Randy Cantrell

Randy Cantrell is the founder of Bula Network, LLC - an executive leadership advisory company helping leaders leverage the power of others through peer advantage, online peer advisory groups. Interested in joining us? Visit ThePeerAdvantage.com

What’s Blocking Your Commitment?

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Quite a long time ago, during a phone call with a client who kept resisting and pushing back every nudge toward improvement in business processes, I wrote this note in my notebook…

Yes, I asked the question of my client. And I kept asking. If memory serves me correctly, I had one more conversation, then parted ways because I realized I wouldn’t be able to help him. It was sad really because the potential for greater success was evident. At least to me! Unfortunately, he couldn’t see what I could see.

And he never made a commitment. I don’t know exactly what blocked his commitment. But I did point out one major cause that was apparent. It’s likely one major cause for all of us. I’ll share it with you in today’s video show.

What’s blocking your commitment?

I often ask myself this question. Sometimes I get what seems like a decent answer, but mostly, I get excuses. How is it with you?

P.S. Here’s the quote that historically has been attributed to Goethe, but that’s not likely true according to folks who claim to know. It’s believed to be a quote from William Hutchinson Murray, a Scottish mountain climber and writer. It’s been a longtime favorite of mine. When you read it, you’ll understand why.

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation. There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen events, meetings and material assistance which no one could have dreamed would have come their way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!”

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Episode 145 – If Your End Of The Boat Sinks, So Does Mine

Podcast: Download | Non-Flash Playback
Running Time 30:27

Are you bringing on water?

Warning: You may be shocked at what I have to say about the “tropical auto-pilot” businesses you hear so much about.

“If your end of the boat sinks, so does mine.”

I’ve used that phrase through the years with regard to teamwork, but today I’m not necessarily talking about teamwork.

I am talking about ROI – return on investment.

Value. Providing high value.

Employees need to understand. Contract workers need to understand. Business owners need to understand. We all need to better understand these truths.

Life can be so much better. More profitable. More successful. More fun. But it demands we think about ourselves as a resource whose value is determined by our own efforts. Personal responsibility and accountability for what we bring to the party (or boat)…that’s the stuff of success! We can be an asset. Or, we can be a liability.

Listen around the 27:38 mark and you’ll hear Rosie bark. She’s determined to make it into every recording. Shame on me for not closing the door to The Yellow Studio!

Thank you for subscribing and listening.

P.S. Click that iTunes button below and subscribe. While you’re at it, leave me a review at iTunes. It’ll help more people find the podcast.

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5 Steps To The Art Of Figuring It Out: The Business Model Of YOU!

I know you think everybody has “it” figured out, but you’re wrong! Everybody encounters times where they need to figure “it” out. Because things change. Circumstances change. Situations change.

Life isn’t static.

Sometimes we feel like we’re in the ocean and the waves are constantly tossing us about. If things are calm, experience has taught us that it won’t last long.

There are a number of effective steps we can take when we’re faced with challenges to “figure it out.” Today, let me give you just 5 of them. I have found these helpful. No, I’m not a ninja at these, but I do know they work. My inadequate use of them doesn’t mean they’re ineffective. It just means I’m a lot like you. Sometimes the resistance beats me.

5 Steps To The Art Of Figuring It Out: The Business Model Of YOU! Read More »

It Pays To Be The Confident, Swaggering Girl In The Gym

Unique. Remarkable. Different. In a good way.

But how?


The world is full of guys and gals, but somehow my wife and I ended up together. We were attracted to each other, made a connection and after three years of dating, I asked her to marry me. She wasn’t the only girl in the world, but to me she was unique, different and remarkable. In a good way.

How many brands of cars, shoes, ketchup, sunglasses or razor blades do we need?

How many people do we need to encourage us and teach us how to blog? Or do online video? Or podcast?

How many iPhone apps do we need?

All these choices. It makes no sense…

Until you start to think about how attraction works in our lives. Why do I love Heinz ketchup but I hate Hunt’s? Because Heinz tastes better to me. Heinz is different and I prefer that difference!

Be uniquely yourself. Embrace whatever it is that makes you different. People may not notice, at first. Or for awhile. But stick with it.

Over time, if you’ll remain true to who you are…and you’ll tweak things as you go (something we’ve all got to do to figure out what works)…you’ll accomplish two important things. One, you’ll repell the people who don’t like your uniqueness. It’s a necessary step that can be painful, but don’t fret about it. You have to carve out your own space. There’s not enough room for people who don’t find your uniqueness attractive. Besides, you don’t want to change to fit what they’re looking for, do you? Me, neither.

Two, you’ll attract the people who are looking for somebody just like you. In fact, you’ll attract people who are looking for YOU. They just don’t know it until crossing paths with you.

Don’t spend all your time trying to be better. Start spending more time trying to stand out.

Don’t fight it. Don’t talk yourself out of it. Just do it.

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