Episode 190 – Sell Something And Get Happy, Happy, Happy!

Phil-Robertson-Duck-CommanderSell something!

As I exit, I regularly exhort a guy who works at my gym with those two simple words. It’s admonition from one old salesman to a much, much younger salesman. It’s encouragement many salespeople give other salespeople. Because we all learned the same truth…

Nothing happens until somebody sells something.

Businesses fail for a variety of reasons, but most of them are just excuses really. Lack of capital has always been a popular excuse. I’ll tell you the real reason businesses fail. It’s the only real reason why they fail.

They didn’t have enough customers!

No wonder so many entrepreneurs fail and are miserable. They haven’t sold anything. If you want to be happy, happy, happy…then sell, sell, sell.

Today’s show recaps four B’s to help you do just that:

1. Be valuable.

2. Believe in what you can do for others.

3. Be resilient (don’t take rejection personally).

4. Be tenacious.

5. Be lovable.

I even fired up the webcam and recorded today’s show on video because some of you have asked me why I don’t do much video any more. No real reason. I just fell out of the habit. I work in a dimly lit studio and forgot to fire up lights to make the video more (ahem, less) appealing. I hope this tides you over for awhile. 😉

Thanks for watching, listening, reading and caring enough to give me your time. Now, go sell something!


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