
Small Business Leadership Daily Brief: June 6, 2018 – If Everything Is Important, Then Nothing Is Important!

Small Business Leadership Daily Brief: June 6, 2018 – If Everything Is Important, Then Nothing Is Important!

Small Business Leadership Daily Brief: June 6, 2018 – If Everything Is Important, Then Nothing Is Important!

I first remember uttering this phrase as a teenager working for an autocratic, micromanager of a stereo shop who loved to preach, “Everything is important.” He would traipse around picking nits. Quite often we’d find ourselves doing things to appease him while other things that are far more critical went undone. For example, I remember working to connect some equipment in a sound room so we could avoid embarrassment when a shopper wanted to hear a certain setup. When you work in a retail environment that requires you to demonstrate something to a shopper, you want things to work as they should. I’d endured the ongoing embarrassment of a foiled demo because a co-worker would move or disconnect a piece of gear without letting the rest of us know (and without fixing what he broke). Almost daily the rest of us were frustrated, and we all knew the main culprit.

As I’m taking care of that, the manager did an “all hands to the back” rampage session. We would file the owner’s manuals to the showroom gear in a file cabinet, alphabetically. Somebody had pulled one and left it laying on a box in the warehouse instead of filing it back where it belonged. This was almost never a problem. Mostly because shoppers rarely wanted to see one. 

This Tuesday news broke and the Internet is losing its mind over the White House rescinding an invitation to greet the President because a handful of players don’t want to go. I’m apolitical. That means I don’t care. You can judge me if you’d like. I’m a capitalist willing to assume responsibility for my own life. I’m thankful for our freedoms, but I don’t get wrapped around the axle about what goes on in D.C. (well, that’s not entirely true – Tuesday night I was disturbed that Vegas lost, again in the Stanley Cup Finals). Nearly everywhere I look online people are writing, judging, slamming or supporting what’s going on with an NFL team visiting the White House. 

And this impacts my life, or my business HOW?

My life is made worse by this HOW?

My life is improved by this HOW?

It’s not. It doesn’t affect me one little bit. Unless I allow it. By being distracted from what really matters. Sorta like that manager who felt it more urgent for all hands to be lambasted instead of making sure our showroom was shopper ready!

If everything is important, then nothing is important!

Many managers, leaders and business owners love to preach their perceived truth that every detail matters. Perhaps. If you’re manufacturing aerospace parts it matters more than if you’re manufacturing beanies. I get it. 

When you tell your employees that everything is important then you’re telling them there are no priorities. How can there be if everything is equally important? But you don’t stop to realize that’s what you’re saying. And you’re not likely understanding how demoralizing it is to your people as they do their work. They know some things matter more than others. They understand some things are more critical than others. The more you beat them down with messages contrary to that truth – the worse it gets. Customer service and all other performance standards will erode. As you strain to emphasize everything being important, you’ll notice everything begins to fail. 

Set your own standards. Do you really care about your employees and customers? You should. If you do, then make the things that are important those things that most impact employees and customers. It’s not about refusing to look at lesser things (like an unfiled owner’s manual). It just means you can weigh if that’s a problem or not. A problem that requires some corrective action other than asking people to make sure they do it correctly next time. 

Stop trying to fix every problem with an immediate whack of a sledgehammer. If your employees can’t recite to you what’s most important in your business, then you’ve got serious work to do.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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Small Business Leadership Daily Brief: June 5, 2018 – We Manage The Work. We Lead The People.

Small Business Leadership Daily Brief: June 5, 2018 – We Manage The Work. We Lead The People.

Small Business Leadership Daily Brief: June 5, 2018 – We Manage The Work. We Lead The People.

At the beginning, we may be actually doing much of the work. But as our business grows things change. Necessarily. Our role changes, too.

We hire people. The business grows and expansion requires additional help. Perhaps even new skills. Over time we realize that our role, as the owner, transitions away from doing the actual work (selling the thing, or making the thing, or delivering the thing)…to helping others do the work better!

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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Small Business Leadership Daily Brief: June 4, 2018 – Go Slow, Lose. Go Fast, Win!

Speed kills…the competition. It dazzles customers and clients. It’s remarkable. 

