Daily Brief

What If You Were Just One Decision Away From Changing Everything? – Grow Great Daily Brief #82 – October 15, 2018

What If You Were Just One Decision Away From Changing Everything? – Grow Great Daily Brief #82 – October 15, 2018

What If You Were Just One Decision Away From Changing Everything? – Grow Great Daily Brief #82 – October 15, 2018

Decisions aren’t created equally. Risk and reward vary. Size and magnitude do, too.

Owning the joint doesn’t mean you make all the decisions. You’ve already learned the value of pushing some decisions off your plate by letting people super close to the work do it. 

Let’s play a quick game. Off the top of your head, what’s one decision you made that paid off BIG TIME. Personal. Professional.

Maybe it was asking that girl out 43 years ago and now you’ve got 5 grandkids and a tribe (family).

Maybe it was befriending a super smart person who became your business partner 10 years ago.

What was it? One decision that changed the trajectory of your life, professionally or personally. Or both.

These decisions don’t happen often, but we don’t need them to. Hopefully, they happen when we most need them. 

You knew the truth to the question the moment you read it or heard me read it. “What if you were just one decision away from changing everything?”

Innovation. Creativity.

Decide today to increase both. It’s a decision that may change everything in your business. 

Commit to curiosity and wonder. What will happen if we do this? What if scenarios are just one way you can decide to more deeply embrace innovation and creativity.

Another is to push the limits of how your business or industry operates. Every business (and industry) operates from assumptions. Assumptions aren’t bad, they’re necessary. But that doesn’t mean you have to fall in love with every single one of them and never test or challenge them. Get a little bit rebellious. Start questioning things you’ve never questioned before. An easy place to start is all the sacred cows in your business or industry. Pick on the things that you and everybody else, assume are just truths that can’t be contested. Start challenging them one by one. All of them. 

Problems or Opportunities?

Decide today to look at your problems in a different way. I’m not denying that you’ve got problems. I just know that if you’re able – and determined – to look at them differently, you may find there are opportunities you can exploit and not just problems you must solve.

Where is the opportunity here – in this problem? What might we be able to do because of this problem that we couldn’t – or wouldn’t – otherwise do? 

Deploy the brainpower of your team to find the opportunities in every problem. That’s right, opportunities. There are likely multiple opportunities. 

Business history is filled with stories of happy accidents that were failures turned into major successes. Post-It Notes by 3M is just one famous example. You likely have heard and read of others. Well, stop reading about them and start creating your own. Just make up your mind – make a decision to search for successes and opportunities in your failures and problems. 

Leverage people.

You’ve got work that must be done. I get it. But you’ve got a business filled with individuals who need and want certain things in order to feel great about themselves and their work. Decide today to stop considering what your business needs and make up your mind to scale the power of the individual inside your company. 

Do you advertise or tell the market that your people are part of your competitive advantage? Many companies do. Most of them lie. But let’s assume you do it and you’re telling the truth. I know what you mean by it. You mean that your people are really good at what they do, that you’ve got systems in place to help them deliver consistently to your customers. You’re proud of it and you should be. But you’re losing leverage by failing or neglecting to look at the individuals who make up your organization. 

Here’s why? You’ve got some people who are very unhappy, but you value them. You don’t know they’re unhappy and entertaining other options. They don’t want to be doing what they’re doing and they’re stuck. You’re not seeing it because you’re not thinking about them. You’re only thinking of yourself and how they’re doing the job you need them to do.

But there’s something else happening, too. There are people who have skills and talents you know nothing about because you don’t know what really jazzes them. You’re not leveraging the people who are already part of your team. People who could deliver significantly higher value if you only cooperated with them, and their individual goals and desires. 

Stop living in the past thinking that employers are in charge. Give your people permission to be in charge of their own lives and careers. Because they really are in charge. It’s in your best interest to cooperate and collaborate with them to take full advantage of all their passions, desires and skills. 

Put yourself in a better room.

I don’t mean you move your office to something fancier. Something with a better view of the skyline of your hometown. Or an office with fancier appointments. 

I mean a room – physical or virtual – filled with people who can help you and people whom you can help. 

Purpose and responsibility. Every human being craves and needs these. You have plenty of both. In spades. Because you’re a business owner. A top-level leader. 

Those burdens are advantages of business ownership, entrepreneurship. They’ve also got a downside. There’s no place to hide. Nobody to blame.

