Randy Is Circling The Drain

Randy Is Circling The Drain

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May 7, 1957. My birthday. 

I was officially old years ago. Now I’m really old.

Lisa and I talk about our age, being married, being empty nesters and more. 

Thank you for being part of our lives. We hope we’re having a positive impact on your leadership journey. 

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

Check out the Hosts page for our profiles.
Connect With Lisa On Linkedin •  Connect With Randy On Linkedin

We encourage you to contact us. Feedback, suggestions, criticisms, insights, and experiences are welcomed. Thank you for watching and listening!

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Don't Be Like Eeyore

Don’t Be Like Eeyore

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They’re always down and out. They complain incessantly. They’re adept at seeing the dark side of every challenge. Or opportunity.

You don’t dare ask them how they’re doing because they’ll tell you.

Complaining is their main source of vibrancy.

Eeyore wasn’t a leader. That behavior won’t help us become leaders either.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

Check out the Hosts page for our profiles.
Connect With Lisa On Linkedin •  Connect With Randy On Linkedin

We encourage you to contact us. Feedback, suggestions, criticisms, insights, and experiences are welcomed. Thank you for watching and listening!

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Great Leaders Know It's Hard, But Worth It

Great Leaders Know It’s Hard, But Worth It

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“It shouldn’t be this hard,” said the young bride speaking about her first year of married life.

“What makes you think so?” I asked.

“Because we’re in love.”

Whether it’s love, life or work…many people are confused about how much work is required to achieve greatness. It’s hard, but it’s worth it.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

Check out the Hosts page for our profiles.
Connect With Lisa On Linkedin •  Connect With Randy On Linkedin

We encourage you to contact us. Feedback, suggestions, criticisms, insights, and experiences are welcomed. Thank you for watching and listening!

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Where's Your Focus?

Where’s Your Focus?

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“You get what you inspect.”  – a trite management maxim

“You get what you expect.” – a slightly less trite maxim

“You see where you focus.” – the topic of today’s show

Ask yourself these questions:

a. What am I constantly looking at?

b. What am I constantly looking for?

c. Why?

Optimism pays off in helping us look for opportunities. Especially in the midst of great adversity.

Pessimism pays off in preventing us from seeing opportunities because we’re focused on the problems.

Great leadership requires practicing intentional focus on the elements necessary for high performance. You can choose to look at whatever you’d like. Just be aware you’ll see what you’re looking for (at).

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

Check out the Hosts page for our profiles.
Connect With Lisa On Linkedin •  Connect With Randy On Linkedin

We encourage you to contact us. Feedback, suggestions, criticisms, insights, and experiences are welcomed. Thank you for watching and listening!

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Great Leaders Can Make It Simple

Great Leaders Can Make It Simple

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People love to use business or industry jargon. And many of us enjoy hearing ourselves. Is it helpful in stating and solving problems? Does it help us seize opportunities better?

Simplify Your Way To Better Solutions – putting in the work to be succinct in stating a problem clearly in the simplest terms to get to the crux of the matter

But we have a long, laborious story that we think is needed so folks can understand. We couch it as “context.”

Few things can propel us forward in our leadership journey as much as our ability to simplify things and get to the heart of things.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

Check out the Hosts page for our profiles.
Connect With Lisa On Linkedin •  Connect With Randy On Linkedin

We encourage you to contact us. Feedback, suggestions, criticisms, insights, and experiences are welcomed. Thank you for watching and listening!

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I May Quit, But Not Today

I May Quit, But Not Today

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Lisa texted me the following anonymous quote:

No matter what knocks you down in life, get back up and keep going. Never give up. Great blessings are a result of great perservance.

I was born in Oklahoma, historically Indian territory. I can’t remember when I first heard the story of how buffalo react to thunderstorms, a frequent Oklahoma event. We recorded a show about being a buffalo, which means having the grit, courage, and determination to weather the storms of adversity.

Today, we felt the urge to encourage you to hang in there, control what you can and not obsess about what you can’t.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

Check out the Hosts page for our profiles.
Connect With Lisa On Linkedin •  Connect With Randy On Linkedin

We encourage you to contact us. Feedback, suggestions, criticisms, insights, and experiences are welcomed. Thank you for watching and listening!

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