Randy Cantrell

Randy Cantrell is the founder of Bula Network, LLC - an executive leadership advisory company helping leaders leverage the power of others through peer advantage, online peer advisory groups. Interested in joining us? Visit ThePeerAdvantage.com

Special Post-Thanksgiving Day Episode: How To Figure Things Out Like A 5-Year-Old (Taking Action)

Max & Jake, this summer prior to many dives into the pool

NOTE: Today’s show was originally recorded as a video, but I encountered horrible sync issues. No matter, I look better in audio anyway. I’m including the video, but I’ll warn you – it will drive you crazy!

I don’t know if there’s any statistical accuracy to it or not, but I recently heard an Internet marketer claim that about 2% of the buyers of info products (i.e. Internet marketing training courses) actually take any action based on the course.

Think of it.

If we all took action on the stuff we’re reading, watching, and listening to – well, human productivity would sky-rocket. The world wouldn’t know what to do with itself.

Which may explain why most people don’t achieve more success. It also explains the power of Mark Amtower‘s message (both a speech and a little book about the speech, both bearing the same name), “Why epiphanies never occur to couch potatoes.”

Reading, watching and listening are easy. Passive.

Getting up off the couch. Doing something meaningful. Active.

And obviously, for many, quite difficult.

Today is the day after Thanksgiving here in the U.S. It’s a day full of action, mostly centered around crazed crowds falling for the lure of false bargains. I was wondering yesterday…how much must a person devalue their time to spend 2 days and 2 nights in the parking lot of a Best Buy to purchase a TV for $186? You do the math.

This appeared on Facebook yesterday afternoon. I thought it was appropriate…and correct. Yes, I “liked” it.

Stuff. Things. Content. Instruction.

Nothing inherently wrong with any of them. But without action, none of them will help you figure things out, or get things done!

It’s time to incorporate a new philosophy into life. Every 5-year-old already knows this. And does it.

When all is said and done, more is done than said.

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You’ll only solve it by using your hands and your head

Special Post-Thanksgiving Day Episode: How To Figure Things Out Like A 5-Year-Old (Taking Action) Read More »

Episode 149 – Some Keys To Effectively Giving And Receiving Criticism

Prickly is ineffective

‘Tis better to give than receive.

When it comes to criticism, it’s certainly easier to give than to receive. But I don’t think it’s always better.

Truth is, we all need correction, feedback and criticism. I don’t usually use the phrase “constructive criticism.” I think all criticism should be constructive. Otherwise, it’s not really criticism. It’s just being critical. They are not the same thing.

I’m often asked for my opinion (criticism). I work hard to put a few things up front in each case:

1. What’s the purpose here? What are we trying to accomplish?
2. Here are my biases, up front.
3. I’m not going to make the decision for you because that’s not my place.
4. Let’s consider worse-case scenarios. What’s the worst thing that can happen?

Intention is a major component of effective criticism. Do you care enough to help the person you are criticizing…or are you just being critical? Does the person helping you with criticism care about you improving…or they just being critical? Our motive behind criticism is fundamental to our ability to give it and to take it.

And today’s show ends with a discussion about the biggest question of all.

Who are you to tell me?

The context of our relationship matters. The wrong person can deliver the right message, in exactly the appropriate way…and it’ll be lost.

What do you think? What have you found that works in giving or accepting effective criticism?

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Happy Thanksgiving!

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Your Business Model: 3 Pillars Of Successful Business Building

The books mentioned in today’s show:

Business Model YOU: A One-Page Method For Reinventing Your Career

The 4-Hour Chef

The three ingredients mentioned are mandatory for me. I’m uninterested in interacting with, being around, or being involved with any business that isn’t going to make these three pillars the foundation of their enterprise.

I also give you a perfect illustration of the power of word-of-mouth. Discount Tire is where I buy tires. And no, I didn’t get any compensation of any kind. Oh, I’d happily accept a gift, bribe or payment…but so far, that hasn’t happened. Still, I’m willing to tell you how I feel about them.

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