

30-Day Micro Leadership Course (September 1, 2021)

Wednesday, September 1, 2021.

Today is the first micro session in this leadership course designed to provide bite-sized nuggets of wisdom you can use beginning right now! 

Leadership is a) influence and b) the ability to do for others what they can’t do for themselves.

It doesn’t have anything to do with a title or position…or being the boss. While being the boss can certainly help you get things done, it’s really a separate thing from leadership. People choose whom to follow. You want people to choose to follow you because they know they’re made better by your impact on their lives.

The story we tell ourselves isn’t always positive. Quite often, we wonder how our work contributes in any positive way. How do we make a difference? 

Great leaders provide for us a context where we’re better able to see ourselves as heroes. And we all want to be a hero!

30-Day Micro Leadership Course (September 1, 2021) Read More »

(Why Optimism Fuels Higher Performance)

What’s Your Ideal Outcome? (Why Optimism Fuels Higher Performance)

The Ideal Outcome

Transcript of today’s special episode where I pull back the curtain on my coaching process.

Welcome to high-impact influence the podcast.

The website is Grow Great dot com, you can also get there by going to High Impact Influence dot com, but Grow Great dot com is just easier to remember. I’m your host Randy Cantrell coming to you from Dallas Fort Worth, Texas.

We’re winding down August.

And I thought today we’d just fire things up and answer some frequently asked questions.

I will tell you that I have, really since the beginning of summer, and frankly, a little bit before I had the idea if somebody would let me kind of record one of the coaching sessions, I just thought it would be incredibly valuable so that people could kind of see how the sausage is made, did not anticipate it being quite as difficult to get someone to be agreeable to do that.

said, you know, we won’t use any names. And we can even kind of, we can even kind of script out a little bit, you know, bullet point, kind of what we want to talk about, but just to give some people an idea, and nobody wanted to take me up on it, which is fine, I get it. I get it. The reason for it is because I’m regularly asked what’s different. Because if you go to the website, and you check my about page, which is I think it’s really titled, work with me, I’ve said forever, the way that I operate is just very, very different.

And I can tell you straight up why. Because the way that I operate is not scalable. I mean, not at all, it’s a horrible business model. I just don’t happen to care, because it’s the way I roll. And it’s the way I’m kind of wired to roll. And clients get enormous benefit. So they tell me from it, it is incredibly personal and confidential, which is why people were very reluctant to even anonymously, kind of pull the curtain back.

I say on my website, and it bears repeating here.

Consulting is give a man a fish, just do this for me. I don’t I don’t want to learn how I just need somebody to do this work for me. And I don’t do that coaching, we typically think of it as teaching a man to fish coach a man how to fish. I don’t do that either. Instead, I want to help you figure out do you even like fish? And so if I had to sum up all of my work, I would sum it up in the phrase, your ideal outcome? What is your ideal outcome? clients are stuck. They are going through some particular crisis. There’s been some events, some circumstance, some situation that hasn’t derailed them, but kind of sorta, I come in during moments where there’s high levels of pain, high levels of suffering. And largely, it doesn’t matter who’s at fault, right? We all get fixated on well, where can I assess the blame? We focus on responsibility, we focus on individual personal responsibility, and how we can best be served. And so part of the frequently asked questions, I guess, the most honest way for me to answer the question of, you know, how do you operate? And how is it different?

In the coaching space, you really need to work at scaling, if you want to make any kind of income from it. And while earning a living is important to me, it’s not the priority. And it’s not because I’m Noble. It’s because I’m frugal. And it’s because I don’t need much money. And is because at this age in life as a mature guy who’s got a lifetime of experience, it’s just really important to me, to not only pass it on but to help other people figure these things out for themselves. And so, I’m very fixated on my practice in helping people figure it out for themselves. It doesn’t matter if I figure it out for you. You got to figure it out for yourself. It doesn’t matter what I believe in what I think and what I feel it matters what you think and feel and believe because it’s going to ultimately matter what you do. So let me very briefly describe to you the three stages that a client goes through in my coaching.

