your quarterly subscription dues. Your happiness is guaranteed!

Total of your first payment, due upon approval of your application: $3,700

Now Accepting Applications For Charter Membership

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