Episode 99 – Know Thyself (The Tough Work Of Seeing Yourself As You Really Are)

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It’s hard to see yourself as others see you…as you really are.

Yes, that’s me in the mirror. I don’t think I look like that, but sometimes other people do.

The name of the game is awareness. Sometimes our awareness is hindered by our inability to see ourselves as others see us, or as we really are.

Let me give you three specific actions you can take to help you know yourself better. You can give yourself a better, more accurate picture of who you really are when you actively engage in all of them.

1. Use meaningful measurements
2. Seek wise counsel; ask others
3. Self-examination

Today’s show references these things:

Fox News coverage of hurricane Irene, particularly Shepherd Smith
Social Media Clubs, including the one in Dallas and the one in Ft. Worth
• Dallas is a pro sports town, particularly a Dallas Cowboys town
• Dallas Cowboys’ quarterback Tony Romo
Wayne “The Great One” Gretzky
Magic Johnson had great vision and awareness
George DeJohn’s fitness radio show
Episode 48 and others (I won’t take the time to list all the others, but you can search the term “strengths” here and find them)
• In episode 53 I talk about Dan Sullivan‘s concept, Unique Ability®
One Person/Multiple Careers by Marci Alboher
Career Renegade by Jonathan Fields
• A&E’s hit shows, Hoarders and Intervention
The GEICO Abe Lincoln commercial

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Thanks for listening,

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Episode 98 – The 8th Habit By Stephen R. Covey (Let’s Talk About It)

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First published in 2004, Stephen R. Covey‘s “The 8th Habit” was a highly acclaimed follow-up to “The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People.”

For weeks I’ve been staring at this book on my bookshelf. It’s now been almost 7 years since I read it. I’ve been tempted to re-read it a number of times, but for some reason I’ve been distracted with other reading. Juggling too many books at once is a lifelong habit, my 9th habit.

At long last, I’m now re-reading it and decided I’d share my thoughts along the way. No, it won’t occupy every podcast, but I’ll talk about it every now and then. I hope to share some insights and thoughts sparked by Mr. Covey. He’s pretty good at such things, but I confess I found this book a bit cumbersome to read the first time around. That’s why I wanted to re-read it. I suspect I missed some things the first time around.

I’ll discuss this 8th habit and riff on about a few things. Don’t worry, I don’t talk about how Mr. Covey and I share nicely shaped heads to house our big brains…but we do!

Mentioned in today’s show:

Stephen R. Covey

Ryan Cantrell, my son; Joanna, his wife; Kinsley, their new daughter
Chris Pearson, creator of the Thesis premium WordPress theme (aff link)
Copyblogger, whose original killer design was provided by Chris Pearson
Brian Gardner, StudioPress
Aaron Wall, whose SEO Book website was my first introduction to Chris Pearson’s work
James Dalman, a friend I reached out to about a WordPress design for a client (he’s an old school rock-solid design guy)
Barron Cuadro, the one website design guy (not a friend) who was prompt and professional in returning an inquiry.
Phil Simon of PhilSimonSystems.com, author/speaker/all-around-good-guy
Marcus Sheridan, The Sales Lion, blogger/social media expert/friendly-supportive-online-buddy
One Bible illustration (even the heretics among us will have to agree the illustration is worthwhile)
• Winning friends and influencing people references a book by the famous Mr. Carnegie
• I am NOT opposed to selling things. In fact, I need to sell something. I help solopreneurs and small business owners with management and marketing issues. I sometimes accept payment for such help. 😀

Thank you very much for listening. I’d love to hear your feedback. You can call (214) 736-4406 any time, day or night and leave me a voice mail.

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Special Episode – Helping Solopreneurs And Small Business Owners In The Art Of Being Remarkable

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My primary objective these days is to help small businesses find and grab bigger waves. Some of my clients are already remarkable, but they’re dissatisfied. They want to be more remarkable. Others are just now trying to fly and struggling to gain some traction. It’s a wide range of people, products, services, revenue levels and business models, but…

they all want something more.

Today’s special episode is centered around one fundamental belief that I hold to be true. It’s counter-intuitive, but I’ve seen it work well in far too many instances. Here it is.

Focus on a group that is small, that you love and that you’re good at serving.

This statement focuses on two ideas that are both very important to your success: WHO and WHAT.

Who will you serve? Who do you want to be? Who do you most love serving? Who do you feel you can serve best?

What small group do you find most attractive? What do you most love about them? What groups do you most want to avoid? What work do you love most? What work do you most dread? What is it you’re good at – good enough to serve this desired group?

“But I’m not world-class,” says the would-be entrepreneur. Forget that. You don’t have to be world-class. Don’t get hung up with all the non-sense you read and hear. And stop wanting to serve the entire world. The world is a poor target market for most of us.