You know that. And because you know that…you’ve grown accustomed to the loneliness. It’s just part of it. And I know why you think it. Because it’s largely true. 

There are many things you simply can’t discuss with people inside your company. Or even trusted advisors outside your company. So you go it alone. 

It’s what 99% plus of entrepreneurs and top-level leaders do because they don’t think there’s any other way. But there is. There’s a different decision that can be made. A decision, like these others, that can change everything. 

I’m on a mission to bring this option to light as much as I possibly can. Because I know there’s an epidemic of loneliness and even despair among entrepreneurs today. And much of it can be fixed if we can help spread the word that there’s a remedy. The Peer Advantage by Bula Network is just my small part – just one answer for a select few entrepreneurs to combat it. The quickest way I know to help you understand the power of this one decision is to tell you about a non-profit organization called National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children. Inc.

You do NOT want to be a member of that organization, but if you find yourself the parent of a murdered child there’s likely no better place to be. The moment you enter a meeting there’s an instant connection. Instant empathy from everybody else in the room. Because everybody in the room is just like you. Nobody has to spend time explaining anything. The individual circumstances or situations of everybody’s life is different, but the elephant in the room connects everybody with the abliity to help each other, and to be helped. 

So it is with The Peer Advantage by Bula Network. Everybody is an entrepreneur. Everybody is a business owner. The specifics of their market, their enterprise and all those other details don’t matter so much. That instant connection is summed up in the phrase, “I get it,” because everybody does get it. They understand the loneliness. They understand the responsibility. They know what you’re feeling, how you feel and how badly you want your company to succeed, grow and flourish. 

The details matter in each person serving themselves, others and the group. The collective is the power. A single decision to find increased courage through vulnerability is a decision that can change everything. Fewer than 1% of all entrepreneurs make that choice. You can decide to remain among the herd of entrepreneurs fearful of letting a small, intimate group of other entrepreneurs help them. Or, you can find the courage and humility that is reserved to the business owners who make a single decision that can change everything in their business, and their life. 

If you’re an entrepreneur and you’re interested in learning more, visit ThePeerAdvantage.com.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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What If You Were Just One Decision Away From Changing Everything? – Grow Great Daily Brief #82 – October 15, 2018 Read More »

Flip It Around For An Improved View – Grow Great Daily Brief #81 – October 12, 2018

Flip It Around For An Improved View – Grow Great Daily Brief #81 – October 12, 2018

Flip It Around For An Improved View – Grow Great Daily Brief #81 – October 12, 2018

Leo Bottary and I were enjoying lunch and conversation this week. We don’t get to see each other in person very often, the hazards of me living in Texas and him living in California. We do a podcast together – What Anyone Can Do (titled after Leo’s latest book by the same title). Buy a copy here. 

Among the many things I enjoy about my friendship with Leo is our diversity. He’s well educated. Me? Not so much. I left college with 18 hours shy of a degree in journalism. Leo has an advanced degree. Leo has spent a lifetime making a variety of connections in all sorts of spaces. Until about a decade ago I spent my entire career with my head down operating retail companies. He’s from Boston. I’m from Ada, Oklahoma. 😀 

Coming from two different worlds is beneficial to us. Well, I’ll speak for myself. It’s beneficial to me. Leo provides a perspective that’s often different from my own. It’s not about whether either one of us right. Or wrong. It’s like looking at anything – like a car (I only use that because I know auto manufacturers have websites that allow customers to take virtual tours of cars, inside and out). The view from the back is quite different from the front, which is altogether different than looking at the side, but together – it’s a more complete view. An improved view. 

The Power of PeersLeo and I were talking about some future plans we have individually and collectively. At some point Leo challenged me to consider an approach that was 180 degrees different than the one I had planned. We talked about it, with me asking him to clarify so I could more fully understand. It made sense to me. I hadn’t considered it before. There’s the power of peers! (Ironically, the title of Leo’s first book, coauthored with Leon Shapiro)

Don’t get hung up on right or wrong. If the only view we have of a car is the rear, it’s neither right nor wrong. It just is. 

We walk around to the front and take a very different look. We don’t conclude, we’ll that’s not right. We understand that we’re looking at the same vehicle, just from a different PERSPECTIVE. 