I help every client paint themselves into a corner. Now tap the brakes. I know that doesn’t sound like the most appealing place to go. But it’s the most valuable place that you can be. That corner represents literally back up against the wall. meaning you’re now without excuse, it doesn’t mean that you’re responsible for everything that’s happened to you, it doesn’t mean that the problems that you now experienced where you’re doing, they might have been, but they might not have been. I mean, I’m working with some top-level leaders right now. And they’re fighting this fight that everybody seems to be fighting in, trying to find people trying to hire people trying to retain people.

Others are also battling that battle. But simultaneously, they are trying to fight the fight of having a high-performance culture, and trying to build that, or trying to improve upon that, or trying to, at some level, maybe even maintain that. And then there are countless, countless of us, who’ve got problems that don’t have anything to do with work. We’ve got situations, we got situations at home, we’ve got situations with family, we’ve got situations with health. And these seem to not be so fixated on our professions, or our titles. And yet, here we are because we’re all human. And we’ve all got these kinds of problems and situations. And while everybody can say, Well, you know, you just leave that at the door, none of us do. The whole human being comes into the office, the whole human being is on a zoom call, there is no checking it at the door, there’s no checking it at the door, if you have received a bad medical diagnosis or someone that you care deeply about has, and you have been rocked, and your knees are buckled. And you’re a good employee, you’re a good leader, but this is now your world, this thing that you weren’t all that worried about some days before. Now you are completely preoccupied with that. So now what ideal outcome, the ideal outcome.

And I try as best I can to channel clients to think about how they can influence that. You know, there are some people that can say, Well, listen, my ideal outcome would be to win the Powerball lottery and be a billionaire. Okay, well, other than buying a lottery ticket, which is stupid and foolish, in my judgment, there’s nothing you can do to influence or facilitate making that happen.

That doesn’t qualify as a good ideal outcome may be a grand wish. But it’s not a good ideal outcome, what’s a good ideal outcome for you? Well, that’s for you to decide. But again, something that you can influence, and something that isn’t colossally selfish, something that isn’t destructive to you or to others. So I’ll put those qualifiers on it, what do you most want to happen, that you’re willing to put in some work in order to make it happen? It might not, there are no guarantees.

But this much can be guaranteed if you don’t give it a go, it certainly isn’t going to happen. So step one is to help clients paint themselves into a corner. And it’s a great place to go. But only the bravest go there. And when you’re in this corner, and all of us need to be in that corner, because that’s where our growth and improvement and learning happen. Once we’re in the corner, step two, we have this mirror, we have to look in the mirror. And we’ve got to come to the conclusion that we are going to accept responsibility for all of it doesn’t mean that we’re accepting blame. Who cares? It doesn’t mean that we’re going to be fixated on pointing a finger, being in the corner, and looking in the mirror together represent our unwillingness to continue to embrace excuses.

And we all do, we all want to make excuses. Because it makes us feel better. But in making us feel better, it hurts us, it damages us. It robs us of the control and the power that we do have. And we aren’t God.

We do not have all the power. We do not have the ability to be anything that we want to be I’m sorry that your mom told you that or your dad taught you that, but it’s not true. You can’t be just anything you want to be you may not have the capacity for it, you may not have the interest for it, you may not have the natural talent for it.

It just may not be possible. That doesn’t mean that you’re severely limited. It just means that you need to get in touch with who and what you are, and lean into being the best version of yourself that you can be and that’s hard work for all of us to do. And by the way, it doesn’t matter how old you get, that work will never stop. So we’re looking in the mirror and our backs up against the wall in this corner, which means we got nowhere to go except inward.

And as we look inward, we realize our lives are largely comprised of how we see the world, and how we see where we fit in the world. And 100% of my client work is involved in trying to help people. And I will tell you, almost 100% success rate, a 99% success rate of helping clients see things differently, see things.

