Randy Cantrell

Randy Cantrell is the founder of Bula Network, LLC - an executive leadership advisory company helping leaders leverage the power of others through peer advantage, online peer advisory groups. Interested in joining us? Visit ThePeerAdvantage.com

Episode 142 – The Power Of Dread (And A Yellow Fly Swatter)

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It strikes us when we look at our phone to see a person who whips us.

It hits when an email arrives with the subject line, “Past Due.”

Dread can be major, life changing stuff. It can be a very minor daily beating we seem destined to endure.

That’s the power of dread? No. Well, it is a power, but it’s not the power I’m talking about.

I think dread can serve us. It can help us. It can make us better.

Listen to the show and I’ll explain the power of a yellow fly swatter!

We have to do some hard work to let dread work for us. It won’t just happen automatically.

It won’t be easy. But it will be very worthwhile. I promise!

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Content Marketing 70’s Style

I implemented content marketing back in the early 1970’s. I was among the first ever to use it. Yes, I was a pioneer in content marketing because I worked in independent retail.

Information used to be severely limited. We didn’t know it, but compared with today’s resources, it’s obvious!

Newspapers, magazines, books, radio or TV shows and human interaction pretty much summed up the total pool of resources. No matter what we were pursuing (buying a boat, building a deck or fixing a plumbing problem), we sought out information from all those places. And not all of those places had what were looking for. Books and magazines were once the most reliable sources of information no matter how narrow the interest.

My early passion was high fidelity sound. While still in high school I began to sell hi-fi stereo gear at a local shop. Presto! I was suddenly in content marketing (really, it was content selling – I was selling by sharing content or knowledge).

Three skills were required in the 1970’s to be a great content provider – and a person who used content to sell. Those same skills are necessary in this Internet era.


Good content sellers collect useful information to serve their market (customers). I used to read the major (and even minor) stereo magazines. I subscribed to Audio, Stereo Review and High Fidelity. I also subscribed to quite a few pricier “underground” publications aimed at real audiophiles. I invested time to read these magazines, priding myself in knowing all the latest, greatest, coolest, trickest things on the market.

Rolling Stone published a Guide To High Fidelity. I bought it. Others published books about how to select and design a good stereo system. I bought every one of them. And read them.

My customers – first, my prospects – gained from my collection of all this knowledge.


Information is only valuable if it’s useful. That means, it must be personal.

When a person entered the stereo shop looking for loudspeakers, it was pointless to drone on about the latest reel-to-reel machine or technology. He may not have ever owned an open reel machine. Maybe he had no interest in that. His interest was in speakers, but what kind of speakers? How about I whip him with all my knowledge of the latest, greatest corner horn technology…but he’s mostly interested in bookshelf speakers. No, I had to make full use of his time (and my own).

Like a good editor who distills the information into the most meaningful and concise format for the reader, viewer or listener…I had to do the same thing with hi-fi information. The information needed to fit the needs and interests of my shopper.

My vast knowledge was only valuable if I could apply the portions of it most interesting to my shopper.


As a stereo salesman I was a teacher. It’s the core duty of every successful content marketer.

I knew things my shopper didn’t. It was my duty to teach him what I knew so he’d know it, too. And he wouldn’t have to invest all the time I had because I could provide a major short cut for him. I had spent hours and hours reading, studying and listening. I could share what I knew with him by giving him great information free of charge with the goal of helping him make a wise choice to buy from me!

Teaching them about the merits of equipment, teaching them what to look for, teaching them how to buy, install and use the equipment…those were all part of my job as a content marketer in the 1970’s.

What’s different today?

Newspapers and magazines have given way to blogs.

Radio has given way to podcasts.

TV has given way to online video.

Websites and search engines have overtaken books.

Books have given way to Kindle.

It’s still about being the best person to answer questions, share useful information and teach people things they want to know. It’s content marketing 70’s style.

I no longer feel like a dinosaur. Well, I feel like a younger, hipper dinosaur.

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Vulgarity: The Newest Popularity Building Tool Has A High Price

Profane. Vulgar.