Leo and I are both passionate about the same thing — the power of the collective, the truth that who we surround ourselves with matters. We both have a deep belief in the power of others and think it’s one of the most highly under-utilized strategies in every space, including business. It’s a big thing to have in common. But it doesn’t mean we see things, including details, in the same way. We’re committed to sharing and listening though. No judgment. No “you-should-do-this-not-that.” Just deep conversations, insightful questions and an ongoing quest for clarity so the best solutions can be found. 

Flipping it around – whatever IT is – isn’t always easy without somebody provoking us. We can improve the practice by intentionally looking at it from the opposite view. But that’s difficult without having others challenge us in a caring way. It’s the old parable of the blind men and the elephant. 

A group of blind men heard that a strange animal, called an elephant, had been brought to the town, but none of them were aware of its shape and form. Out of curiosity, they said: “We must inspect and know it by touch, of which we are capable.” So, they sought it out, and when they found it they groped about it. In the case of the first person, whose hand landed on the trunk, said “This being is like a thick snake.” For another one whose hand reached its ear, it seemed like a kind of fan. As for another person, whose hand was upon its leg, said, the elephant is a pillar like a tree-trunk. The blind man who placed his hand upon its side said, “elephant is a wall.” Another who felt its tail, described it as a rope. The last felt its tusk, stating the elephant is that which is hard, smooth and like a spear.

Various lessons stem from that parable, but for our purposes, I’m focused on our need as business owners for deeper understanding, and respect for different perspectives on the same object of observation.

The Peer Advantage by Bula Network is my professional effort (and passion) to serve just 7 business owners with an advantage of being surrounded by people who will do this for one another. I’m assembling 7 high performing, humble, but courageous business owners who understand how critical deeper understanding with the help of others can be to their personal and professional growth. You can find out more by going to ThePeerAdvantage.com. If you own a business anywhere in America please check it out. 

Have a great Friday and enjoy your weekend.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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Flip It Around For An Improved View – Grow Great Daily Brief #81 – October 12, 2018 Read More »

Let's Start, Then Figure It Out – Grow Great Daily Brief #80 – October 11, 2018

Let’s Start, Then Figure It Out – Grow Great Daily Brief #80 – October 11, 2018

Let's Start, Then Figure It Out – Grow Great Daily Brief #80 – October 11, 2018

It’s the reverse of what makes people feel comfortable. Or confident. 

We want to figure it all out first, then start. But that doesn’t work. It’s not how we do anything, or how we’ve done anything. 

There is no realized ROI on thinking. The ROI is in the action taken, which is certainly impacted by thinking…but thinking by itself is useless.

Every innovation I’ve ever been a part of began with an idea. A thought. A premise. But that’s not where the power was. The power was in putting it to the test. Will it work? We think it will, but we’re never sure until we prove it. So we start and figure it out along the way validating the idea or figuring out that it won’t work, prompting us to ditch it or morph it into something else. Often times something we never imagined when we began.

What are you thinking about right now? What innovations or creative solutions are you and your team considering? 

Have you been vetting the ideas for a while, but you still haven’t learned if they’ll work? 

Perfectionism isn’t always the culprit. It’s the popular culprit, but sometimes it’s something not nearly as sexy. I mean, it’s a badge of honor for some people to declare how much of a perfectionist they are, when the truth is, they’re just lazy. Or a procrastinator. Or they’re scared. “I’m a perfectionist” is better than saying, “I’m scared.” Or is it? 

Starting is a commitment. Thinking isn’t. So we can keep thinking and be safe. No exposure. We can even talk about what we’re thinking. Still safe!

But try to do something and now we’re exposed. Feeling naked before the whole world, which we’re convinced are watching our every misstep. Funny how we can convince ourselves that the universe notices our every failure, but nobody sees our successes. New flash: nobody is paying attention to either one. We’ve all got our own stuff. No time to pay attention to everything you may try, much less to keep score of how well or how poorly you’re doing. 

Yesterday we talked about how it’s your life, and it’s your fault. Go back and listen to it — or listen to it again. Get that truth cemented in your head. Accept the truth of it. 

Now, what is there to be afraid of? Failure? Success? I’m not going to tell you be fearless. That’s unreasonable. And unrealistic. We all have fears. False evidence appearing real. 

The only way to combat our fear – this includes our fear of starting – is courage. Don’t get wrapped up thinking you’ll eliminate the fear. I wouldn’t even waste my time trying to reduce the fear. Instead, try to increase your courage. In this case, the courage to get going. 

