
The Practicalities Of Leadership #4055 - GROW GREAT

The Practicalities Of Leadership #4055

The Practicalities Of Leadership #4055 - GROW GREAT

Today’s show mentions:

• Jim Collison’s TheAverageGuy.tv

• Meet or exceed the market demands or pay the price. Your choice.

• You need to be practical as an employer.

• Your employees have practical needs, too.

• Don’t step over dollars to pick up nickels. And if you do, don’t complain about the results. You reap what you sow.

• We can all make a bad deal…a deal we regret. Avoid it.

• Give your employees a story of where they fit, how they fit and why they make a positive difference.

• Don’t give them a story and they’ll craft one of their own. And it will be bad. Guaranteed.

• People want to come to work each day and leave each day knowing their story relative to the company’s performance.

• Employees crave feedback.

• Celebrate more. Genuine celebrations…not fake, rah-rah stuff.

• Your silence is deafening to your work force.

• People will work hard for recognition.

• Do you want better people? Then step up and pay like it.

• Make sure everybody knows how they personally make a difference.

• Let your employees arrive each day and leave each day not knowing that…and you’ll retain your disengaged work force.

• Employee engagement surveys contribute to disengage your employees!

• Only the employee engagement consulting company wins with an employee engagement survey.

• If you want to send a signal to your employees that they matter…it begins with your practical offers. Pay them what they’re worth.

• Leadership makes all the difference! Great leadership improves revenues and profits. And culture!

• People make the difference. That’s why Grow Great is about higher human performance. Namely, yours. And your people!

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The Practicalities Of Leadership #4055 Read More »

Bula Network Owners' Alliance: Week 2 Of The Process #4051 - GROW GREAT (a Bula Network podcast)

Bula Network Owners’ Alliance: Week 3 Of The Process #4054

Bula Network Owners' Alliance: Week 2 Of The Process #4051 - GROW GREAT (a Bula Network podcast)

Week 3 was a week I knew would happen…other things leaped to the forefront. This happens when you’ve got ongoing work and you’re now working to add a service, or in my case, you’re really working toward morphing your consulting/coaching practice. Business owners have long likened it to operating on a moving patient, working on a moving train…or pick your favorite metaphor. Point being, things don’t stop so you can do whatever you aim to do. It’s called juggling.

When you start something new or different you’re sure to suffer it. Not a distraction…hopefully you can avoid those. Mostly, I think we’re responsible for our own distractions. It’s different when you’ve got work that pulls you away from it. You just have to manage it.

Let’s start with the bad news. I got very little done this week with the Alliance. I had planned to engage in more phone conversations. I wound up having none.

I did manage to connect with quite a few new people, which is always step 1 toward having a conversation. But nearly all my work this week was directed in completely other areas.

Here’s the good news. This week’s efforts wound up being work that can likely accelerate finding just the right 7 business owners to be in this group.

Week 3 was a success because serendipity happens.

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Afraid: The Art Of Making Things Harder Than They Need To Be #4053

Afraid: The Art Of Making Things Harder Than They Need To Be #4053

Afraid: The Art Of Making Things Harder Than They Need To Be #4053

Business takes courage. You’ve got that.

Courage is not the absence of fear because you’ve got that, too.

Courage and fear can occupy our minds at the same time. Mostly, that’s exactly what’s happening with us. We’re confident about some things. Fearful about other things.

It’s not static. Courage and confidence can shift faster than the speed of light. So can fear. I often prove it to people with a simple, but powerful exercise. A universal truth that we’ve all experienced (or one that we continue to experience).

What caller ID could show up in your cell phone that would immediately fill you with dread?

What caller ID could show up in your cell phone that would immediately fill you with joy?

We have lots of words that are synonymous with fear and courage. For some fear isn’t shake-in-your-boots kind of stuff. It’s more akin to dread, or sadness. Maybe it’s worry and anxiety. It could be as deeply powerful as despair. Likewise for courage. It’s confidence, joy, peace or a sense of being comfortable.

The point is, these are opposing feelings and emotions. Right now, you’re holding both emotions simultaneously. There are things in your life right now that are comfortable. There are other things that are completely uncomfortable. It’s the ying and yang of running a business.

You’ve heard it. The human brain is the world’s best computer.

No, it’s not. Computers don’t care. Input the data and you get a result. The computer only calculates the results based on whatever code or parameters are entered.

People care.

Some people fear entering the game. Fully.

