Episode 107 – The Reality Distortion Field, Cognitive Bias And Mindset (Steve Jobs Proved Its Power)

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The Reality Distortion Field Might Look Like This. Or Not.

Steve Jobs was accomplished in the art of practicing the reality distortion field. I’m guessing it was an art. It’s not a science. Come to think of it, it’s not even real, or is it?

Today’s show is about something that one listener suggested, but quite a few others had encouraged in the past. For some reason I kept stalling to tackle the subject because frankly – I thought there was quite a bit of talk about it out here on the interwebs.


The importance of the topic didn’t escape me. But neither did the volume of discussions about it, including podcasts, videos, books and blog posts. I figured there surely must be enough content about this to satisfy the interest of most people. Perhaps I was wrong though. Maybe my own cognitive bias was hampering my own content creation.

This is exactly what happens when you ask your audience what they want though. They sometimes tell you. Among the most suggested topics, this was among the top ones listed. Mindset, self-talk, paradigm…these were among the ways listeners defined the topic.

Today’s show is about 45 minutes long. I hope it provokes some thought and creativity. Hey, it might even rile you up a bit, but I doubt it.

I welcome your feedback. Send me a Tweet, or leave me some voicemail.

Mentioned in today’s show:

Plato’s allegory of the cave
• False Evidence Appearing Real (F.E.A.R.)
Mindset as defined by Wikipedia
Cognitive distortion as defined by Wikipedia
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
The Secret (a load of crock)
The Law of Attraction (another load of crock)


P.S. Congratulations to the St. Louis Cardinals. Good-bye, Tony La Russa!

St. Louis Cardinals - 2011 World Series Champions

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Episode 106 – Some Favorite New Media Consumed By The Yellow Studio (And My New MediaPreneurship)

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Let's Run Fast And Jump

In the last episode I told you about the re-booting of Bula Network. Here we are in the first show since the re-boot. I feel like I’m running down this long dock ready to launch myself off the end into the biggest cannonball I can muster! Launching is fun.

But today’s show is about my consumption of new media. It’s part of the story about the new direction here. It likely represents the long dock of my life here inside The Yellow Studio.

About 6 years ago I fell in love with podcasts. I don’t remember the first shows I listened to, but I remember in the early days of online audio (before I even knew what RSS meant, or what it could do) being excited at the medium. I’m an audio guy though. A lifelong love affair with music landed me into audiophileland when I was still a teenager. My love of audio persists today in music and online broadcasting.

Mentioned in today’s show:

TotalFinder is an $18 program that every Mac owner should buy.
Episode 105 was the show about my rebooting BulaNetwork
TWIT is something I follow a little bit, but I’m not a rabid fan
Marketing Over Coffee podcast
Mixergy with Andrew Warner is one of my favorites
Gary Vaynerchuk, the epitome of high energy
DishyMix with Susan Bratton
Freakonomics podcast
• Cliff Ravenscraft is the PodcastAnswerman.com

I’m looking forward to getting this party started. Thanks for joining me for the ride!


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Episode 105 – Rebooting Bula Network

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Time To Reboot

Now that the About page has been rewritten – and I’m not saying I’m finished with it – it’s time to release this episode. It’s been coming for quite a long time. In fact, for over 2 weeks I’ve sat down to record this episode more times than I can count. Each time I simply decided against it. I don’t think it was fear as much as it was trying to figure out how to tell the story.

This past Saturday I went into The Yellow Studio, muted the sound of the college football game playing on the flat screen, and launched forth. One take (I almost never do multiple takes and I never, ever edit). No script. No notes. I just started to tell the story as briefly as I could – because I know you don’t really care about all the details. Shoot, I don’t even care about them much!

I do care about you. I care that you’ve given me your time and attention. I care about you, and I care about your business and your life. Not in some hokey sort of way, but in a way that’s right. At least it’s right for me. Part of my challenge with the Internet is all the talk of scope and scale. As a business person I fully understand those things, but as a person — I could care less!

For the better part of 6 months I’ve been doing some heavy thinking, which isn’t that easy for somebody whose brain is as small as mine. That explains the headaches.

I reached a conclusion some months ago as I reviewed how many things in my professional life had changed. I surveyed the variety of opportunities coming my way. I examined the people who have entered my life in the last few years. Mostly, I closely examined my contributions, or lack of them. Situations and circumstances where I felt I was doing good work. Others where I definitely was not.

Things change. Thanks to time, circumstances, opportunities and a host of other variables that life slings our way. Weeks, if not months ago, I knew it was time.

For something completely different.

It’s time to move on. It’s time to get going.

BulaNetwork.com ‘s first iteration dies and now is born a new identity, a new purpose –

BulaNetwork.com becomes a new media company.

Today’s show goes behind the scenes to tell you exactly what’s been happening and why. I’d love to hear what you think about it.

As with all effective re-boots, this one means the “finder” gets a fresh start. Whatever happened in the past is now over. Whatever work was in process is now permanently interrupted and gone. The future will now be determined by what happens starting today. This re-boot won’t involve me wiping out all the past though. The previous posts and podcasts episodes will remain. They’re here for archive purposes only though. The future shall not resemble the past!

That’s the point of a re-boot, right?

Thanks for listening, reading and watching!


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