Not just in a more optimistic light, not just a more hopeful light, but honestly, a more realistic light. Because every single one of us, we tend to underestimate ourselves. Yeah, there are some people out there and they’re filled with bravado. And they act as though they’ve got it all going on, I got news for you, in their private quiet moments, when nobody’s looking, and they would never dare let anybody see them. They’re vulnerable. And they’re wrong. They feel just like you do they feel just like I do. They’re often insecure. They’re filled with questions. I made a cold call this happened a couple of years ago, I don’t do it very often. But for some reason, I did it. I made a cold call. And I got in touch with a CEO of a mid-sized company. His company was doing a couple of $100, a couple of 100 million dollars a year, a local company here in the aerospace business, which is a reasonably good size sector here in the Dallas Fort Worth area, and was able to make an appointment. And I just wanted to learn more about what he had going on in the business. And he was a hired gun CEO, some conglomerate owned this operation. And I walk in, and within 10 minutes. This is no joke within 10 minutes. And this is a professional hazard, by the way for me. Within 10 minutes. He is shelling down all of his problems. And at one point he went very specific into a business situation problem. And I said, Well, have you talked with your CFO about that? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I, I couldn’t possibly talk to him about that. Not yet. Well, I couldn’t help it. I looked at him. And I said, and yet here I am a complete stranger. And you’re telling me, I’m curious about that. And he says, I just you seem like a guy I can trust? And I said, Well, you can I mean, it dies with me. I’m just, it’s just interesting to me.

I would tell you that that is an outlier, that that kind of thing never happens to me, that thing happens to me a lot. And it’s not about me. It’s about you. It’s about top-level leaders, and just how lonely and isolated we feel. That’s the point. So much so that when a person like me, happens to just be on some random fluke, happenstance, I make a cold call, I make a cold call. And I get the guy on the phone and I book an appointment and within 10 minutes. It’s as though he’s known me for a long, long time. I learned a long time ago, that we’ve all got great interest in our lives, understandably, and we also painfully are aware that most people, even good people, they got their own stuff. They don’t care about our stuff. When’s the last time you had a conversation with somebody and you felt like they were really seriously interested in you? Yeah. It’s rare. That’s what I do. So we get ourselves in this corner. I don’t paint you in the corner, I help you paint yourself into the corner. Because you see, that’s where the value is going to be. You look in the mirror, I help you learn to look in the mirror to take responsibility for it all. Again, blame isn’t the point here, assessing who’s at fault, not the point. What am I going to do about it. And once we accept responsibility, all kinds of great things happen. Because now we are empowered. We’ve made up our minds that we are going to be responsible, and we begin to live a different story. And lastly, third, and this is where the magic happens is we have to get out of the corner. We can’t live our lives in the corner. But that corner serves a really vital function for us to help us learn and grow and improve and now Now it’s time to step forward. Time to make progress time to get out of the corner and now do something and do something different. Do something about the circumstances situation, the problem, the challenge, the opportunity, and we

Move forward. That’s the work. I also frequently get asked because I allude to it quite often, the whole hero journey versus the victim journey. And it probably does bear a little bit of explanation. The best I can tell from my experience, all of us are writing a hero story or a victim story. Most of us kind of vacillate between the two. We’re not all heroes, and we may not be all victims. Some may be one or the other. But most of us I think we just kind of vacillate there are some days you eat the bear and Sunday is the berry to

victim journey and hero’s journey, some interesting things about it, we take other people with us, no matter which one we do, no matter which story you are writing, whether you are writing a victim story or a hero story, you are taking other people on this journey with you. Now the victim who’s over here, playing their violin, singing woe is me. Well, they end up surrounded by a chorus of people who Yeah, Yeah, me too. You know, if the boss were this, and if this was that, if I had a bigger budget, and if only I could hire this person and that person, and if only I could pay more money,