They spend hours reading books, taking courses, crafting a plan, thinking about it. Fearful of actually entering the fray. But always planning to do it.

Remain on the sidelines and you’ll benefit nobody. Including yourself. And your family.

Put yourself out there. Take a chance. Risk failure. And in doing so, select the people – the specific people – you’d like to bless today. Give them the opportunity to be served by you.

Or not.

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Afraid: The Art Of Making Things Harder Than They Need To Be #4053 Read More »

Magic Screen: This Is How Your Mind Should Work (To Find You Find Success) #4052 - GROW GREAT

Magic Screen: This Is How Your Mind Should Work (To Help You Find Success) #4052

Magic Screen: This Is How Your Mind Should Work (To Find You Find Success) #4052 - GROW GREAT

A few podcasts ago – on another show I produce – I commented that I felt like I needed to hold my brain upside down, like an Etch A Sketch®. After you’ve created something on an Etch A Sketch® you may want to create something completely different. Easy. Just turn it upside down with the screen facing the floor and shake it. The Magic Screen is now wiped clean giving you a “canvas” to create whatever you want.

Six years ago I started diving more deeply into my own head. I know, dangerous stuff, right?

Since I was a teen I’d read books about self-image, inner conflict, cognitive dissonance and other things that might help me better understand human behavior. Mainly my own.

Most recently my investigation was sparked by all the linearity I saw online. People acting and saying how they structured their lives, their ambitions. Dream achievement is very large topic online. It seemed like lots of people had figured out something that I was rather certain couldn’t be figured out.

Being the contrarian that I am, my objective was to prove that we’re subject to buying into lies (at worst), misconceptions (in the middle ground) or delusional ignorance (at best). And it’s all mostly about US. These are our lies, our misconceptions and our delusional ignorance.

Back in the late 70’s I remembering reading about how we create our story in our mind. Instantly it resonated with me, but it made me wonder. Is that right? Is that true?

When I was in junior high I was given a school project. Go interview some adult doing for a living what you want to do. I wanted to be a cartoonist. I wasn’t in Los Angeles or New York City. I didn’t know any cartoonists who lived in my town. There wasn’t any Internet so we had to find a local person doing what we wanted to do. Turns out the local newspaper had an on staff cartoonist who mostly did political cartoons and some advertising illustrations. I called him up, asked if I could come interview him and he graciously agreed. My mom took me to see him. He was very gracious and told me stories of going to art school, claiming he had gone to art school with Charles Schultz, creator of Peanuts. “He wasn’t the best artist, but he understood people,” he told me.

I went home and laid in bed that night thinking, “I really don’t know anybody doing what I want to do.” Here I had just talked with somebody doing cartooning professionally, but I didn’t want to draw advertising illustrations or political stuff. My reality – in my head – was that I didn’t live where one had to live to succeed at cartooning. Or writing (another youthful goal). Perspective in my head trashed me. And I knew as a junior high student how powerful it was – and how damaging it could be – to craft some story in your head that may not be true. Turns out it wasn’t a true story, but it was the story I was telling myself. And I bought it. Because I wrote it. It was my story. I’ve never forgotten it.

Fast forward a number of decades. Over the years I’ve learned that “our story” is mostly like the movie Matrix – perception. Our perception.

Enter the Age Of The Data Freak

Metrics. KPIs. Analytics. Measurements.

Hard evidence means truthful evidence. Not fake evidence. Lying with stats is an ancient art. People pay attention to the wrong things. And sometimes connect dots that aren’t connected. And I’m a dot connector so I see it.

We’re relying more and more on data and less and less on common sense. Stupidity is ruling our lives because we’re not thinking clearly. We need to turn our mind upside down and shake it. Clear it all out.


Sometimes data is useless because people aren’t computers. They don’t always behave predictably. Other times they behave too predictably. Sometimes they get scared. For no reason.

We analyze. And over analyze.

We dissect. Then put it under the microscope.

We evaluate. Then spend time reviewing our evaluations.

We turn an idea over. Eight ways to Sunday. Then we go back and do it again.

For what?

Looking for magic, that’s what. Looking for an easier path that doesn’t exist. Looking to replicate somebody’s success — that if we had it…wouldn’t be what we wanted to begin with. Because we’re not them.

We think the data will show us the way because we think the path to success is dynamic. Because we’re now living in an era dominated by the Internet we think new tactics and strategies are in play. Strategies that we don’t understand, and haven’t yet learned. Some we chase every pidedpiper who comes along claiming to know what we feel we don’t. Lots of chasing. Not much catching.


