
Episode 133 – Take Responsibility For How Your Customers Feel: Communication


Your customer has many faces. Here are just three.

“Let me tell you what this $#@! just said.”

He was telling me about a customer who was complaining. The complaint, according to the business owner, was unfounded and unfair.

I listened. He explained – from his point of view – the circumstances leading up to the complaint. He was fuming about it.

As he read the email from the customer he said, “Here, I’m sending it to you right now.”

I got it while we were still on the phone. Now, I’m reading along as he’s continuing his tale. He’s as angry as I’ve ever heard him. It’s compounded, I suspect, because he’s got two major projects he’s trying to complete and this interruption was unexpected. Life can be pleasant like that…sometimes!

These are common conversations for me as I try to help business owners solve problems. They lament how inconsiderate customers are. Irritated that customers are abusive, mean and too demanding. Anybody who serves customers is subject to the temptation.

Now back to the conversation.

I said, “It appears to me you’ve stepped in it.”

“What?” he said.

“It looks to me like you’ve messed up and now you’re mad about it,” I replied.

“Are you kidding me?” he barked.

“Wait a minute,” I continued. “Let’s step back and look at this a bit more closely.”

We then walked through the real events leading up to what this owner perceived as a “nasty” email. Turns out the email really wasn’t that nasty. Nor was it mean-spirited. The email was an expression of extreme, ongoing frustration. After 10 minutes of walking through the events the owner paused and said, “I’m such an idiot.”

“No,” I said. “You’re just stuck inside your business with your problems, worries and fears. Meanwhile, your customer is stuck with his own worries, frustrations, problems and fears. He’s worried you’re not going to complete this deal on time and that he’ll have egg on his face. Your job right now is to call him – not email him – and reassure him that you understand how he’s feeling. Apologize for whatever you must and guarantee him he’ll be happy.”

For over 35 years I’ve given that same advice because it’s in my fabric. Customer service is a major priority for me. Nothing has mattered more. Nothing.

Some years ago, while leading a retail company I had a sign constructed and hung in the store that simply said,

“Extraordinary Service. No Excuses!”

It caused near mutiny among the troop who wrongfully thought that I was setting them up for a no-win situation.

“How can we possibly live up to that?” they objected.

I explained it to them. I’ll explain it to you in today’s show. This is the first in a series on customer service. We’ll start with what I believe is foundational to superior customer service. Communication.

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P.S. Read this post by Ron Burley. It appeared a few hours after I recorded this episode. Then, a few hours later…I noticed this post by Mikal E. Belicove, entitled “What a Trip to LAX Taught Me About Customer Service.” Proving once again that great minds do indeed think alike, and often at the same time (well, at least on the same day).


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Episode 132 – One May Be The Loneliest Number, But It Is Also The Most Magical Number

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Three Dog Night circa 1970 (give or take)

In 1969 Three Dog Night had a hit song written by Harry Nilsson, ONE.

It was the first song on their first album. Think about that because it’s important for today’s show.

We’re all chasing increased website traffic. We want a bigger audience. A larger market. More people.

Whether we’re writing a blog or selling a product, larger audiences trump smaller ones.

Just like more money is better than less money.

Being popular is better than being unknown.

An increase in audience brings with it a potential increase in sales, connections, joint venture opportunities, more dynamic relationships and a host of other benefits.

No, you’re not foolish to crave all these things…or to even chase them with all your might.

But, as the saying goes, “You gotta crawl before you can walk.”

I hope you’ll subscribe to the newsletter. Just enter your email address in that box in the upper right hand corner. I’ve got some special treats in store for you if you do!

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Episode 131 – The Never Ending Quest For The AHA! Moment (Why Content Consumption Is Worthwhile)

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Don't we all crave the AHA! moment?

Days pass. Nothing profound. Same ol, same ol.

Still we read numerous blogs. We spend hours Googling a variety of interesting articles. Stroll over to YouTube and Vimeo and we watch a dozen videos. Cruise on over to iTunes where we download some podcasts for our daily workout.

Still nothing profound. No AHA! moment.

Until it all changes…and we experience what we were looking for all along. Well, we weren’t looking for that exact one, but still we found it. The needle in the haystack!

The AHA! Moment

If I could predict or create the AHA! moment…I’d be the wealthiest man on the planet. I’d surely be the world’s most interesting man.

Sadly, I’m neither. But I am a man in search of an epiphany. I think you are, too. We’re all searching for more AHA! moments. More epiphanies. Those moments feel so terrific when we experience them.