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It just goes on and on and on and on the excuses for why we are not as high performing as we could be. If it weren’t for all these other people, and the circumstances that are beyond our control. That’s victim hero. The interesting thing about heroes. Heroes are not born from Instagram moments. Heroes are born from calamity, disaster, challenges, sometimes horrific circumstances, and situations. That’s where heroes are born, heroes emerge because while the buildings are on fire, they don’t emerge because it’s a palatial mansion, and everything’s great and wonderful. That’s not where heroes are born. And the interesting thing about the heroes, the hero is the person who steps forward and says this way, and other people want to follow because guess what they want a good outcome as well. The hero sees the ideal outcome, before others can see it, or sees the potential to fulfill and achieve the ideal outcome before others see it. The hero believes before anybody else believes. And as a result, a few people step forward. They may not quite believe, but they believe enough to follow. And during the journey, it may not all go well. In fact, the interesting thing is the hero may die trying. I’m thinking of 911 I’m thinking of battlefields throughout history, where heroes emerged from the story. But they died in the battle. They died in the challenge. But they were trying and their heroes because, well, they tried. They tried. They didn’t just cower in a corner playing their violin, singing woe is me. They attempted to move forward. And then some fortunate enough, they emerge, they’re victorious. They come out of the burning building, and they’re fine. And they brought other people with them. Now, here’s the great thing about this experience. for clients, you’re writing your own story. You only have a ghostwriter. If you allow it, my encouragement, don’t allow it doesn’t mean you don’t want to be influential, it doesn’t mean that you want to care less what anybody thinks of you. If you want to be influential, which is what leadership is, I define leadership very simply as influence and doing for others what they cannot do for themselves. And if you want to be a leader, you naturally have to think about other people. And you have to be somewhat concerned about how other people see you and perceive you doesn’t mean you let them write your story. You can care about them, you can have compassion, and you can do your best to serve them. But it doesn’t mean that they live their your life for you. You cannot acquiesce to the writing of your own story, you alone must make up your mind if you are going to write a hero story or a victim story, your choice. You can do it as you please. But the outcome for the hero is so much better, not only for you but for everybody else that you influence. That’s the work the ideal outcome. Well, that’s for you to decide.

And the great thing about ideal outcomes is they change. There are some things in my life now at this age now that I’m 64 there are some things that I I’m working toward that are my ideal outcome. These are not even remotely the things that would have been on my agenda as an ideal outcome when I was 44 or even 54. Life is changing. I still have an ideal outcome to be a better husband, a better father, a better grandfather, my wife and I’ve been together since we were 18, we got married just shy of our 21st birthday. So we’re coming up on 44 years of marital bliss.

But I’m hopeful and I’m optimistic. Because I know I can do better, I can always do better.

And there’s the rub, do you feel like you can do better? Do you want to do better, maybe I can help. You can check out the website grow great calm, you can find all kinds of ways to connect with me and to reach me if there’s anything I can do to help you move your life forward and pursue and achieve your ideal outcome. Well, that’s why I’m here.

High Impact Influence is about high performance.

I used to call it leadership coaching. But it really is more than that. I now kind of dub it Life and Leadership – wasn’t something that I did lightly. I did it very intentionally, though.

When you sit across from enough CEOs, and top-level leaders, who are going through some horrific personal challenges that might would otherwise completely derail their whole life, including their professional life. I learned many years ago, probably a better approach, a more holistic approach that takes into account the fact that we are a complete human being with problems and challenges and suffering and pain.

And it’s not about making those things go away. It’s about our ability to cope with those things better.

It’s about our ability to move forward in the face of those things.

And to emerge a hero.

Grow Great is the website. My name is Randy Cantrell, greetings and welcome inside The Yellow Studio.

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The 6 Components of Leadership Influence

The 6 Components of Leadership Influence

How do you elevate your performance so you can add value to your team? How do you make a bigger difference?

It’s not about you, but it begins with you because we’ve already defined leadership as influence. Namely, your influence!

But how?

There are six components of effective leadership influence. Don’t look at these as a recipe. Instead, look at them as ingredients you can use…some perhaps more than others depending on how you’re wired. You must accurately understand your natural talents, those things that come more easily to you. Sometimes they’re your default behaviors. You shouldn’t work too hard to be something you’re not. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work to develop new skills, but it means you must not fail to leverage those things that come so naturally easy for you. Those strengths will make the biggest difference in your effectiveness.