Here’s the evidence — courage is best increased by doing, not by thinking. Displays of courage, even small acts of courage, foster more displays of courage. In short, courage begets courage. And it’s why you’re not able to figure things out more quickly. You’re trying to think your way to success and that’s not how success happens. Anywhere!

I’m not a scientist, but let’s consider some brainiac in a white lab coat. Maybe somebody working on a very noble mission, like finding a cure for cancer or dementia. All that learning and knowledge provokes ideas and thoughts. The group of lab coats can sit around sharing their ideas, but nobody will find any cure for anything if that’s all they do. They have to test their ideas. They have to start so they can get on with figuring it out. In this case, figuring out if the cure they envision can be found or not. 

Thinking doesn’t provide the feedback we need to grow, improve and transform. Nor does it give us evidence that our idea (our thinking) is accurate, lacking or woefully off base. We can sit around our offices thinking an idea will be terrific, but until we unleash our idea into the wild – by taking action (starting) – we’ll never know. You may as well sit around and think your way to growing revenues 50%. 

Magic doesn’t happen in your imagination. It happens when you start. When you do something based on your thinking, creativity, and imagination. 

For starters, think it through enough to get started.

If your aim is to think it through, considering every conceivable consequence, then you’ll be thinking forever. But that learning isn’t really learning. It’s your own head trash, viewpoints, assumptions and thoughts. Are they accurate? Valid? You think so, but you don’t know until you test them (just like those lab coats who must test their idea about a cure). 

Some ideas are more complex than others. I’ve never had a thought that deserves to be lumped alongside the cure of some disease, but I’ve had some thoughts about a complicated problem. Other problems aren’t complicated at all. Thinking through solutions for straight-forward problems doesn’t likely require some detailed blueprint. We can likely come up with a solution off the top of our head…with enough brain power to get started. 

Have you ever implemented a solution that created a new problem you didn’t have before? Sure, we’ve all done that if we’ve operated a business for any length of time at all. But, we then set about to fix that problem. Law of unintended consequences and all that.

Listen, I’m not admonishing you to not be thoughtful. I’m admonishing you to avoid being or getting stuck. You need enough brain power to get started. And it’s based on two factors: cost (call it risk or reward) and complexity (how complicated is the problem, and the proposed solution). The higher these two C’s are, the more time you’re going to need to THINK. But make sure your aim is to think through it enough to get started DOING something.

Get going as quickly as you can and pay attention.

Speed is key, but speed is not recklessness. A thoughtful start is your goal. But don’t start assuming you’ve got it all thought out. 

Watch a child learning something for the first time. That timid behavior is them feeling it out. Paying close attention to how it’s working out. It doesn’t work out perfectly at first. Ever. Riding a bike. Hitting a baseball. Kicking a soccer ball. Counting to 10. Reciting the alphabit. Mistakes get made. That’s where the learning happens. 

Your business works the same way. Get going, but keep your eyes and ears open. Pay close attention to what the real world is showing you about what you thought. 

Accept reality.

This one is hard for some business owners who so love their idea they don’t want to admit failure. Or that the idea may not have been as good as they once thought.

When I was young I was fortunate enough to work for an idea guy. We’d go to lunch and he’d unload a pocket full of ideas. But he was humble enough, comfortable enough with who he was to admit that 99 of 100 ideas he had were crap. He was always in search of the one that was brilliant though. We didn’t wait until we stumbled onto that one though. Maybe 5 were worth giving a shot. There was only one way to find out. Try it. And accept the results.

This doesn’t mean you start and if it’s not a homerun right off…you quit. It means you pay attention, get the feedback of the real world, and make adjustments. But you can continue to adjust without success. The kid learning to ride a bike eventually learns to ride the bike. Quitting won’t help him learn how to ride the bike. Determination and tenacity will. Unfortunately, our businesses aren’t like riding a bike – something proven easy for most kids to learn with practice. We’re operating in a different environment than that…trying things we’ve never done, and sometimes things nobody has done (at least not in our specific situation). 

Don’t fall in love with your ideas to the extent you refuse to face reality. When and how you go about that is up to you. Only you can decide when you’ve given it enough of a try. 

Value the ROI of doing, and grow a culture of starting.

This is one of the biggest deals to me because I’m a culture freak. I have operated for decades on the belief – now I know it’s the TRUTH – that the culture matters. What people believe, and how people feel makes the difference in how well they execute. 

Actions foster more actions. 

