
Episode 145 – If Your End Of The Boat Sinks, So Does Mine

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Running Time 30:27

Are you bringing on water?

Warning: You may be shocked at what I have to say about the “tropical auto-pilot” businesses you hear so much about.

“If your end of the boat sinks, so does mine.”

I’ve used that phrase through the years with regard to teamwork, but today I’m not necessarily talking about teamwork.

I am talking about ROI – return on investment.

Value. Providing high value.

Employees need to understand. Contract workers need to understand. Business owners need to understand. We all need to better understand these truths.

Life can be so much better. More profitable. More successful. More fun. But it demands we think about ourselves as a resource whose value is determined by our own efforts. Personal responsibility and accountability for what we bring to the party (or boat)…that’s the stuff of success! We can be an asset. Or, we can be a liability.

Listen around the 27:38 mark and you’ll hear Rosie bark. She’s determined to make it into every recording. Shame on me for not closing the door to The Yellow Studio!

Thank you for subscribing and listening.

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Episode 144 – Making Customers Happy, Keeping Customers Happy

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The Cloud of Happiness

This is the Cloud of Happiness. You may not have seen him in awhile, but he’s out there. Somewhere.

You want him in your life. Your customers want him in their lives, too.

How do you really feel about your customers? How do you really feel about your business?


So much of our business life is centered around managing the expectations, both our own and our customers. We often end up unhappy in our business because we’re not getting the results we expect. We’re disappointed. We’re afraid. We’re frustrated.

Sometimes our customers end up unhappy, too. They’re not getting what they thought they’d get. They’re disappointed. They’re afraid. They’re frustrated.

What are you gonna do about it? Anything?

It’s time to better manage the expectations – your own and those of your customers!

Thank YOU for listening.

P.S. Do me a big favor…click here and go over to iTunes (I know it’s not the easiest thing in the world to do)…and leave me a 5-star review. It’ll help us get the word out to more people.

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Episode 143 – Tons Of Pain Without A Chance Of Gain

When I began to hit the gym – regularly – about 7 years ago, I heard and read the phrase alot, “No pain, no gain.” An even better phrase was, “Pain is the weakness leaving your body.”

We want to lose weight. And we want it to be easy. And fast.

We want to launch a business. And we want it to be easy. And fast.

Easy and fast.

It’s how we want our food, entertainment, education and whatever else we’re clamoring after.

Just because somebody somewhere experienced success easy and fast doesn’t mean it’s a model we can replicate. We love outlier stories though. They’re fascinating. They fuel our imaginations where we’re at the center of that story.

Lotteries employ that story in their marketing. Plop down a few bucks for a chance (slim and none) to win millions! Your life could change tonight, when you watch the local news and they announce those winning numbers. It could be YOU. It’s got to be somebody…why not you?

Because statistically it’s highly improbable.

Start a business. As long as you’re passionate about it, you can make it. Others do. Others have. Why not you?

Because statistically it’s highly improbable.

Today’s show is only a cautionary story, not one designed to get you to never take a chance. I just want to encourage you to take some smarter chances. Be wise. Avoid foolish failure. The world needs you to succeed.

I’m irked at those who prey on people who lack knowledge. That’s why I hit record today.

I love this saying, mostly because it’s so true:

“Everything is hard until it’s easy.”

Thank you for listening,

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Episode 142 – The Power Of Dread (And A Yellow Fly Swatter)

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It strikes us when we look at our phone to see a person who whips us.

It hits when an email arrives with the subject line, “Past Due.”

Dread can be major, life changing stuff. It can be a very minor daily beating we seem destined to endure.

That’s the power of dread? No. Well, it is a power, but it’s not the power I’m talking about.

I think dread can serve us. It can help us. It can make us better.

Listen to the show and I’ll explain the power of a yellow fly swatter!

We have to do some hard work to let dread work for us. It won’t just happen automatically.

It won’t be easy. But it will be very worthwhile. I promise!

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Special Episode – The Curse Of Comparison (When Good Enough Isn’t Good Enough)

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Make it good enough is the call to action of the Lean Startup Movement.

It’s a wise call to action for content creation, software development and other acts of production. It can even be wise for creative folks.

Business owners can often fall prey to the curse of “good enough.” They may find that they’ve been able to sustain their business year after year. They’ve developed some processes and systems that enable them to keep their doors open. Day after day their businesses perform good enough to keep the doors open. But maybe not much else.

Good enough is killing many small businesses, preventing them from finding enough momentum to carry them to levels of success they’ve never experienced. The habit of good enough doesn’t need to be your albatross.

It’s time to kick the past to the curb and stop being just good enough. It’s time to find new heights because most business owners are fully capable of doing better. Some just need to know how.

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Special Episode – How To Solve Business Problems When The Clock Is Ticking?

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Marketing should NOT be your number one business activity. Listen to today’s show and I’ll tell you why.

Your business has problems. Some are more serious than others. Some can put your entire operation at risk. Others are just a hassle, but not life threatening.

Within the last 48 hours I’ve been involved in a few serious conversations where focus was lacking because the problems seemed so daunting. Not life threatening, but it made me think of all the small business owners who do face life and death. Every day.

It prompted today’s special episode. I hope it provides some inspiration and direction for you.

When the clock is ticking…we’ve got to do something. The something that we choose is critical to our success. Choose wisely. Act quickly. Focus on the things that matter most.

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