All of these components are important, but they’re not equally weighted. Additionally, situations dictate which component may be most suitable. Your ability to properly read your team, individually and collectively, and to assess the circumstances you all face – it’s key to knowing how to deploy these components. 

I’m intentionally putting each component in a verb form because I want to help you understand these are actions words. They’re not intellectual concepts aimed at high-brow thinking. They’re practical reality. Not scholarly ideas. I’m also intentionally starting with one specific one because from that one stems all the others. 


How we relate to people and how we foster their ability to relate to us – it’s foundational to all we’re about as leaders. 

Some connect with political prowess. They know how to work situations for their own end. 

Some connect with candor. They don’t pull any punches. Ever.

Some connect with personality. They have a charisma that draws people in.

Some connect with compassion or a variety of other attributes others find engaging. 

Connections can be made by deploying any number of behaviors, styles, or personalities. Even tyranny. I don’t advise it, but tyranny can work. History proves it. History also tends to prove it stops working. People connect to fear…until they decide to stop being afraid. Then the tyrant is in trouble. Or soon will be. 

How can YOU best connect with people, especially your team? Don’t be shocked if you’re not able to fully discover that by yourself. Insights from others who know you are most helpful. Unfortunately, too few people take advantage of such insights. You should make sure you seek out help so you can identify the most positive way you can authentically connect with others. Then cross your fingers that tyranny isn’t your natural leaning. 😉 

There are a few things everybody is capable of. Honesty. Integrity. Doing the right thing. Making things right. Fairness. Caring.

We can all decide to do those things. The strongest leaders commit themselves to those and other principles of high character. 

It’s up to you to figure out how you can best connect with your team as a whole, and how you can best connect with the individual members of the team. Don’t be tempted to think it’s too hard. “Too much work.” This is the work. Ignore it and you’ll never influence higher performance.

Train. Educate.

Leaders who simply bark out orders or take care of daily business are a dime a dozen. And ineffective. Leadership isn’t about maintaining. It’s about growth and improvement. It’s about creating a high impact. Making a difference. 

Leaders who train/educate address the big challenge of, “How?” Teams and individuals wonder how they’ll grow and improve. Leaders have to forge the way with some strategic answers. 

Don’t confuse this training and education as addressing the specifics of all the work being done. Or the work that needs to be done. It may be more accurate to describe this as providing your team with the why, than the specific how. The why provides people with the how. Let me give you an example. A CEO may determine that customer service is paramount. He may train and educate his team that a key barometer of how he measures the team’s success will be how happy they can make customers. 

The depth of the training – and the specific nature of it – is up to the leader. You may decide there are specific things you want to be done in more precise ways. It’s not a problem unless you stay in the “dirt on your boots” area (what others sometimes refer to as being “in the weeds”). 

High-performing cultures instill proper training and education that ensures high accountability. That means processes and systems are the foundations of training and education. Things aren’t left to chance or legacy communication. You won’t hear high-performing cultures talk about conversations or emails from months or years past because that’s not where their learning comes from. It’s much more formalized than that, which is why every team member is held accountable for delivering predictable results time and time again. Everybody follows the process and system.

If you don’t have systems in place you cannot have a high-performance culture. And if you lack processes, you’ll never achieve high levels of accountability. Now you know why I listed this second, only behind connecting with the people who need to be educated so they can deliver superior performance.


Evidence-based leadership is based on data, facts, and observable truths. While there’s plenty of room for intuition (gut feel), that’s mostly useful to spark curiosity so those can be verified or nullified. Following the evidence to the best of our ability means we’re providing our team with compelling reasons to be persuaded. Evidence-based leaders aren’t attempting to get people to follow simply because “I said so.” We want people to learn and understand the reasons behind our actions. And those reasons are logical and persuasive. 