Give me just a piece of your time and attention and let’s see if I can provoke some thoughts to help you move forward. Forward progress doesn’t always happen in quantum leaps. Sometimes it’s the proverbial inch-by-inch progress. Sometimes it is a big leap. Take it as it comes. Take action and keep taking action. Don’t quit.

Thank you for listening,

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Episode 97 – I’m A Ramblin’ Man (Today)

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No, I’ve not “gone” country (I do love Waylon though). Nor am I going to sing on today’s show. I am, however, going to ramble a bit about an important subject (or three).

“Create the life you want.”

Today’s show includes:

• Reference to my son, RyanHappy Birthday (August 17, 1980)
• Reference to the grand kids – Max, Jake and Kinsley
• Reference to Chase Jarvis’ show with Tim Ferris, which aired live earlier this week on UStream.
• Reference to “the butterfly effect”
• Reference to Rush Limbaugh, El Rushbo
• Reference to Bob Heil, inventor and maker of the Heil Sound products, including the PR40 microphone.
• Reference to my external hard drive creating an annoying rumble during my ramble.
• Reference to my firewire interfaces, produced by PreSonus.
• Finding the track, getting on the track and staying on track.
• Epiphanies require some searching.*
HOV lanes in Dallas
BMW cars, a Dallas favorite
Lamborghini Diablo (last manufactured in 2001; I’ll take a Diablo Orange version)

* I didn’t refer to this book in today’s show, but wish I had – Why Epiphanies Never Occur To Couch Potatoes by  Mark Amtower. Buy it. Read it. He’s quite bright.

Thanks for listening!

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Special Episode – Don’t Get Stuck In The Middle

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Finding the path to success is a common pursuit. Even successful people want more. We’re all given to discontentment and dissatisfaction. Distraction may be the deadliest “dis” of all.

“A” in the diagram represents the starting place. Sadly, for too many it also represents complacency or being stuck in the middle. It can be an exciting place from which our future success is born. Or it can be a place of paralysis.

The circle represents goals, targets, achievements, accomplishments. So many different directions. So many different choices. “B” could be 360 different choices represented by the degrees of a circle, but we know there are an infinite number of choices really. That makes it difficult to choose. It’s often easier to avoid making a choice and remain stuck in the middle.

Today’s special episode is intended to provide you with encouragement to develop the zeal and tenacity necessary to get on with it. Today, I want to help you lift your eyes from “A” and make a definite choice. Select “B.” Make it by anywhere you’d like, preferably a direction that suits you best. Choose wisely, but choose. Then, get on with it. Start the trek toward “B.” Do it today. Don’t take your eyes off of “B.” Be precise. Be targeted. Be persistent.

When you reach “B” everything changes. Momentum shifts in your favor. Opportunities present themselves. Learning happens that helps you in new adventures. There’s compelling evidence that merely making up your mind to pursue a precise goal changes everything. No doubt a sniper rifle has greater precision than a shotgun. Live like a sniper rifle.

As the Scottish mountaineer William Hutchinson Murray wrote in 1951 (no, it wasn’t Goethe, Germany’s version of Shakespeare):

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”

Yes, begin it now. And don’t stop until you’ve reached the outer circle. That’s where you’ll find success, momentum and greater opportunity.

• Grandsons Max and Jake who have now learned to swim. Here’s a video of Max. Here’s the video of little brother, Jake.

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Episode 96 – Time, Distance And Fuel: 3 Components To Successful Business Building

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Life is one big fuel problem. How long will it take to achieve success? How long will I live? Am I smart enough to reach the goal?

These problems indicate how fuel is tethered to time, energy, distance, momentum, tenacity, brain power, wisdom and a host of other variables.

Every successful endeavor contains time, distance and fuel.

A friend is completing law school. It’s taken him a few years of dedication and tenacity. He had an idea how long it would take (time). He had an idea, when he began, how much effort it would take (fuel). It’s likely demanded even more fuel than he suspected, but he predetermined that the burn rate would be worth it. Distance was a component that involved both time and fuel, but it also required some family and work sacrifices, too. Worth it? Sure. That’s why he went in that precise direction.

Many of us have no idea how long success will take. Nor do we know how far we’ll have to go. Or how much fuel it might take. We plan and engineer our course as best we can, but if success was a definite spot then everybody would likely achieve it. Because it’s not so easily seen, or mapped out – it’s hard. Doable, but hard.

Think about what you most want. Take a precise aim. Head in that direction and devote yourself fully to it. Burn your fuel wisely by going in a targeted direction. Keep going until you reach the goal because when you reach the outer circle of achievement everything changes! It’s called “momentum.”

I hope you reach your goal. I’d love to hear how it’s going for you.

P.S. I’ll update you on some things happening with me in the next episode. I ran out of time in today’s show. Sorry.


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