It once meant offensive, but now it seems to be a primary tool for driving up popularity. Actually, there’s nothing new about it. The Internet just makes it seem like it.

Speech has characterized the true nature of people since the beginning of time. The Bible account of creation shows Satan taking the form of a serpent in the Garden of Eden. He utters the first lie, a specific type of vulgarity. Deception. The high price of vulgarity resulted in Adam and Eve disobeying God. They were expelled from the Garden.

Another Bible example is recorded on the evening of the crucifixion of Christ. The apostle Peter is warming himself at a fire among those who are clamoring for Christ to be executed. Repeatedly he’s being pointed out as one of the disciples, but each time he denies even knowing Christ. Finally, as though it would serve to prove his innocence he begins to curse. (Matthew 26:74) Vulgarity served its purpose. I’m sure the folks around that fire figured, “He’s one of us.”

In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s foul mouthed comic Lenny Bruce made headlines by being profane and vulgar. From 1961 to 1964 he was repeatedly arrested for violating obscenity laws. Some have argued that he was a man before his time. I’d argue that he was just a profane man before vulgarity became chic. Today, his act would likely get lost in a sea of stand-up comic acts more vulgar than anything he created. Can you be a standup comic today without vulgarity? (Bill Cosby and Sinbad notwithstanding).

The Parental Advisory warning started in 1990. 2LiveCrew’s record, Banned in the USA, was the first recording to earn the non-removable sticker. In that same year, 1990, the Motion Picture Association Of America instituted the current rating system which escalates from G to PG to PG-13 to R to NC17. We’re so protective of our youth that we won’t allow a 16 year old to view an R rated movie without an adult or parent. They can’t drink alcohol until they’re 21, but we can begin corrupting their mind much sooner.

Video recorders began to hit mainstream America in the mid-70’s. The first big content provider? The porn industry.

The Internet began its march into our lives in the mid-90’s, a full twenty years after most of us had seen our first VCR (video cassette recorder for you young folks). The first big content providers? The porn industry.

Blogging was picking up steam by the late 1990’s. You were as likely to run across some profanity laced filled content as anything, with accompanying photos.

Sure, the vulgarity has become more sophisticated. Well, that’s the term some use. A better term might be the phrase “socially acceptable.”

Browse through a random Flickr account and you’ll likely see countless photos of people flipping off the photographer. Visit just about any YouTube channel and scan the comments. Odds are the first comment will have a bomb front and center.

Remember when you were young? When you heard somebody at school cuss for the first time? Okay, I’m showing my age. I’m guessing today’s kindergartners have heard most every cuss word known to man before they enter the classroom. Many of them have grown up hearing mom and dad talk that way. Innocence doesn’t remain very long. We’re speeding toward vulgarity so our kids can become fluent by the time they hit 3rd grade.

The middle finger is now the title of a “project” that extols the value of F-bombing. No, I won’t link to it, but you can figure it out and see for yourself how debased we’ve become.

And now it has come to this.

Decency is scoffed at, ridiculed and mocked.

Shocking vulgarity does garner attention. No doubt about it. If you’re tempted to join the insanity of vulgarity, resist. Find encouragement knowing that profanity-filled content won’t bring you more honor, respect or trust.

And if there are no children in your life, then take a look at just two of the ones who are part of my life. That’s Jake and his big brother, Max, pictured above. They’re my grandsons. Max is in pre-school. He just turned 5. You don’t know him, but if you were around him would you watch what you said? I’m hoping you’ve got enough decency to answer, “Of course, I would.” (Note: Almost 5 years ago I wrote this post on Max’s site about men who influence boys.)

Vulgarity, indecency, profanity…they all contribute to greater immorality. In our lives. And in our children’s lives.

Moral bankruptcy creeps up on us. Adults, just like the kids who bullied the bus monitor with round after round of vulgarity, find themselves saying and doing things they may have once never imagined. The high price of vulgarity must be paid.

No one’s life is improved by vulgarity or profanity. Everyone’s life is improved by decency. You decide which one you’ll embrace and serve. Little pictures have big ears, but big pictures do, too.



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