Committee meetings foster more committee meetings. 

Want to keep talking about it? Thinking about it? Easy. Keep doing more of that and don’t be fast to act. 

Want to be doing stuff, making stuff happen? Easy. Start doing more stuff. Find ways to do stuff faster. Show your organization how valuable action is to you. 

Learning stems from doing. Develop a team fixated on figuring things out. Don’t confuse figuring it out with just sitting around thinking about it. The thinking needs to be hit in the mouth with the real world to see if the idea will stand up, or fold. And be defeated. 

You’ll rack up more wins with more starts. Baseball playoffs are underway. I’m not a baseball fan, but I know enough to know that the more “at bats” a player gets, the better his chances of success. He can watch film. Take batting practice. But until he gets into the batter’s box in a real game, he’s got no way to know how good (or bad) he is. Your business isn’t any different. 

Step up. Get in the batter’s box with your ideas. Take swings in a real game, against real competition. You’ll figure it out, but that won’t happen in a film room or the dugout.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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Let’s Start, Then Figure It Out – Grow Great Daily Brief #80 – October 11, 2018 Read More »

Your Life, Your Fault – Grow Great Daily Brief #79 – October 10, 2018

Your Life, Your Fault – Grow Great Daily Brief #79 – October 10, 2018

“Play the hand you’re dealt.” Even non-poker players like me understand the meaning. 

It’s the only strategy worth deploying. That doesn’t mean we people don’t react in other ways. They often do. 

For starters, they whine and complain. Cause it’s fun to enjoy the sympathy of others. 

The root of complaining is envy and jealousy. Comparing our “cards” or life circumstances against others who we think have it better. It’s not fair. We want what they’ve got. 

The truth is…

There are people less qualified than you, with fewer advantages than you, doing the things you want to do, because they decided to take responsibility for their own life. They believe in themselves. They also believe their life’s outcome is their fault. 

You’re holding cards in your hand. Sure, let’s assume the real truth – much of it is random. You had no say in who your parents were. Or where you were born. Or how you were raised. Or where you were educated through high school. You didn’t have any say in how short or tall you are. How athletic or unathletic you are. How musical or unmusical you are. Whether you love to read or hate it. Whether you love to write, or never write. So much of what defines you seems random. But the results of that randomness is what you’ve got to play with. It’s the hand you were dealt. Now what?

Now what?

This is where we need to employ a bit more logic and less emotion. Lean left. The left hemisphere of your brain. Focus logically on where you are, not where you wish you were. 

You can feel an array of emotions about your parents, or where you grew up, or any of the other circumstances of your life. Part of maturity is adding the coping skills necessary to navigate life successfully. It’s why we behaved like idiots when we were kids. We didn’t have the skills or wisdom to always make the best choices. Mostly, we made decisions on what we wanted to do at the time. Fun was likely the main objective. “Seemed like a good idea at the time,” probably summed up our teen years. But things changed.

We grew. We say we grew “up.” Nobody says, “I grew down.” We grew up. We grew past something. We got over it, like any other hurdle in life. Growth. Improvement. Transformation.

Now, we’re grown up. Mature. 

Now what?

Are we gonna focus on how bad we’ve got it? Are we gonna look at others and wish we had it better? Are we gonna blame everybody and everything for our life? 

Go ahead. It won’t work out well. Never does. 

Instead, let’s go back to the cards you’re holding. There’s only one strategy you can deploy. Just one choice if moving forward is your goal. 

Play them.

That means you accept the fact that these ARE your cards. Wishing you had one card different. Or wishing all five cards were different won’t change them. How is that strategy or tactic going to help you? 

It won’t, but an awful lot of people do that instead of playing their cards. They fret, worry, agonize and lament how awful their cards are. Telling anybody who will listen how badly they’ve got it, too many folks want sympathy instead of growth. 

Let’s play that game out. The Sympathy Game. Okay, complain and moan. Increase the number of people who feel badly for you. Double the number. Triple it. Multiply it by 100. or 1000. Feel better? Did the increased number of sympathizers really serve you? Help you grow or improve? Of course not. But it likely made you feel better. Like drugs, or alcohol. Quick fix with lots of long-term devastation and pain attached. 

The real help – where you’ll find the real service – is accepting responsibility for your own life. The pronoun reveals true ownership. It’s YOUR life. 

