What Would A One-Week Work-Flow Diary Reveal About You? (A Powerful Tool To Improve Your Productivity) - HIGHER HUMAN PERFORMANCE Podcast Episode 268

268 What Would A One-Week Work-Flow Diary Reveal About You? (A Powerful Tool To Improve Your Productivity)


What Would A One-Week Work-Flow Diary Reveal About You? (A Powerful Tool To Improve Your Productivity) - HIGHER HUMAN PERFORMANCE Podcast Episode 268

People who desperately need to lose weight are often asked by a nutritionist or physician to keep a food diary. Daily they write down everything they put in their mouth. It’s a powerful tool to show them the truth about how many calories they’re consuming. Most overweight people don’t realize how many calories they’re eating. The diary shows them the reality of where they are. It becomes a tool to show them how they can improve.

Your work-flow – your schedule – is a problem. Efficiency is never operating at full-strength in our lives. We can always do better.

Today, I want to encourage you to keep a work-flow diary so we can tackle the speed bumps that get in your way. Success is elusive enough when we’re chasing it with focused intensity. It’s impossible to find if we’re not taking the proper actions, and if we’re neglecting to take meaningful action consistently over time.

The pic many clients found funny

Consider how good it always feel when you look back at something you accomplished. Wouldn’t you love to have that feeling more? There’s no better time to start increasing the frequency of that feeling. Let’s do it now. Let’s start today!


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