Unpersuaded people do not high-performers make. Our team members must be the first ones we sell on what we’re doing and what we aim to do. Call it “buy-in” or whatever else you’d like, but it all boils down to the same thing. Leaders provide their teams with ample evidence to persuade them. We bear the responsibility to present the facts in a compelling way that is hard to refute. Even if our designed course is subjective in the sense that we could pursue multiple courses…but we’ve chosen one in particular. What are the reasons for our choice? Share those. 

It involves another component I break out on its own – INFORM.

In some instances informing precedes persuading. But in most cases, it’s a context thing. It provides our teammates with a deeper understanding. Employees left in the dark are uninformed teammates. Ignorance is not bliss. 

That’s not to say that we share every detail of every situation or circumstance. For starters, that’s not the best way to serve our team. It’s not helpful to burden them with information that won’t help them perform better. But keeping our team in the dark, thinking we must shield them from information that can help them avoid false assumptions, misinformation (or worse), is fully our responsibility. 


Let’s make a distinction between motivation and inspiration. In the past few months, I’ve had a number of clients who have attended various conferences and seminars – in person – for the first time in over a year (due to the pandemic). These events often inspire attendees to do better. But by the time next Tuesday rolls around that inspiration is often long forgotten. Very rarely do such events produce lasting results. And maybe they’re not even designed to do that. However, many people go hoping to find some inspiration. The truth about inspiration is that it doesn’t often last very long. We continue to need to get an inspiration fix. 

Motivation is the inner energy we generate. It’s the energy we have to get out of bed and do anything. It’s up to us to provide that and manage it. I’m not saying we can’t have help from people close to us…to better manage it, but our motivation is on us. Nobody can do it for us. It’s our personal energy to accomplish something. Anything. 

We call them “motivational” speakers, but they’re really inspirational speakers. Leaders must inspire their team to higher performance. And like all the other components mentioned here, inspiring others is an ongoing effort. People don’t just stay connected without any effort to be connected. People don’t remain trained or educated unless there’s ongoing reinforcement. People don’t stay persuaded unless evidence is continually supplied to keep them persuaded. The same goes for information…things change and people have to continue to be informed of the changes. Leaders have to daily inspire people, too. But how?

That’s for each leader to figure out, but there are some basic principles to consider. People are inspired by systems and processes that work. So developing these and training them can serve to inspire. 

People are inspired by being in the know so informing people can be inspirational, too. People are inspired when they’re persuaded that their work matters – and when they better understand how their work contributes to the outcome. 

Inspiring your team isn’t a singular action. It’s wrapped up in many things that happen daily within your team. 

It isn’t necessarily a rah-rah speech delivered regularly. It could be, but not every leader rolls that way. 

A leader’s ability to inspire is directly linked to the ability to connect to every individual and to the team collectively. Like many other leadership components, the ability to inspire is largely based on candid truthfulness. Honesty. 

Mostly, inspiration is about helping people better understand where they fit – how they make a positive difference. It’s about giving them a story – a true story. Leaders who fail to provide that story fail to inspire their team. Don’t minimize this verb. Inspire.


Leaders don’t have to be stand-up comics. But having a good sense of humor helps. It connects us. 

Two words likely exemplify this component. Happy. Fun.

A sullen demeanor isn’t likely to foster a high-performing culture. Nor is a person who can’t or won’t show enjoyment or fun. Dour may work in the short term for some, but I would never bet on it for an intermediate or long-term leadership strategy. 

Sometimes being entertaining is simply being interesting. And interested. It’s engaging. So don’t confuse entertaining with constant belly laughing at work. Think of it more as engaging, but I still stick with the term “entertain” because effective leaders need to be engaging in each of these activities. Boring is a tough row to hoe. Don’t be boring. 

When a leader entertains he learns to pick moments where the team needs relief from tension. Or maybe she understands now would be a good time to openly acknowledge some embarrassing outcome. Situations dictate the appropriate use of humor or fun. Be congruent with what’s going on, but search for openings where you can entertain your team and show them your humanity. 

Be human. Be a good human. 