Mostly catching frustration. Anxiety. Increased fear.

Success Isn’t A Datapoint

It’s a process. Hard work. Time consuming. It always has been with rare exceptions of freakish oddities who catch lightning in a bottle.

Sylvia Duckworth did a terrific graphic depiction of what success really looks like. Follow her on Twitter.

The iceberg illusion is real. The height of our success may be disproportionately lower than the depth of our hidden efforts. Or maybe higher. Or maybe equal. That’s the impossible part to predict. Or fully control. It’s all the work below the water line that we can control. And that’s where the magic happens!

I’ve long been puzzled by people who don’t want to show that below the waterline activity until they’ve broken the surface of success. Then, they’ll tell you how awful things were. How they lived in their car for 2 years. Or how they incurred 6 figures of credit card debt. Or how they gained 125 pounds. Why not share that stuff in real-time? Because until you’re successful you don’t feel comfortable sharing it? Why not? What do you care about how other people view you?

This is just some of why we need to clear the screen of our mind.

Our mind can get it wrong. And you do know, don’t you, that YOU are the biggest hurdle to your success?

The most famous Pogo cartoon was “We have met the enemy and he is us” in 1971. It resonated with us because deep down we know it’s true.

We think things. We believe things. They drive us. Or prevent us.

Mostly, it’s US. Our brains creating realities that aren’t real…except we make them real.

Plan for success. Craft your strategy. Or not. I’m urging NOT.

Instead, it’s one-step at a time. It’s the next step. Then it’s adjust. Then, the next step! Then more adjustments. And keep going until you sense traction, or a loss of it.

Do more of what works. Do less of what doesn’t work. 

With a screen filled with clutter you can’t clearly see or know what’s what. That’s why you need to shake that screen and clear it.

Working on yourself will be the hardest work you ever do. It doesn’t matter who you are. It’ll always be hard. But worthwhile.

Busy-ness prevents us from doing it. Some people enjoy remaining distracted so they can avoid that work. They con themselves into thinking it’s something else. It’s not them. It’s circumstance. Environment. Their job. Their spouse. Their parents. It’s something. Somebody. Some place. But it’s not them.

Stop it. It’s madness, which is why I’m talking about it. Because my renewed focus is on the 3rd leg of the trifecta of business building, “not going crazy in the process.” I’m pushing more and more attention on that because the need is enormous. I see it in the faces of business owners (and leaders). I hear it in their voice. The loneliness. Isolation. Worry.

It’s not a pessimistic view. It’s honest. Reality. Much of what drives us crazy is what’s going on in our head. Thinking.

“Don’t over-think it,” people will say. They often mean, “Act. Don’t waller it around in your mind.” But that’s not always the culprit to our difficulties (our craziness). Sometimes it’s that’s our thinking is corrupted by some script we wrote years ago. Or one we’re writing right now. We’ve developed some story in our head and it’s driving our actions. Problem is, the story isn’t accurate.

It’s not always a story crafted because we’re pursuing success. The story can also be crafted because we don’t want to lose success. Playing it safe.

Let me illustrate. A business owner is operating a successful company. He purchased the company almost 15 years ago. It was a successful company, but he’s been able to double it. For the past 5 years his personal income has annually eclipsed $900,000. A few years it crossed the magic million dollar threshold. He’s settled into a lifestyle that suits him well. The lake house. The modern, contemporary upscale home fully furnished with the nicer things including a state-of-the-art kitchen that would make any chef envious. A stable of nice sports cars and SUVs. Vacations are always out of the country about 3 times a year.

Life is good. But he’s going crazy because he’s scared. The political climate terrifies him. And it doesn’t matter if his candidate is in power or not. He’s mortified about the economy going south. A natural autocrat, this focus drives him to even new heights (or lows) of micro-management. The employees are stifled. Choked to death by an owner who can never be satisfied. He thinks he’s hard charging and these people – his employees – don’t understand.

Can you see his story? The one he’s written in his head?

Sure, many of us can see it when it’s not us. Within half a day of hanging around with him to survey things, I’m able to see dollars hitting the floor that he doesn’t see. Cracks are abundant. Solid sales growth prevents them from being burdensome. Making them invisible. And the story he’s written – along with the one he’s now writing – are calling his attention to a laundry list of things that drive him crazy. Things he admits that have always driven him crazy.

“Why haven’t you solved them already?” I ask. He launches into a 30 minute calm tirade about employees, particularly manager he’s had and still has.