I know the word “fault” is polarizing. That’s why I’m using it. To impress on you that hiding is useless. And to impress on you that ownership is your best option for growth, improvement and transformation. Any other choice is fruitless and damaging. 

Your business. 

Your life.

It’s not just one or the other. As the owner of a business, you’ve added a big ownership piece to your life. Let’s roll your ownership into one big YOU because it’s your complete, total life. Business and personal. 

You think it feels bad – maybe even wrong or inaccurate – to say everything is your fault. Permit me to make a case to show you the upside. Hint: there is no downside. 

One, you don’t waste time on unproductive activities.

Assigning blame takes mental and emotional energy. It also takes time. Plus it fosters in you the tendency that we all have…to find fault in somebody or something else. Do those poor feelings make you a better person? Nope. They certainly don’t save you time. And your life is largely defined by time. So it’s a colossal waste of your life. Besides, fostering ill feelings toward others is no way to live. That just takes you down the rabbit hole of assigning WHY behind what’s happening, or what has happened. You’re looking for reasons now. More wasted time. More wasted energy. More fuel to your ill feelings. 

Two, it won’t change the present or the past.

If complaining worked, we’d all know it. There’d be empirical evidence that it’s an effective strategy. 

Complaining and blaming others has never altered the smallest thing that has ever happened to you. Or the smallest thing that may be happening to you right now. Never. Ever. 

It’s not going to work. Ever. 

Three, there’s high value in accepting blame (responsibility, fault, or whatever else you’d prefer to term it) even if you’re wrong.

“But it really isn’t my fault,” you may say. Many do. 

Okay. No argument. But what if you just own it anyway? This is a value proposition. Is there value in you accepting the blame versus you refusing to accept it? Yes, there is. If you can get past your pride and ego then you can find the path to real contentment in acceptance. That’s where the growth is! Your growth!

All that stuff happening inside your business – and your life – is your fault. The sooner you accept it, even if it’s not true, the quicker you’ll start finding true growth and improvement. Few things will have a more positive impact on your life. I can’t think of anything that will make a bigger change in your life TODAY. 

Right now.

This very moment.

Than you accepting the blame for it all. 

Because when you do, you’re immediately telling yourself, “I can change it.” There’s my sales close on this idea. This truth. 

The second you’re able to accept that it’s all your fault, then you’re naturally saying to yourself that you have the ability and power to alter it. It’s the power you’re waiting for. The permission you need. 

Suddenly, that cavalry or lifeboat you’re waiting on disappears because you realize you don’t need it. Waiting isn’t going to help. Nobody is coming to save you. Others can help you, but you’ll also instantly realize that the others you’ve been surrounding yourself with – the people who listen to your complain or sympathize with your complaints – they’re not truly serving you. 

Knowing and accepting the truth that your life belongs to you – and not to anybody else – is liberating. Empowering. 

Why would I want you to remain stuck? Why would a guy with a podcast called GROW GREAT want you to do anything other than that – grow great?

It’s your life. So accept the truth that it’s your fault. It’s step one to a much better life.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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Your Life, Your Fault – Grow Great Daily Brief #79 – October 10, 2018 Read More »

Avoid Stagnation In Your Small Business – Grow Great Daily Brief #78 – October 9, 2018

Avoid Stagnation In Your Small Business – Grow Great Daily Brief #78 – October 9, 2018

Avoid Stagnation In Your Small Business – Grow Great Daily Brief #78 – October 9, 2018

Soar with your strengths. It’s valid. I believe in it. Strongly. But…

Every small business is prone to stagnation. And it’s not restricted to businesses that have been around for a very long time. Stagnation can happen more quickly than we think. 

Small business ownership isn’t just mom ‘n pop shops. It’s the $50M manufacturing business. It’s the $3M retail shop. It’s the $127M custom home builder. It’s the $225M car dealer. 

Water stagnates when it stops flowing. Ditto for your small business. When growth stops, when improvement isn’t highly pursued and when innovation ceases…you’re stagnant. It’s time for an infusion of what you’re lacking. And I’m not talking about capital (although your stagnation has likely resulted in cash flow pressures and a restriction in resources, including capital). 


Routine. Sameness. Staying the course. 

These are just a few of the many enemies you face in your small business. Yes, boredom results, but there’s a deeper – more powerful – enemy, ideas stop flowing. Stagnation.


History. Not as in learning from it, but as in trying to hang onto it. Living in the past. Every successful business has to face this threat.