That’s likely a great place to end this conversation. We didn’t dive deeply into any of these, but let me encourage you to set aside some time to ponder each one. As you do, judge yourself as a leader. How well do you think you do at each of these? What might you be able to do to improve in these areas? If you’ll think about it enough, face the truth of where you currently are, and decide to improve — you’ll figure it out. I’m here to help.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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A Leadership Primer

A Leadership Primer: What’s Your Point Of View?

Perspective matters. 

How we see the world and our place in it largely determines our behavior. Take some time today and think about that more deeply. Here are some questions that can help get you started. 

  1. Why am I doing what I’m doing?
  2. How would you describe what you do?
  3. If you were one of your employees, how would you grade yourself?
  4. What are you doing today that you didn’t do earlier in your career?
  5. What have you stopped doing that you did earlier in your career?

The Bula Network Progression Of Leadership demonstrates a stair-step progression and an endless loop. Both at the same time.

Each component is important with humility leading the parade because the absence of humility foils the progression. Without humility, all progress stops because it stomps down everything else. 

Lean into humility by coming to terms with what you don’t yet know. Or understand. That’s going to require courage and generosity, two major components of leadership humility. There likely has always been an epidemic – a shortage, anemia – of leadership humility. Especially here in the United States where we can quickly fixate on hierarchy. Too often we’re more interested in being the boss than being the leader. They are not the same!

So maybe that’s where we should begin. How do you view being the boss versus being the leader? Do you make any distinctions between the two? If not, that’s okay. I’m happy to provide compelling evidence to prove they’re very different. 

Bosses do have a degree of power. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It depends on how that power is used. So let’s wrestle that down. 

What’s the purpose of your power as a boss? 

Is it your job to solve all the problems? To come up with all the solutions? To be seen as the smartest person to whom everybody else goes?

Permit me to challenge that viewpoint. When you look at the number of people on your team or in your organization I’m guessing it’s a number greater than you. It’s not uncommon for me to work with a leader of a small team of a dozen or more. Nor is it uncommon for me to work with a leader who is in charge of thousands of employees. Size doesn’t matter, but what does matter are the varieties of people with whom we do our work. Lots of people doing lots of different things. People who have some opinions about the work they do. Don’t jump to the conclusion just yet, “Yes, but they don’t all understand the things I understand.” True enough, but tap the brakes on their lack of understanding for the moment. 

Too often leaders use that excuse as a reason to not listen to employees. I’ve two counterpoints to that argument. One, listening gives you the opportunity to enlighten them on what they don’t understand. But more importantly, two, it gives you the opportunity to be enlightened by them on things you don’t understand — but you don’t know it. Any more than they know it. Both of you are benefited and most of all, the enterprise benefits by your collective efforts to share insights. 

I don’t often give advice to clients because I choose to let them live their own lives, make up their own minds and figure things out that work best for them. However, I always begin by sharing as honestly as I can how I see the world of leadership because I don’t want to impose. I want to persuade. I want to be a leader with a high impact. 

Here are some truths that begin every coaching engagement. 

We lead people. We manage the work. They aren’t the same.

Leadership is influence. Period. It’s not power. It’s not being a boss. 

When the boss – the one with the power – has the highest influence – leadership – then it’s remarkably powerful. Everybody benefits.

Leaders do for others what they’re unable to do for themselves. Leaders who have boss authority, even more so!

Leaders take aim at helping people perform better by making sure they have the resources they need. That includes removing the roadblocks that prevent high performance. 

Leadership is based on humility where the focus is on others. It’s all about helping others do great work. 

My clients may have never heard these things. Or maybe they’ve never heard these things expressed in that way. They never disagree though, and I think that’s mostly because these are leaders who are open to, anxious for, their own self-improvement and growth. That means, they’ve already got a high degree of humility before I’m ever engaged to serve them. As long as there’s sufficient humility to accept responsibility for ourselves and our influence, there’s my high expectation that growth and improvement are probable. I’ve never found an exception. 

Blindspots are the bane of every leader. What we don’t know will hurt us and our organization. We avoid that by refusing to silo ourselves thinking that every problem is ours alone to solve. Or that every good idea must come directly from our mind. By understanding that we’re surrounded by people who get up each morning wanting to do good work, we’re better able to contribute to giving them a garden in which they can grow best.

