Randy Cantrell

Randy Cantrell is the founder of Bula Network, LLC - an executive leadership advisory company helping leaders leverage the power of others through peer advantage, online peer advisory groups. Interested in joining us? Visit ThePeerAdvantage.com

#2206 - Five Leadership Recipe Ingredients

#2206 – Five Leadership Recipe Ingredients

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Today Lisa and I introduce to you the five (5) leadership recipe ingredients. Admittedly, these five things started out as what I called “the progression of leadership,” back in the 1980s. When I taught them to Lisa she improved on the language because she considered them ingredients. They belong in a specific order to begin with – but after that, you may find yourself needing to add a bit more of one than another. They’re all vital, but we can still make each ingredient serve us best by personally applying each one as needed. We have to be aware of ourselves, our situation, and our team so we can best leverage these ingredients and cook up the very best leadership possible!

We also have to be aware of the pitfalls and challenges to effective leadership. Some things can derail our leadership. Our improved awareness of these challenges can help us shore up our weaknesses and strengthen ourselves for the task of growing great! And helping others grow great, too. 


Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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#2205 - Why A Focus On Others Is Great...For You!

#2205 – Why A Focus On Others Is Great…For You!

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  • One of our favorite topics
  • This can truly and critically impact success as a leader
  • Quote: “Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.”
  • All of us have had really good and really bad leaders.
  • Think about them. The bad ones? What were they focused on?
    • Self?
    • Money?
    • Power?
    • Self-recognition?
  • Focus on others through:
    • Service to them
    • Humility to listen
    • Curiosity to learn
    • Recognition and Appreciation of their value
    • Candid, honest dialogue when needed to grow them
    • Understanding
    • Genuine concern
    • Grace and Compassion
    • Accountability
  • Results:
    • Trust
    • Camaraderie
    • High performance
    • Mutual Respect
    • Growth and Development
    • Empowerment
    • Unity
    • Teamwork
    • Inclusiveness
    • And they pass it on, and they pass it on, and so on ….
  • What are YOU doing to focus on others? Or what are you NOT doing?
  • Lisa’s Examples: Thoughtful Thursday; CMO – Fun Friday; COVID: Feel Good Friday

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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#2204 - The Power Of Painting Yourself Into A Corner

#2204 – The Power Of Painting Yourself Into A Corner

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There’s a specific place where each of us can find our greatest growth. It’s the corner. 

The corner is a metaphor for a place we all must go in order to move forward. It represents a place where we’re no longer relying on excuses. Once we paint ourselves into the corner we suck all the oxygen of our excuse-making out of the room. We stop being victims. We’re uninterested in blaming others for our circumstances. Instead, we make up our minds we’ll accept full responsibility for everything. 

Lisa is producing a “Walk The Talk” series for Grand Prairie, Texas (her employer). Here are the links to the current episodes (she continues to produce new episodes for city leadership and emerging leaders):

Intro to Walk the Talk + Leading Vs Managing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlQI6fzwwig

Walk-the-Talk: Knowing Your People https://youtu.be/Fv-kvw3t0wU

Walk-the-Talk: Leading Through Crisis: https://youtu.be/nDxlmPQOu5I

Walk-the-Talk: Bring out the Lion in You: https://youtu.be/vrCJ3jBgQIk

Walk-the-Talk: Impact and Influence: https://youtu.be/SQCVLVPfopg

Walk-the-Talk: Discipline and Performance Management: https://youtu.be/34iUC7yd-SA

Walk-the-Talk: Having Difficult Conversations: https://youtu.be/d3zp4RUpsPY

Walk-the-Talk: The Power of We Begins with Me: https://youtu.be/Ok4CDQXJyJE

Walk-the-Talk: Inclusion: https://youtu.be/8tKOtuul6d4

Clarity is important. Sometimes we need to be caringly challenged to see things more clearly. We each figure things out when we figure them out. Sometimes it’s difficult to see things…but once we do, it’s impossible to not see it. In the picture below, do you see the young lady or the old woman? Now, find the other one – the one you didn’t see at first.