He has a view that makes it all appear as he sees it. I know better than to try to persuade him otherwise. Life taught me the futility of that. Mostly, I do what I do…ask questions, trying to provoke insights.

I try to focus attention on a couple of areas where I can see room for big improvements. Things that will generate considerable profit improvements. They’re operational things — the kind of things that leap out to a guy like me, a lifelong operator. He doesn’t quickly embrace the ideas arguing why they’ll be too hard to implement and maintain. I don’t much care about the degree of difficulty because this isn’t a diving competition or a gymnastic routine. This is business. No trophies are coming because what we attempted was too hard. There’s money at stake. Real money.

So I decide to make it more personal. He’s shared his income details with me. I craft a spreadsheet and show him what doing this hard work will mean to him. Personally. It’s over $600,000 a year. He’s staring at a 60-70% increase in his already sizable income. And an outline of how that hard work can be accomplished.

This isn’t pie-in-the-sky “wouldn’t it be great if” kind of stuff. This is a one page document of how to fix a costly problem, one he’s been fighting (well, that’s an overstatement) for as long as he can remember…coupled with a spreadsheet of how the numbers will stack up after a year. Talk about hard data…well, it’s evidently too hard because he’s not embracing it. I’m puzzled. Really puzzled. Not by the disbelief so much as by the sheer lack of optimism to even give it a try.

We talk it. We talk about it some more. He offers many reasons why it won’t work. I alter tactics. Shifting gears to more of a “let’s assume it doesn’t work at all, what do we risk?” approach. Nope. That won’t work either.

Welcome to the world of being stuck.

The numbers shocked me. Shocked me that they didn’t shock him.

I challenged. I pushed. Not too hard at first. Harder later. He was paralyzed by fear. Fear of changing things. Fear of conquering problems that might create new problems, less familiar ones. Fear of finding new heights of financial success perhaps. Okay, he’s human. Join the rest of us. We’re all scared of something. It’s less about conquering fear and maybe more about being able to shove it out of the way long enough to grow and improve.

I failed.

I failed to help him because he didn’t want to shove the fear aside. Not even long enough to see if it might work out. The devil you know is often more comfortable than the one you don’t.

This is mental health and fitness of a business mind. It’s the necessity to see business challenges and opportunities as they really are. It’s not letting the story in our head force us to see boogie men in the shadows – boogie men who don’t even exist. But we see them. We know they’re there. Our story only fits if we see them. Remove the boogie men and our story is no longer our story. Now it’s a different story.

What I Know To Be True

It’s not a story at all. It’s an interpretation. It’s our mind ascribing some meaning to something or somebody. A meaning that isn’t necessarily true…except in our mind. That makes it completely true for us.

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”   -Henry Ford

Henry Ford was making a bold statement to let others around him know that one of the primary keys to getting what you want is believing that you can have it. It’s harder for some. Likely difficult for almost all of us. Maybe for you it’s in some narrow specific area. That seemed the case for the business owner. He was ridiculously confident in nearly every area of life, even joking about how he often felt like the smartest guy in the room. But I don’t think it was much of a joke. I think he meant it.

Fear blinded him to what was possible though. He couldn’t see it. He didn’t think it was possible. Convinced it wasn’t possible. Or that it was too hard and even if he could do it, it wouldn’t stick. So he never tried.

Head trash has a real cost. Not just dollars, but in pain of a persisting problem. The pain of fighting something almost daily for years. Just because we’re convinced that it is how it is, and that’s how it will always be. We live in ways to insure we’re correct.

I’d rather be wrong, wouldn’t you?

Grab yourself, turn it upside down and shake the magic screen of your mind.

We Make It Harder Than It Has To Be

Make no mistake. It’s hard. Sometimes ridiculously hard. No matter, we’re making it even harder.

Enter the power of a group. Sad to say I wasn’t able to connect the business owner with other voices that might be able to nudge him out of his stuck place, but I’ve done it in other circumstances with different people.

Our parents knew it was true – if we had friends who were trouble, we’d likely end up in trouble. It’s true of CEOs and business owners, too. There’s a reason why peers are important. We’ll listen to them. Be influenced by them. Care more about their opinion and viewpoint. Put a group of high school kids in a group and they’ll influence each other more than any teacher or adult. Put a group of business owners in a group and the same magic happens.

The magic happens largely in the mind of those in the group. Collectively and individually minds change, grow and expand. We realize that how we see things isn’t necessarily how others see them. First, we may be amazed. Then we’re open to understand the reality we’ve crafted isn’t reality at all. It’s just a point of view. One that may be the hurdle holding us back.