Great leaders grow people. Growing people perform the best work. 

That’s my point of view. What’s yours? 

Are you interested in growing your leadership? Do you think a personal, confidential one-on-one coaching experience might suit you well? Then call or text me at (214) 682-2467. I’m here to help.

A Leadership Primer: What’s Your Point Of View? Read More »

Grow Great Becomes High-Impact Influence

Grow Great Becomes High-Impact Influence

To say yes, first we have to say no. No to the other things that would require our time and attention. Yes to the things we want to pursue. 

This podcast has morphed as my life and career have morphed. It’s never been a drastic change, but over time a change in just a few degrees alters the outcome significantly. It’s time to morph once more. And I have my reasons.

Reason Number 1

Over the past dozen years or so my coaching career has shifted from hardcore business-oriented work where I focused almost solely on the trifecta of business building: getting new customers, serving existing customers better, and not going crazy in the process. My roots are steeped in business. Selling, marketing, managing, operating, leading – these are activities I’ve engaged in for almost 50 years. They’re second nature pursuits. 

Shortly after I began coaching I noticed a bit of a shift in the requests, the things clients wanted me to help them figure out. Things like succession planning, how to work with family members, how to train emerging leaders – these kinds of things began to bubble up more and more. 

Over the past few years, about a year prior to the Pandemic, I’ve increasingly worked with local city government leaders where the trifecta of business building isn’t in place. Serving customers (citizens) is the only part of the trifecta that really applies to the space of local city employees. These are not elected officials, but rather, they’re the professional leaders and staff members who do the work given to them by the elected officials, a city council. 

 Reason Number 2

We manage the work. We lead the people. All the work focused on both sides of this same coin. My view of it was being “an operator.” Great operators know how to both manage and lead. Well. 

Most folks dub such work as “leadership,” but I saw a distinction between it all. Good leaders may not be good managers. Good managers may lack superior leadership abilities. In my experience, the best operators were both good leaders and managers. I was yearning to no longer be bound by the term “leadership” coach. And “executive” coach seems too pretentious, especially when tasked to serve a client who didn’t see himself as “an executive.” 

Reason Number 3

For many years I’ve taught clients that leadership is a two-fold endeavor: influence and a focus on others. Over and over I continued to focus on that word, “influence.” Daily I worked to help clients influence their own behaviors and performance…then, to influence the growth in others. Sometime last winter I was feeling the increasing urge to shift away from pursuits that weren’t congruent with what I most cared about – helping people have a greater impact by influencing growth in themselves and others. 

When The Epiphany Arrives, Listen!


High impact.

Making a positive difference.

That was THE work. 

That needed to become the focus of the podcast, too. 

Stay tuned for more details…especially about a brand new 90-day online course with live Zoom coaching session with me.

Grow Great Becomes High-Impact Influence Read More »

Greg Jones: Leadership Insights (From Georgia Tech To The Startup World To Restauranteur)

Greg Jones: Leadership Insights (From Georgia Tech To The Startup World To Restauranteur)

Greg Jones is currently the owner of the Beehive Neighborhood Hangout, Xplore family of restaurants, and Co-Owner of Artfully Baked and Brewed in Hot Springs Village, Arkansas. But his roots are in hi-tech. Armed with a computer science degree from Georgia Tech, Greg entered the real world by way of startups. Eventually, he found his way to an international multi-billion dollar company where he took a small (think sub $10 million) division to over $200 million. In about 3 years or so he’s taken a one-off idea and grown it into an 8 location restaurant business with more than $6 million in annual revenue. 

Here are some helpful links if you care to learn more about Greg and what he’s doing today. 

Xplore Lakeside: https://www.xplorelakeside.com/

BeeHive Neighborhood Hangout: https://www.beehivehsv.com/

Hope you enjoy the show!

Greg Jones: Leadership Insights (From Georgia Tech To The Startup World To Restauranteur) Read More »

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