You don't see it...until you do see it
You don’t see it…until you do see it

That doesn’t mean everything is our fault. It just means we no longer care that much about blaming ourselves or anybody else. Rather, we decide that we’re going to work hard to see things as clearly as possible so we can figure out what our next move should be. 

“If it is to be, it’s up to me.” That’s the mantra of today’s show. It’s one of the times when we’ll encourage you to be self-focused. Daily we’re urging our team members to improve. It only makes sense that we expect the same of ourselves.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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#2203 - Leading Versus Managing

#2203 – Leading Versus Managing

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We lead people.

We manage the work.

Leadership is a focus on others. It’s about influence and doing for others what they can’t do for themselves.

Managing is about getting the to-do list accomplished. It’s about output. 

Leadership doesn’t depend on a title, position or authority – but it helps. Leadership with authority speeds up progress and growth because bosses have the ability to remove obstacles. 

Be who you are, just be better. Become the best you possible. It’s an ongoing effort. The good news is you can start right now, right where you are. The bad news is you can never stop. Just keep pushing to grow. 

Teach a girl how to fish is Lisa’s philosophy. That’s leadership. Give a girl a fish can provide short-term value, but cripple people of longer-term opportunities for growth.

Teach a girl to fish (while working)
Teach a girl to fish (while working)

Don’t confuse leadership’s direction as just being down – aimed at your team. You must learn to serve peers and your bosses, too. 

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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#2202 Getting To Know More About Lisa & Randy

#2202 – Getting To Know More About Lisa & Randy

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Today we’ll share a bit more about who we are and why you may want to listen to our leadership podcast. A podcast about city government leadership. 

Rather than act like we’ve got all the answers, we’re mostly interested in helping you explore the path forward in your own leadership journey. We share a view of the importance of leadership and our belief that it’s desperately needed in every organization. The fast pace of city government pushes people to get more done…faster and often, with fewer resources. That makes leadership even more important. 

As practitioners, we’re continuing to learn and develop new skills. Thank you for being part of the journey so we can all benefit from each other.

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#2201 - Grow Great: A Podcast About City Government Leadership

#2201 – Grow Great: A Podcast About City Government Leadership

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It’s been months in the works…a reboot of the Grow Great podcast. 

  1. Let me introduce you to Lisa Norris. Lisa is currently the Director of Human Resources / Civil Services for the City of Grand Prairie, Texas. She’s going to be my co-host. 
  2. Leadership continues to be the focus of this podcast. Now, we’re going to take a more narrow approach to leadership – city government leadership! Many of the insights, experiences, and wisdom we share will be transferable to any type of leadership, but we’re going to focus on city government leadership.
  3. The show will continue to be an audio podcast available on every major podcasting platform. If you’re already a subscriber, do nothing. You’ll continue to get every episode of the podcast. If you’re brand new, subscribe using any platform you choose. Use our subscription page to make it easy. 
  4. The show will now also be available on video here on our website – and on YouTube. The YouTube channel is brand new so pardon the appearance as we begin construction (and as we begin to populate the channel with new videos). 
  5. Each episode title will now be preceded with a number to help you more easily find an episode. Sometimes we’ll mention things that you may want to make note of – but it’ll be difficult if not impossible (like when you’re listening and driving). Now you’ll just have to remember the 4-digit episode number, then you can visit our website to find links or other details. The first two numbers are the year. We’ll see how well our numbering system holds up. Mostly, we’re trying to make our content more helpful and more easily accessed. 
  6. The archives of previous episodes of Grow Great will remain live online. I realize this new iteration of the podcast may not be for everybody interested in leadership. As a person who never worked a single day in city government though, I can tell you there’s a lot to learn about leadership from any sector. People are people. We lead people. We manage the work. Even if you’re not involved in city government you may find some useful leadership insights. If you are involved or interested in city government leadership, there’s going to be a lot of valuable information for you. 

Thank you for giving us your time and attention. We hope you’ll subscribe and tell your friends.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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