I’m going to tell you why all this “content creation” and “content consumption” is worthwhile, even if it’s not all greatness. Much of what we consume – maybe MOST of what we consume – is not life changing. Still we consume it.

We should. Click play and I’ll tell you why!

Mentioned in today’s show:

• The Radical Leap Re-Energized by Steve Farber (I read the 1st one, but I’ve not yet read this one)
• Daniel Clark of QAQN.com posted a funny message on Facebook that helps prove my point about content.

You guys are all opening my eyes about this episode… I don’t know if there was something in my water yesterday or what, but I think we need a do-over. Think Tank was not without a few flaws – many my own hangups (the ‘bikini’ discussion) – but if the overall impression you’re all getting is that we had a lousy time and Think Tank sucked… that’s not at all how I feel about it. If podcasters are allowed one train wreck of a show, this might be mine.

Leave me a review over at iTunes, please!

Have a safe, happy Memorial Day Weekend.

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Episode 130 – Quiet Desperation: How Do You Handle Adversity?

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The fog of adversity and sorrow rolls in on us all.

Live out loud. Be loud and proud.

Over 20 years ago Jeffrey Gitomer would open a sales training seminar much like he does today. He’d ask a room full of salespeople, “Who is the most important person in the world?” In unison the room would answer, “The customer!”

Gitomer would then ask, “Let me put it another way. There are two people left on the planet – you and the customer. One of you must die. Who’s it gonna be?” Again, in unison the room would answer, “The customer!” Exactly.

Gitomer’s point was well made. We all think we’re the most important person in the world.

We know what our problems are, even though others may not have a clue.

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen.

We might be surprised at the trouble others have seen.

Mentioned in today’s show are two books (they’re both old):

Quiet Desperation: The Truth About Successful Men by Jan Halper

Anyway: The Paradoxical Commandments by Kent M. Keith

It’s a new week. Go make it a better week for somebody else. It’s the best way I know to make it a good week for yourself. Oh, and one more thing. Don’t tell anybody.

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Thank you,

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Episode 129 – Conflict Resolution: You May Be Right, But You Lose

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Is this how others see you?

Do you get along with others? Easily?

Or, are you a difficult person?

You may not know, but others sure do. Hopefully, you’ve got a clue about how well you interact with others.

Most of us have room for improvement in getting along with others. Agreement and cooperation are necessary ingredients for accomplishment. Unfortunately, some people don’t much care about the objective or accomplishment. Their focus is on what they want.

Egocentrism kills many missions. Insistence on getting our way curbs enthusiasm , kills creativity and derails improvement and progress.

Today, I’d like to give you a few words to consider when you encounter conflict: conciliatory and acquiesce.

Mentioned in today’s show is one book, “You Can Negotiate Anything” by Herb Cohen.

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Thanks for listening,


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Episode 128 – Use Cheap (Audio/Video)Technology To Dazzle Your Customers

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Dallas is an NFL town. The Dallas Cowboys may no longer be America’s team (does America really have a team?), but they’re certainly a big deal around here. Recently, I was reading about how the Cowboys had incorporated new Apple technology – the iPad – as the method of giving each player the playbook.

NFL teams historically have given players a large 3-ring binder containing all the plays and formations of the team. Players are assigned these books and they’re very protected resources for each team. This year, the Cowboys (I suspect other teams will also do this) are no longer handing out a large 3-ring binder to players. Rather, they’re giving each player an Apple iPad with the playbook downloaded onto it.

It’s a practical, but dazzling way communication is happening today. Thanks to the relative inexpensive cost of technology. Come on! What’s an $800 device to an NFL team? It’s a cheap investment that likely accomplishes a few great things for the team. One, the players will spend more time with an iPad than they would a 3-ring binder. And if they’re spending more time with the device, the assumption is likely valid…they’ll spend more time in the playbook. Two, the players won’t likely leave it laying around, or forget it when they attend meetings. Three, the players can make their own notations during meetings. No need to bring another device into a meeting. Their team iPad is all the device they’ll ever need.

What about your small business? Are you using today’s inexpensive – CHEAP – audio and video technology (and PDF’s, etc.) to dazzle your customers? Staff members are your internal customers. The Cowboys’ players are the internal customers of the Dallas Cowboys organization. What about your paying customers?

Get creative. There are so many cool things we can to help serve our customers, and along the way, dazzle them! Make them say, “Wow!”

Some resources mentioned in today’s show:

Apogee Mic (a ridiculously good USB/iPhone/iPad condenser microphone)
Screeny (a super inexpensive Mac screen capture software)
Vimeo Plus

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