What’s holding you back? I don’t know you. I don’t know your business. I don’t know where you’re located. But I don’t have to know any of that to know the answer. It’s YOU. You’ve got a narrative in your brain, one you’ve created. You think – you’re even convinced – it’s serving you well. But until you can gain some other perspectives, some viewpoints that are different than those you currently hold, you’re stuck with the business problems. You’re limited with the opportunities you currently see.

But what about the things you don’t see? What of the opportunities that may be in plain sight to others? Like adding 60-70% more to your personal income?

Don’t sweat it. You’ll never miss it because you can’t see it anyway. Right?

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Magic Screen: This Is How Your Mind Should Work (To Help You Find Success) #4052 Read More »

Bula Network Owners' Alliance: Week 2 Of The Process #4051 - GROW GREAT (a Bula Network podcast)

Bula Network Owners’ Alliance: Week 2 Of The Process #4051

Bula Network Owners' Alliance: Week 2 Of The Process #4051 - GROW GREAT (a Bula Network podcast)

I refer to this video in today’s show. It’s an important lesson.

Week 2 went about as planned. Here are the highlights:

• I’m using Linkedin to reach prospect either by requesting connection, with an explanation of why (I’m not using bait ‘n switch – I’m completely candid with them about why I’m trying to connect), or I’m using Linkedin to reach out to existing connections

• I’m using email some (I plan on increasing this in week 3).

• My goal is to have phone conversations with 10% of the people I contact or connect with. So if I can reach 20 or 30 people electronically, I want to have at least 2 or 3 phone conversations.

• I’m not selling. At all. At any point. People are going to want in, or they’re not. Either way is fine.

Stay tuned for week 3.

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Bula Network Owners’ Alliance: Week 2 Of The Process #4051 Read More »

Solving Your Biggest Problem: It May Not Be What You Think #4050 - GROW GREAT (a Bula Network podcast)

Solving Your Biggest Problem: It May Not Be What You Think #4050

Solving Your Biggest Problem: It May Not Be What You Think #4050 - GROW GREAT (a Bula Network podcast)

Interview 10 business owners and you may get 10 different answers. Or 8. Maybe 5. You won’t get one.

Owners talk of cash flow, sales slumps, competitive pressures, shortages in finding qualified employees, price pressures, government regulations, industry disruptions, profit margin erosion and more. Dive a bit deeper and every owner will likely tell you that their answer will change. Today’s answer to, “What’s your biggest problem?” won’t necessarily be tomorrow’s answer. “It depends.”

Business leaders are rarely in unison on their biggest problem. Most are thinking more micro than macro. Trees versus forest stuff.

It’s understandable. Business owners are deep in their business every day. Eating, drinking and sleeping (or losing sleep) with their company’s issues. It’s natural to think about our biggest problems in specifics.

Business is really much simpler, at least when we distill what it really consists of. It’s not easy to pull it off.

Getting new customers, serving customers better and not going crazy in the process. Those are the 3 aspects of successful business building.

The actions that make those possible are also rather simple to distill: make the best decision possible in the moment, execute that decision accurately and be quick about it. Another 3-some. But roll it all into one big thing and you’ve got what is your biggest problem to be solved.

If your business doesn’t grow and start making better decisions, prompting more accurate execution of those decisions (with speed), then you’ll continue to experience all those other issues. They’ll parade through your office from now on until and unless you solve this major problem in your company.

At the heart of it is building an organization, something not every business owner understands (or knows how to do). Too many small business owners are as Michael Gerber pointed out years ago…they’re technicians, able to do the work. Hiring, training and delegating others to perform the work at a high level is often daunting for small business owners.

Add to it the “it’s-my-baby” factor and it can be a tall order for any owner to let go of the reins a bit. But growth demands it. Growth demands a learning organization be assembled and empowered to act with speed.

Focus on the problem that is likely the cause of the other problems. Stop concentrating on the trees when the forest is under attack. Think bigger. Pull back and gain some perspective on what ails you.

Making The Best Decision Possible In The Moment

Owners will often say they know exactly what they need to do and how to do it, but they just can’t make meaningful progress to get it done. It’s a recipe for extreme frustration. To think you know, but to be unable to get it done.

