
Twist & Shout Your Way To Growth

Twist & Shout Your Way To Growth

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“Shake it up, baby. Twist and shout.”

Sometimes our lives have to be completely shaken up, changed and rearranged to relocate us to the place we’re meant to be.

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Most often our changes – which includes our growth and improvement – result from some shake up in our life. If we respond well, these shake up’s can help us reach new heights in our performance and leadership. How can we leverage the challenges in our life – and how can we intentionally shake things up so we’re always improving? That’s today’s conversation. Enjoy.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

Check out the Hosts page for our profiles.
Connect With Lisa On Linkedin •  Connect With Randy On Linkedin

We encourage you to contact us. Feedback, suggestions, criticisms, insights, and experiences are welcomed. Thank you for watching and listening!

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Improving Ourselves For The Highest Return

Improving Ourselves For The Highest Return

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For things to change for you…you must change!

Work harder on yourself than your job.

These wise words speaks to our topic today – improving ourselves so we can garner the highest return possible on our careers and our leadership.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

Check out the Hosts page for our profiles.
Connect With Lisa On Linkedin •  Connect With Randy On Linkedin

We encourage you to contact us. Feedback, suggestions, criticisms, insights, and experiences are welcomed. Thank you for watching and listening!

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Perspective's Role In Leadership

Perspective’s Role In Leadership

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If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities. —Maya Angelou

Viewpoint. Outlook. Philosophy. That all refer to similar things when it comes to those inner drivers behind our leadership journey. 

How do you see the world? How do you view your part in it? 

Mostly, I have found too few put in the work to determine a perspective that can best serve them and others. It’s easy to resign ourselves that things are as they are and we’re victims of the choices of others and circumstances beyond our control. 

What role does perspective play in our leadership and how can we improve it?

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

Check out the Hosts page for our profiles.
Connect With Lisa On Linkedin •  Connect With Randy On Linkedin

We encourage you to contact us. Feedback, suggestions, criticisms, insights, and experiences are welcomed. Thank you for watching and listening!

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The Stories We Can (and should) Tell

The Stories We Can (and should) Tell

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John Sebastian wrote the classic song that’s been covered by the likes of Tom Petty, Jimmy Buffet and others. 

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Today, join me and Lisa as we discuss narrative and the stories we can – and often should – tell. 

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

Check out the Hosts page for our profiles.
Connect With Lisa On Linkedin •  Connect With Randy On Linkedin

We encourage you to contact us. Feedback, suggestions, criticisms, insights, and experiences are welcomed. Thank you for watching and listening!

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Becoming A More Strategic Leader

Becoming A More Strategic Leader

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Promotions come to us because we’re good at our job. We’re able to accomplish things in a specific area like HR, public works, finance or economic development. The skill to operate well in micro areas doesn’t mean we’re equipped to operate well in macro areas. The higher up the food chain we ascend, the more macro dominates…and the more strategic we’re required to be if we’re pursuing high performance.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

Check out the Hosts page for our profiles.
Connect With Lisa On Linkedin •  Connect With Randy On Linkedin

We encourage you to contact us. Feedback, suggestions, criticisms, insights, and experiences are welcomed. Thank you for watching and listening!

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The Responsibility Of Leadership

The Responsibility Of Leadership

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Adult children often find themselves needing to take care of their aging parents. It’s a responsibility we take on because it’s the right thing to do. But there’s more.

Today, join me and Lisa as we talk about the responsibility of leadership.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

Check out the Hosts page for our profiles.
Connect With Lisa On Linkedin •  Connect With Randy On Linkedin

We encourage you to contact us. Feedback, suggestions, criticisms, insights, and experiences are welcomed. Thank you for watching and listening!

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