Too much time spent admiring previous accomplishments freezes us. Makes us hesitate. 

Easton is my 5-year-old grandson. He just started playing T-ball. He’ll hit the ball, but he won’t immediately drop the bat and run to first. He’ll learn that he can’t afford to look where the ball is going before dashing to first. 

The enemy is we stop asking questions. Especially tough questions. 

We assume that what once worked – or what worked in the past – is going to keep on working. Those assumptions coerce us to not see the slow erosion of effectiveness of our past. 


This is especially threatening to our business if we’ve been in the industry for very long. We tend to think we’ve figured it all out if we’ve been in a space for a few years. All the dots in our industry have been figured out. Or so we think. 

Curiosity ends up being replaced by a “know-it-all” false confidence. It’s why so many industries get disrupted by newbies. Spend some time with 2-3-year-old kids and you’ll quickly get a lesson in curiosity. And you’ll also see why it’s so easy to lose it. Arrogance and pride. Too many small business owners are ashamed or embarrassed to be curious. They wrongly think it’s better to act like you’ve you’ve got all the answers. 


We get fat and happy. Laziness stifles accomplishment. Hunger is a powerful source of inspiration. Contentment is fine at the individual level, but it’ll kill a culture of accomplishment inside your small business. 

The big payday – success – has wrecked quite a lot of potential greatness. It’s a rare bird who can climb really high and still believe there’s a higher elevation left to discover. Most of us prefer to rest and enjoy the view. 

What do we do? How do we avoid stagnation in our small business?

One, don’t embrace loyalty over performance.

Don’t hate me. I’m not talking about booting people just for the sake of it. But I am talking about not getting so loyal to people in your business that you avoid tough scrutiny. 

“Mary has been here 15 years. We can’t get rid of Mary.” That dog won’t hunt if Mary isn’t contributing enough to the company. Sorry, but unless you’ve decided to morph your small business into a non-profit or make it a charitable enterprise, Mary may need to go. 

If your culture has stagnated into a loyalty-over-performance culture…you’re in trouble. Instead, be loyal to performance!

Two, get and maintain a diverse team.

Are you an owner who enjoys being surrounded by folks who agree with every idea you have? It’s okay to admit it. It’s death to keep it though. You need contrarians. 

When I say “diverse” I don’t mean you limit it to the stereotypical categories based on gender or race. I mean in any and every category, perhaps especially based on experience. Don’t always look for the person who has the experience you think you need. This drives me mad – literally angry – when I sit down with HR people or top-level leaders whose go-to-move is the person with 5 years industry experience, an MBA or whatever else they think is most needed. It’s wrong and lazy! Translation: we want to hire somebody we don’t have to train or serve. We want somebody who can hit the ground running. When you do that, you lose everything I’ve talked about. Ideas. Questions. Curiosity. Ambition. 

Look at people who have no experience in your space, but they have experiences, skills, and talents that may be easily adaptable to your environment. I know why you don’t do it. You’re stuck. You’re following the leader instead of being a leader. And you’re lazy, settling for the quick fix instead of putting in the work to push yourself and your company to new heights.

Three, lead by example. 

As the owner, you’re the top dog. The team takes their cues from you. They know how you roll. And what they know may be very different than how you think you roll. Don’t fool yourself. You can fancy yourself to be something you’re not. Many business owners do. 

Get real with yourself. Ideas, questions, curiosity, and ambition begin with YOU. 

It’s all too common for small business owners to feel like they embrace all these things, but when you talk with team members you hear just the opposite. Every small business owner needs a reality check. You need somebody – or a group of somebodies – willing and able to help you grow as a business owner and leader. 

We all have blind spots. And weaknesses. And strengths. The more we shore up our weaknesses, the more we bet on our strengths and the more we eliminate our blind spots…the better we’ll be. Our growth, improvement and transformations as business owners has a direct impact on the growth of our business. It seems so obvious, but so many business owners devote very little time or money investing in themselves. Partly because they don’t think they need it. Partly because they’re unaware that the path to greatness is humility – the realization that there’s always so much left to learn, and so much more left to accomplish. 