As businesses grow it’s more difficult to communicate effectively throughout the company. Those messages you could quickly communicate with your small team when you started…they’re much harder to properly convey now that you’ve got 100 employees. Or 20. The result is that many employees have no idea where you’re going, or what their direct contribution should be. Nobody is measuring the things that let everybody know if they’re on track or not.

That’s why owners often use phrases like “chasing our tail” or “putting out fires.” Our views change over time. If you’re 25 you have a very different view of things than if you’re 45. Your perspective is different. So are your priorities. And your goals. Problems look different depending on your viewpoint. That’s why I continually focus clients on first things first – making the best decision in real-time. That’s where it starts, but it’s just the beginning.

Great decisions are meaningless without accurate execution. We’ve all made good decisions only to have them fail at execution. Even though some argue that a poor decision expertly executed trumps a wise decision poorly executed — that sounds good, but it’s just not true. And it presupposes that you can get it all fixed. Which is the plight of so many small business owners. They lament that the current state is simply how it is. And how it will always be. WRONG.

There is a better way.

Speed is the single biggest weapon of small business versus larger business. Small, agile companies should be able to be more highly maneuverable than larger enterprises. Yet increasingly, I’m finding small businesses surrendering that advantage because they’re fearful of making the decision. Further evidence that this is the single biggest problem facing small business owners. And yes, I’m still lumping all 3 actions into one big action required for successful business building: make the best decision possible in the moment, execute that decision accurately and be quick about it.

Why do you get stuck making a decision? I’ve uncovered many reasons. This is where it can get quite individual with an owner. In some cases the owner must have the best ideas leaving the team unable to make a decision without jumping through the necessary hoops to help the owner feel like it’s her decisions. Sometimes the owner is just indecisive, leading the team to behave in similar fashion. Often times the owner puts so much pressure on the decision that it drives up fear, paralyzing the team to move forward.

Can you get it right more often than not? Will this decision’s outcome put the company at risk? Will we be able to recover if we get it wrong?

When I ask a business owners, “When was the last time you made a decision that put the company at big risk?” most look up at the ceiling trying to think of a time. Minutes later they’ll admit, “I can’t remember.” Probably because those decisions are few and far between. Rare.

Probing further I’ll ask, “Give me an example of a decision you made that you couldn’t fix?” Same result most of the time. Or they’ll talk about a 5-year or 10-year lease they signed. Or some large piece of equipment they purchased. But even then they’ll admit that those things can likely be worked out if they’re not perfect. Leases can often be re-negotiated. Equipment can be sold, or returned. Inventory can be sold or moved sideways to some other company.

Armed with these truths, it’s evident that sometimes we’re putting too much pressure on a single decision. I’m not urging you to make decisions without proper thought or debate. I’m urging you to let speed play a major role though. Otherwise you lose a big competitive edge.

Bula Network Owners’ Alliance is all about helping small business owners avoid going crazy in the process of building and growing their business. Yes, sometimes it’s about getting new customers. Sometimes it’s about serving customers better. But it’s always about not going crazy in the process. And the way we accomplish that is by concentrating on this single biggest business problem: make the best decision possible in the moment, execute that decision accurately and be quick about it.

Like a golfer or baseball player or just about any other athletic endeavor, you don’t have to be perfect to be great. You just have to get it more right than not…more often. Consistently get it closer to right and you’ll be a winner.

Again, easy to talk about. More difficult to do it.

That’s why surrounding yourself with like-minded business owners who are also committed to it can make all the difference. If I can begin to make better decisions because others around me are asking me hard questions, and questioning my answers then I’m going to make better decisions. I’m not going to have to wait until I’ve got some historical perspective to realize, “Man, I should have done this instead.” No, with others helping me think it through in real-time I can get it more right more often. It’s the foundation of solving my biggest business problem.

Then if I’m surrounded by people who help me plan the execution of that decision, and people who encourage and inspire me to be courageous in incorporating accountability for the desired outcome…well, I’m so far ahead of my competitors they won’t be able to catch me. Because armed with that kind of help my speed increases. And speed kills the competition. It kills in the market. Nothing beats speed when it’s on target.

Stop chasing your tail.

Stop working on the same problems you were working on last year.

Stop staying awake at night fretting over what to do.

Take control of your circumstance. Surround yourself with other business owners who can help you solve this biggest problem – the biggest problem facing every business owner.

Make the best decision possible in the moment, execute that decision accurately and be quick about it.

Solve that problem and you’ll solve your other problems. Quit focusing on the wrong things. Instead, make up your mind that today the madness stops. You’re going to stop going crazy because crazy doesn’t work well in problem solving.

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