Curiosity fuels it. Don’t keep wondering if it’ll work. Find out. 

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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Small Business Leadership Daily Brief: June 2, 2018 – Failure & Success

Small Business Leadership Daily Brief: June 2, 2018 - Failure & Success

The Small Business Leadership Daily Brief is a short, under 5-minute podcast produced Monday through Saturday. Subscribe to the Grow Great podcast and you’ll get every podcast episode, including the daily briefs. 

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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Small Business Leadership Daily Brief: June 1, 2018 – The Value Of Cleaning Up

When you feel like you need to reboot or shake things up it may be time for a cleanup. Don’t wait for Spring. Do it today!

Every business experiences the clutter that comes with not paying attention to details. Sometimes that clutter is physical, but it also takes form in other areas. Processes and systems get filled with clutter. Communication can get cluttered. Next thing you know, your people are doing things far less efficiently than you’d like. Time for a cleanup.

It’s the same thing that happens in your home. Stuff overtakes empty, or what-was-once-organized space. Next thing you know, you can’t find that hammer when you need it. Or the bug spray. Or whatever else you happen to be searching for. “It’s here somewhere,” is a common refrain around most houses. It’s frustrating, amping up our anxiety and costing us time. 

But at work…the costs are likely higher. Clutter kills morale, efficiency, and profitability. 

Think about the last time you cleaned out the garage so you could actually get all the cars inside. Remember how good it felt? Remember the sense of accomplishment? 

That’s how your employees will feel after the cleanup. Consider picking out the worst space – don’t go for a company-wide ordeal (that’ll just beat everybody down). Pick some specific area, the area most in need of a cleanup. Don’t storm in yelling and screaming about how pathetic it looks. Instead, get all-hands-on-deck with the folks who work in that area and encourage them. Remind them of how good it feels to step back after a cleanup and see how great it looks…and how wonderful it feels. 

Make it fun. Give them control to make the space more efficient. This is the opportunity to have it the way it always needed to be. 

Tip: Have everybody take before photos. Then have everybody take after photos. Have a contest and give away a gift card to the winner. Let everybody vote on the best photo set (both the before and after pics). 

The result will be higher efficiency, pride, and morale. And profitability, too. 

Be well, Do good. Grow great!

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Why I’m A Fan Of Fear: Small Business Owners Can Leverage Their Fear For Greater Success 5057

“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”   – Mark Twain

No Fear is a company founded in 1971 producing t-shirts and other apparel aimed at extreme sports. The “No Fear” slogan was popular back in the 90’s. Back in 2011, they filed chapter 11 bankruptcy. They’re still around, but I don’t see their products much anymore. Maybe they fell into some trouble because we’re no longer afraid of anything. 😉 Hardly.

In 1901 Mark Twain wrote an essay where he penned this sentence:

“Each man is afraid of his neighbor’s disapproval–a thing which, to the general run of the human race, is more dreaded than wolves and death.” 

Here we are bearing down on the summer of 2018. By the way, Twain penned that line in the summer of 1901. A mere 117 years ago. Time doesn’t change everything.

Some fears are more universal than others. Fact is, we’re all afraid. More than we may admit. But today, I’m not here to coach you up about having no fear. Rather, I’m sort of a fan of fear. It can be a terrific catalyst for taking action. Or, it can paralyze us. I’m in favor of the former. Not so much a fan of the latter. 😉 

Business owners are people, too. People with fears. 

For the last number of years, our economy has rebounded nicely from the Great Recession of 2008. Many people have enjoyed solid prosperity and growth. 

Good times or bad, you’ll find companies succeeding wildly while others are going broke. Toys R Us, Gibson (guitars), Remington (guns), Winn-Dixie and others have endured some defeat during this prosperity. Plenty to be afraid of. 

Among small business owners (people owning and operating companies that generate $5 to $200 million or so), prosperity isn’t always a remedy for fear. Success can foster its own kind of fear. Fear that we can’t sustain our current success. Worry that our growth will stall, then what will we do? 

Are small business owners just a neurotic breed? To some, it can look like it. But like I said, I’m a fan of fear. We just have to leverage it as the resource it can be. That’s the topic in today’s episode as we end May 2018.

Be well. Do good. Grow great!

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