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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Helping Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Leverage The Power Of Others – Grow Great Daily Brief #77 – October 8, 2018

Helping Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Leverage The Power Of Others – Grow Great Daily Brief #77 – October 8, 2018

Helping Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Leverage The Power Of Others – Grow Great Daily Brief #77 – October 8, 2018

Let’s talk about OTHER PEOPLE. During the early years of my career OPM entered every business person’s vocabulary. It stood for “Other People’s Money.” This was long before business people were the heroes. And it was really before VC’s (venture capitalists) were legendary. The goal of business owners who had a business that seemed scalable was the IPO (Initial Public Offering). We all dreamed of what it might be like to “go public.” That’s where the big money was, taking your company public and being listed on the stock market. It was the path to get your chips off the table and cash out a portion of your equity. 

Money is great. We all want more of it, but when I talk about the power of others I don’t want to restrict it mere dollars because there are other things that have even higher value. Money will fix some things, but it won’t fix everything. It won’t solve every business problem. It won’t solve very many personal or private problems. It’s a great resource, but it’s not more valuable to us than the help and support we can get from other people. Particularly, people who get us and our situation. People who can actually do something other than listen to us. People who can help us think more clearly. People who can ask us questions that foster better answers. And people willing to hold us accountable to the very things we most want to accomplish. 

Other people improve every facet of our lives. We have to make sure we’re surrounded by the right ones – the ones who can best serve us. Ironically, those are also the people who will accept our help. That give and take relationship makes it a very special thing — to have others encircling us and to have others allow us to be part of the group surrounding them. 

You know what I love about the business world today versus when I was breaking in? Connection, collaboration and cooperation. It didn’t exist much when I was younger. We were competitive. Sometimes even hostile. We thought the world was a zero-sum game, meaning if we lost then it meant somebody else won. And if we won (which was always the goal), then somebody necessarily lost. That proverbial pie everybody was chasing was a finite thing. A fixed size. Nobody thought about growing the pie. We only thought about our ability to get our piece. The biggest piece possible. 

If you were born in the last 30 plus years, you’ve learned how wrong we were. You’ve learned how big the markets are, how many customers are available, how other people are THE path to greater accomplishments, opportunities, and success. 

This is at the heart of my career change with The Peer Advantage by Bula Network

Have you ever gone through some really tough time? Maybe it was personal and private. Maybe it was completely business-related. Maybe both. 

Something that wrecked you. Caused you to lose sleep. Lots of it. Something that caused you to lose your appetite. Something that vexed you night and day. You couldn’t get your mind off of it. 

the elephantJason Isbell released a song in 2013 on his album, Southeastern. It was entitled Elephant. A sad, awful song about a woman with terminal cancer, something that has afflicted many of us. Try as we might, cancer defines so many people. Not what we want. Or what we hope. But those who suffer it know it’s the constant topic of every conversation. 

We all have elephants who occupy the rooms of our lives. Dominate our minds and hearts. 

Try as we might, they don’t leave us alone. Big, imposing creatures impossible to ignore. That’s what our elephants represent. 

For you, it may be something that awful as cancer. Your own, or a loved one.

It may be a child you fret about 24/7. Or a spouse.

It may be a particular business challenge you just can’t figure out. Or one that worries you enormously. 

Elephants. Only a fool deals with them alone. Others – trusted confidants help. 

You’re not likely intentional about the others in your life. If you’re like 99% of business owners – or any humans – then you bravely try to act like you don’t need any help. Secretly, you crave it though. You privately wish you had some people you could lean on. People who don’t judge you…they just help you. Not by telling you what you should do, but people who help you clearly assess the situation and make sure you’re seeing it accurately. People who care only about your success because they know life isn’t a zero-sum game. They know when they face their elephant, you’ll be there to help them. It’s mutual service and it’s insanely powerful. Extraordinary. Remarkable. 

You’re tired of going it alone. Problems, issues, and opportunities deserve to be addressed with wisdom, thoughtfulness, experience, and insights. 

That, my friends, is the power of others. Others lift us higher. Sustain us when we’re down. Resurrect us when we feel like we’re both down and out. Speed us up when we’re dragging. Slow us down we’re speeding out of control. They do for us what we’re unable to do for ourselves! 

Aren’t you ready to join the most elite people on the planet? The people who have learned that by leveraging the power of others they can grow their business, their leadership and their lives. Then figure it out. Find a way to surround yourself with powerful people. I’m working on just 2 answers — two groups of 7 business owners from around America who can do for others what they can’t do alone. And who can have done for them what only others can do! Visit ThePeerAdvantage.com for more details. 

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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Helping Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Leverage The Power Of Others – Grow Great Daily Brief #77 – October 8, 2018 Read More »

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